I'm fascinated by the Satellaview, how about you? I love learning new things about it. then again, I love learning about video game history in general, but I digress. It was a neat idea at the time, video game that could be played when they were broadcast live via satellite. It also broadcast interviews and gaming magazines as well. During gameplay there would even be live narration. This service lasted from April 23, 1995 to June 30, 2000. Unfortunately the cartridge for the Satellaview could only hold one game at a time and some games were divided into multiple parts. This makes finding the games for it nowadays really really hard and as far as Nintendo in concerned the Satellaview is persona non grata. Occasionally they'll release content from its games like some of the Satellaview exclusive F-Zero tracks being included in F-Zero 99. Other than that they never even talk about it or its games.
If you want to know more watch this video I found from DidYouKnowGaming
And if you're interested in Satellaview emulation for your SNES emulator of choice check out this website where a group of Satellaview fans are trying to recreate its unique experience.