This is the last update from the project's discord, from August:
"I apologize that I never got the GitHub bot set up. I ended up thinking it was unnecessary in the end. Additionally I've been going through a lot of irl stuff lately and have been failing as a team leader overall.
The good news is we are back to work again, and I'm doing my best to energize the team and get everyone back at the task at hand.
Sorry about the lack of news as of late.
The JE scripts (the scripts that contain both English and Japanese) from day 2 to day 8 have been sorted at this point and soon the team will be back to proofreading and translating.
As for the insertable scripts (I scripts) we are working on a way to convert them to a clean JE style format to fill in the missing spots and allow for easier proofreading. The converter from JE to I scripts is working but due to the issues with the current JE scripts it's not making the cleanest possible I Scripts.
Hopefully this makes sense to everyone."
The first two game are some of my favorite games of all time. Just gotta keep the faith.