Well. As I've shared I've been into modding PSPs. I'm obsessed w PSP games recently.
TBH it started from being FRUSTRATED at the size of my switch. Can't bring that thing anywhere it's so huge. How did nintendo go from 3DS (EVEN XL FIT IN MY POCKET) to this tablet!?
Every PSP purchased, except for 1 has been broken and unusable and and I've restored most of them.
It's a terribly addictive hobby.
Here are the 3 PSPs I've modded so far:
I bought this for $50 bucks. it had much and dirt and buttons didnt work but i wasn't gna pay close to $300 for a refurbished one from a "retro game store" screw those guys. Swapped everything out, and it works amazingly but i broke the UMD drive somehow whoops.
My friend gave me this. The shell was falling apart but everything else was ok, so I swapped out the shell, buttons, basically everything but its guts.
Gave it to my gf cos she loved played Project Diva on my PSP. Oddly she mysteriously lost interest after I put in so much effort into modding this one for her. Now it sits in her closet... Oh well.
Had a friend who saw that I modded my PSP and told me she's been wanting one for awhile... TO PLAY POKEMON.
I told her to just use her 3DS but she insisted she wants a PSP and in crystal pink. So I sourced for a broken PSP with working internals and also swapped out the shell and buttons etc.
I have another 2 broken PSP 2Ks, one that doesn't turn on at all, and one that is now working after I disconnected the super capacitor (and broke the UMD trigger while at it). I wasn't aware that PSP 2K and 3K have got twice the RAM of PSP 1k. The Project Diva games run so smoothly on PSP 2k.
So I'm hoping to restore and swap over my save files from my 1K to my 2K console. I'm hoping summon night 2 on GPSPKai runs smoothly after too XD.
Probably gonna give away my PSP 1K to a friend as long as they promise to care for it and actually play it
Anyway. Enough yapping, show me ur PSPs!! What are you playing on it rn!
TBH it started from being FRUSTRATED at the size of my switch. Can't bring that thing anywhere it's so huge. How did nintendo go from 3DS (EVEN XL FIT IN MY POCKET) to this tablet!?
Every PSP purchased, except for 1 has been broken and unusable and and I've restored most of them.
It's a terribly addictive hobby.
Here are the 3 PSPs I've modded so far:
My first one:
I bought this for $50 bucks. it had much and dirt and buttons didnt work but i wasn't gna pay close to $300 for a refurbished one from a "retro game store" screw those guys. Swapped everything out, and it works amazingly but i broke the UMD drive somehow whoops.
My 2nd one:
My friend gave me this. The shell was falling apart but everything else was ok, so I swapped out the shell, buttons, basically everything but its guts.
Gave it to my gf cos she loved played Project Diva on my PSP. Oddly she mysteriously lost interest after I put in so much effort into modding this one for her. Now it sits in her closet... Oh well.
My 3rd one:
Had a friend who saw that I modded my PSP and told me she's been wanting one for awhile... TO PLAY POKEMON.
I told her to just use her 3DS but she insisted she wants a PSP and in crystal pink. So I sourced for a broken PSP with working internals and also swapped out the shell and buttons etc.
I have another 2 broken PSP 2Ks, one that doesn't turn on at all, and one that is now working after I disconnected the super capacitor (and broke the UMD trigger while at it). I wasn't aware that PSP 2K and 3K have got twice the RAM of PSP 1k. The Project Diva games run so smoothly on PSP 2k.
So I'm hoping to restore and swap over my save files from my 1K to my 2K console. I'm hoping summon night 2 on GPSPKai runs smoothly after too XD.
Probably gonna give away my PSP 1K to a friend as long as they promise to care for it and actually play it
Anyway. Enough yapping, show me ur PSPs!! What are you playing on it rn!