PSP Show off your PSP? XD


Dragon Slayer
Level 2
Jan 30, 2025
Reaction score
Night City
Well. As I've shared I've been into modding PSPs. I'm obsessed w PSP games recently.
TBH it started from being FRUSTRATED at the size of my switch. Can't bring that thing anywhere it's so huge. How did nintendo go from 3DS (EVEN XL FIT IN MY POCKET) to this tablet!?

Every PSP purchased, except for 1 has been broken and unusable and and I've restored most of them.

It's a terribly addictive hobby.
Here are the 3 PSPs I've modded so far:

My first one:​


I bought this for $50 bucks. it had much and dirt and buttons didnt work but i wasn't gna pay close to $300 for a refurbished one from a "retro game store" screw those guys. Swapped everything out, and it works amazingly but i broke the UMD drive somehow whoops.

My 2nd one:​


My friend gave me this. The shell was falling apart but everything else was ok, so I swapped out the shell, buttons, basically everything but its guts.
Gave it to my gf cos she loved played Project Diva on my PSP. Oddly she mysteriously lost interest after I put in so much effort into modding this one for her. Now it sits in her closet... Oh well.

My 3rd one:​


Had a friend who saw that I modded my PSP and told me she's been wanting one for awhile... TO PLAY POKEMON.
I told her to just use her 3DS but she insisted she wants a PSP and in crystal pink. So I sourced for a broken PSP with working internals and also swapped out the shell and buttons etc.

I have another 2 broken PSP 2Ks, one that doesn't turn on at all, and one that is now working after I disconnected the super capacitor (and broke the UMD trigger while at it). I wasn't aware that PSP 2K and 3K have got twice the RAM of PSP 1k. The Project Diva games run so smoothly on PSP 2k.

So I'm hoping to restore and swap over my save files from my 1K to my 2K console. I'm hoping summon night 2 on GPSPKai runs smoothly after too XD.
Probably gonna give away my PSP 1K to a friend as long as they promise to care for it and actually play it

Anyway. Enough yapping, show me ur PSPs!! What are you playing on it rn!
You’re very lucky I have it with me at work today!

This is a blue PSP 3000 that has multiple uses. It plays PSP software. It plays PS1 software on the go! It holds all my favorite music. It holds all my favorite movies. It holds all my favorite nostalgic Internet videos. Thanks to Web Portals, it can become a mock mid-2000’s IPhone, Windows PC, Nintendo DS, and more. It functions as the ultimate GBA for me.

But, most of all, I use it as a personal 2000’s nostalgia device. Everything I love about that era, from media to culture to technology, encapsulated in this one little PSP.IMG_5605.jpegIMG_5606.jpegIMG_5607.jpeg

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Well. As I've shared I've been into modding PSPs. I'm obsessed w PSP games recently.
TBH it started from being FRUSTRATED at the size of my switch. Can't bring that thing anywhere it's so huge. How did nintendo go from 3DS (EVEN XL FIT IN MY POCKET) to this tablet!?

Every PSP purchased, except for 1 has been broken and unusable and and I've restored most of them.

It's a terribly addictive hobby.
Here are the 3 PSPs I've modded so far:

My first one:​

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I bought this for $50 bucks. it had much and dirt and buttons didnt work but i wasn't gna pay close to $300 for a refurbished one from a "retro game store" screw those guys. Swapped everything out, and it works amazingly but i broke the UMD drive somehow whoops.

My 2nd one:​

View attachment 42866

My friend gave me this. The shell was falling apart but everything else was ok, so I swapped out the shell, buttons, basically everything but its guts.
Gave it to my gf cos she loved played Project Diva on my PSP. Oddly she mysteriously lost interest after I put in so much effort into modding this one for her. Now it sits in her closet... Oh well.

My 3rd one:​

View attachment 42868

Had a friend who saw that I modded my PSP and told me she's been wanting one for awhile... TO PLAY POKEMON.
I told her to just use her 3DS but she insisted she wants a PSP and in crystal pink. So I sourced for a broken PSP with working internals and also swapped out the shell and buttons etc.

I have another 2 broken PSP 2Ks, one that doesn't turn on at all, and one that is now working after I disconnected the super capacitor (and broke the UMD trigger while at it). I wasn't aware that PSP 2K and 3K have got twice the RAM of PSP 1k. The Project Diva games run so smoothly on PSP 2k.

So I'm hoping to restore and swap over my save files from my 1K to my 2K console. I'm hoping summon night 2 on GPSPKai runs smoothly after too XD.
Probably gonna give away my PSP 1K to a friend as long as they promise to care for it and actually play it

Anyway. Enough yapping, show me ur PSPs!! What are you playing on it rn!
so cool, nyooo!!! i never did anything like this with my psps, but now i want too, nyo! i mostly use my vita nowadays tho, nyo...sadly i dont think you can do cool stuff like this with a vita, nyo! ;A;
hoooo man u have the coolest psp rn wtf
It’s not even close. I wish I had some more cosmetic mods to the console and a bit more storage. All of this was done on a massive budget, as I was working with College student salary. Similarly, I wish I had a few more physical games. UMD’s suck, but they’re super cute and charming, so I like getting physical versions of my favorite games!

Making a good PSP is all about matter of being smart with the hardware, software, and creating a cohesive vision for your particular system. The PSP is highly customizable, so feel free to create your own vibe!
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so cool, nyooo!!! i never did anything like this with my psps, but now i want too, nyo! i mostly use my vita nowadays tho, nyo...sadly i dont think you can do cool stuff like this with a vita, nyo! ;A;
Well, Vita’s modding scene has been growing! As more people fall in love with the system in retrospect, more interesting things come to it!

I acknowledge though that the PSP is further ahead in that respect.
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I embraced the horrors of stickers too. I remember my older cousins customizing their DS’ with stickers, so I decided to get some for my PSP. Sure, they’ll never come off and will probably fade with time, but the kitsche nature of them is appealing to me.

Again, my driving theme with the PSP is nostalgia.
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Just had to use Vista real quick. You know how it is. Hope it doesn’t crash while I’m watching videos on that cool new YouTube site.
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so cool, nyooo!!! i never did anything like this with my psps, but now i want too, nyo! i mostly use my vita nowadays tho, nyo...sadly i dont think you can do cool stuff like this with a vita, nyo! ;A;
once i'm done w some games on my PSP i wna get on a vita XD
I WANT TO PLAY UNCHARTED!!!! ON THE GOOOOO ( how crazy is that, uncharted while on the bus?!)

Making a good PSP is all about matter of being smart with the hardware, software, and creating a cohesive vision for your particular system. The PSP is highly customizable, so feel free to create your own vibe!
hells yea! also why i decided to buy broken PSPs instead of working ones at a higher price - I was gna strip them apart, and mod them anyway to achieve my "vision" ::smirk1 hahaha

but also to give new life to abandoned toys, especially one as cool as the PSP
I recommend a bunch of PSP games! Ridge Racers is honestly amazing and STILL impressive for being on such a small device. LocoRoco is the premiere “weird” game on the platform, and it’s fantastic. CRUSH is a platforming puzzle game with an indie comic artstyle that involves a man delving into his dreams thanks to a device to solve his own insomnia, crushing and stretching stages to go between 2D and 3D at the push of a button. Echochrome is similar, being a video game version of an MC Escher painting, as you tilt impossible environments to get to the goal. Mega Man: Powered Up is a fantastic remake of the original Mega Man, with an incredible increase in presentation, all eight boss characters being playable, new bosses, and a host of other fantastic features! GTA: Vice City Stories is the best open world game on the platform, which I actually recommended in another thread earlier today. Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team brings the Tenkaichi series on the go with you, with exciting tag team gameplay and a decent roster for a 3D handheld fighter. And, if you want to really see what the system can do, Dynasty Warriors 6 has you covered with massive battlefields to tear through, as well as a stellar campaign.

This isn’t even to mention the amazing ports! Crazy Taxi, Tony Hawk’s Underground 2, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Darkstalkers, Power Stone, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Suikoden, Breath of Fire, and so many many MANY more made it to the PSP!

And we still aren’t done, because I’m sure the thread is more than happy to tell you about the number of RPGs that DEFINED the console.

And, of course, I have to give flowers to the true god of the PSP: Monster Hunter.
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Nothing fancy, tbh.
I replaced the analog stick a few days ago.
A PSP is a PSP, no matter how basic it be!
I would never turn down an opportunity to show off my little pride and joy! Here's an old (2023) photo I have lying around

As soon as I discovered how to mod it circa 2012, it was game over lmao

My only regret is not having taken more care of it when I was a kid (works just as well as when I got it, but it is horrendously scuffed, screen scratched to hell and the pads have become completely yellow), but I still love it as much as the first day!

I've been tempted to do several hardware mods (new screen, sd adapter, shell swap) but never did because there was a rumor floating around at the time saying that it's designed to stop working if you ever opened it (which I think is complete bullshit, but I don't have time to mod it nowadays lol)

@op, your PSPs look super cool!
I've been tempted to do several hardware mods (new screen, sd adapter, shell swap) but never did because there was a rumor floating around at the time saying that it's designed to stop working if you ever opened it (which I think is complete bullshit, but I don't have time to mod it nowadays lol)
Nice PFP!

Yeahhhh… that’s nonsense. There are trusted sources out there about PSP modding if you want a taste.
Funny, I haven't modded yet, but I ordered three shells.
Here are a few of my good PSPs, but by no means all of them.
I often find them at work and wanted to tinker with the "bad" ones.


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I can't because I've transferred all the data of PSP memory card in the Adrenaline into the Vita XD
Some years ago I had a PSP with a lot of physical games, I was quite proud of my little collection.
I don't have a real one atm but I used to have a PSP 2001.
For what it's worth Emu-wise I got this.
Wonder how much one is nowadays.
I think it's pretty cheap, I've seen a good bit of them in my country on second hand markets going for around 20-40 bucks. But who knows, maybe people over here undervalue it. I luckily got mine for free from my cousin who never used it, maybe check if a relative has one? ::eggmanlaugh
Here's my totally stock 1000! It spends any of its downtime at my Agumon shrine.
I've had this particular PSP for close to 20 years now, I got it around the time it launched. I've gone through a couple of shells since, and have also done an IPS screen upgrade. It's a really great screen. LOVE how the 1000's UMD drive sounds and feels when you eject it.

Huge fan of the IR port too, I use it as a TV remote when my boyfriend loses the remote LOL

Man I really need to get around to doing that for mine too, how much does it cost approximately to buy a screen?
IIRC it cost me about $15 for the matte 500nits display. Bought it through a link provided through a YouTube video by Total Kommando, I think it was? He does a great breakdown on what options are out there, and reliable stores on Aliexpress.
Nice PFP!

Yeahhhh… that’s nonsense. There are trusted sources out there about PSP modding if you want a taste.
Thank you!! Yours looks really cute!

I don't want to bother, but would you mind giving me a pointer to these sources? I've been out of the scene since the PSP SceneBeta stopped regularly updating lol

I saw this video the other day re: the SD adapter mod but it looks mad scary, even with soldering experience lmao
Here goes mine, not all of them, just the ones i modded. These 3 are rescues, they had broken shells or broken screens and were on they way to the trash, but i saved them:

The blue 1000 is my Vice City themed, with an IPS screen.
The clear black one is my 3000 Diablo themed.
The Clear Green is my Tomb Raider themed.
And the street model has the original shell that was broken and scratched, but i was able to glue it and painted it that kinda chocolate color i found, i thought it look good with the black buttons parts. This one has an IPS screen and a glass lens, the original lens was very scratched.

I have 2 more, a white 1000 and a piano black 3000but they are stock, no modding lol.

Completely forgot my poor PSP GO. This one had to have a shell swap, but the inner part was poor quality, so i sanded the painted the original middle part that was scratched i thought of giving it a space themed look.


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