So, how was your day? ?

Typing this at Dec 6, 2024, 4:45 am, almost right before bed (but knowing me, I’ll stay awake ::biggrin)
I’m realizing saving up money isn’t hard if I put my mind to it.
Days are uneventful and this was no exception, but keeping my head high is the best way to navigate things.
On the bright side, day off on Friday. ::biggrin
I’d like to cut off my routine where I only eat once a day. It’s not by choice, I’m just lazy ::lol
I need better short-term plans so my long-term goals take less time to reach. They say you gotta take it slow in life, my issue isn’t that I ignore that advice, it’s that I take it too well. ::lol
I’m really happy I found a Wii U pro controller still selling near me. I ordered one asap once I found out it works natively on steam deck. ::dkapproves
Was great. Had some laughs at some replies to me on here, with me trying to be funny and saw that someone named ass joined a few minutes ago. ?
It's December 5th, ~10:30pm at time of typing. I work at a school and it's almost finals week so I've been drained for the past few days. My sleep schedule has been get up at or before 6am, work, then sleep after work until like 5-6pm then take a small nap at like 4am. Feel mildly like shit when I wake up but fine otherwise. Tried to get on a normal schedule and it just made it worse so I'm sticking with what works for now. Can't wait until finals are over so I can take a few days to just hibernate.
So did you stay awake ? ::biggrin
I literally read through my message history because I actually could not remember ::biggrin
The answer is seemingly yes, I slept roughly two hours after I sent that message. Probably posted a bit on bluesky, then turned a NitroRad video as audio background to help me sleep. The only upside to my chaotic sleep times is that I at least never struggle to get knocked out.
I am genuinely concerned when I read about people who don’t sleep properly. I mean, it's the foundation of our existence. Without it the house of cards called life very easily collapses...
what is bro yapping about, sleeping is overrated anyways.
Lmao, so true. I think iori just digs up old threads to complain.
Lmao, so true. I think iori just digs up old threads to complain.
In the 'Writers Guild' section I expressed my complaints, because with content creators I prefer to voice my disagreement honestly and politely, rather than telling them 'everything is perfect' and then never reading their articles, because I actually don't like them.

Moreover, I don't know if this is your first experience in a forum, but within these portals, there is no concept of time or fashion.

Anything can be commented on and updated, even discussions that were started twenty-five years ago: It’s exactly this characteristic that makes forums such a valuable resource on the internet.

How many times have we searched for an answer on a search engine and found it thanks to discussions that were started in 2001, 2005, 2010, and so on?

Additionally, this prevents the need to start new discussions on a topic that has already had its space.

If you have an obsession with keeping all discussions in chronological order, you just need to go into each section, click the 'Filters' button at the top right (below 'Mark read' and 'Watch'), then go to 'Sort by' and select 'First Message' (on the right you can choose whether you want it to be 'ascending' or 'descending').
I'am having a bit of sleeping problems lately so...
I would describe my current state as borderline Zombie/human.
Need some fresh air, saw a dead bird.
The end.

Somwhere in Dicember, maybe.
what is bro yapping about, sleeping is overrated anyways.

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Sleep Ever.


Benefits Of Sleep.
Pardon my lack of proper English typing (Brazil in the house!)
I normally wouldn't be one for forums etc but I saw this and wanted to document a important day for myself.
Dec 16th.
Today I awoke kinda weather worn by life as of late givin the rain and lack of employment. However something incredible occurred that will for one allow me to remain in the states, and for two be a business owner. I am known in these parts as a painter, designer, and logo artist with a school back ground in design, graphics, and printing and I was contacted by a local renowned and celebrated artist who runs several print shops to aid in operating a new shop near my state capital with big implications. Being a immigrant I never dreamed I could say I co own and operate and sort of facility but here we are. Today was my first day and a first business day for the shop where I tended to my first customer and received money for my art something I blush and tear up at even now. So I set here soaking it in and sharing it in order to say life will be many colors. Some days gray some days blue, but what's it's really about are those golden days that make life worth toughing through and to those reading may you have golden days ahead. Thanks for reading and who ever you are anything is possible , it truly is!
December 16, 2024

been playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R anomaly, ngl its painful
like literally painful, 10 mins into the game and i immediately understood that you'd have to be a masochist to play this game.
but goddamn its so fun and challenging that i hate it.

tips if you want to play it i recommend playing on easy difficulty on tourist mode and make use of the points you get
anomaly tries to be as realistic as possible so get what you can from the menu before starting
It has now been a full week since Gorse last had steady internet access. The world has gone dark, and I am alone. :cry:

Thank goodness for high-speed mobile data, though! I think I’m currently using up all the available telephone signals on the Western hemisphere.
I'm not really sure... It's Christmas today but i feel a strange sort of anxiety. It's supposed to be a fun holiday. I don't know what's going on in my head.
I'm not really sure... It's Christmas today but i feel a strange sort of anxiety. It's supposed to be a fun holiday. I don't know what's going on in my head.
You need to assess whether you have unresolved issues or desires that keep the door to anxiety constantly open.

If there’s nothing wrong in your life, but you still continue to suffer, you might be experiencing generalized anxiety disorder.

In that case, you should contact your family doctor.
Last edited:
Dec 26, 2024

I felt talkative today, so I talked with a customer about tabletop gaming. He had brought up how we had some full set of a certain pathfinder edtion, so I talk about how I had bought a warhammer 40k rulebook for 7.50$ a few months ago. More wargaming talk ensues and I end up introducing this veteran of the genre to Trench Crusade. This is the second time this has happened. I'm a baby to wargamming and ttrpgs but it felt cool to talk about this stuff with someone.
Its December 26th, 2024, and I find myself back at the crossroads of where things went wrong a little over a year ago.

There were some more Christmas festivities with extended family, but it felt bleaker than normal; and I still feel a great divide between me and many of my family members. What happened back then wasn't very serious; I persisted at a terrible job and became overwhelmed with everything and burnt out into a smoldering mess on my bed, barely able to leave. They mean no harm, but they stay distanced because they don't get whats wrong, what broke (and I wonder sometimes as well). Depression to them conincides with that unspeakable unravelling of life, but I'm not hopeless or despairing: i'm merely weighed down.

But here I am: same room as before, with a few days before I have to walk back down the same path I came from; back to a place of stasis where its hard for me to break out. The other is grown over and seemingly impassible, but maybe I can find another way around while I'm in the area.

Edit: 4 grammarmatical porpoises.

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