Bad service, not enough supply, and not respecting the customer.
You know for a CD/DVD it cost about a nickel each to make, yet they want to charge $20-$60 for it, and shove DRM on top. That's just price gouging, and most of the entertainment media is that way. I'd think it's more reasonable to drop to $10 after a couple years, $5 a couple more, and then settle at $2. You won't make a huge margin, but people will buy three four copies, one to put on the shelf, one to play and a couple backups or gifts.
Companies looking for huge profit lines in the short term but low retention later because the customer can't afford it long term. Often they look at HOW much they could in theory make (getting 100 million subscribers, or 10 million units sold), but not considering how much those customers make and the vast majority of them don't have millions of dollars to spend on everything they ever wanted, there's more important things than TV and games, like food and shelter and clothes.
These companies want to make millions and billions, and 'all the money in the world' but don't want to pay out. They get whiny when people share the product, account/password share, and even have done lawsuits to stop VHS tapes from becoming popular because people might *GASP* record something that was on the air so they could actually watch it later! They are losing CONTROL of their product! What a horror!