Sure, but I still disagree. Anecdotal but I’ve made games in teams sizes from everything between two and twenty, in timespans ranging from a weekend to a year. Never used AI generated art and wouldn’t have accepted it either. Not all of them were good (most stunk) but we as teams made them ourselves.
Art, like any discipline, is hard work, and you shouldn’t take shortcuts by letting something else do it for you in such a way, because it leads to bad habits at best and destroys any drive and passion you had at worst.
Lots of amateurs nowadays (much due to how social media tells them that likes are better than just getting your stuff out there) get hung up on the idea that expertise is more important than intention, so they gaslight themselves into thinking that they’ll never be good enough to create, and instead resort to playing around with algorithms and eventually the artist inside them just fades away, and I think that’s so sad I could actually cry.
It’s such a muddled discussion that I’ve stepped away from it mostly because everyone talks about different things and shit gets conflated and confused all the time, but seeing as this forum is pretty new and I like it here, I figured I’d state my thoughts at least once.