Lmao, so true. I think iori just digs up old threads to complain.
In the 'Writers Guild' section I expressed my complaints, because with content creators I prefer to voice my disagreement honestly and politely, rather than telling them 'everything is perfect' and then never reading their articles, because I actually don't like them.
Moreover, I don't know if this is your first experience in a forum, but within these portals, there is no concept of time or fashion.
Anything can be commented on and updated, even discussions that were started twenty-five years ago: It’s exactly this characteristic that makes forums such a valuable resource on the internet.
How many times have we searched for an answer on a search engine and found it thanks to discussions that were started in 2001, 2005, 2010, and so on?
Additionally, this prevents the need to start new discussions on a topic that has already had its space.
If you have an obsession with keeping all discussions in chronological order, you just need to go into each section, click the 'Filters' button at the top right (below 'Mark read' and 'Watch'), then go to 'Sort by' and select 'First Message' (on the right you can choose whether you want it to be 'ascending' or 'descending').