[RGT] Definitive Character Megathread

I genuinely had to double take his comment and i still dont understand. I think my brain is running on 12MB of bandwidth
I am a novice translator but I think it means
"Imagine if someone just decided to draw all the requests of specific people (assumedly badly) so that for the people drawing the others, it becomes lower priority or never gets done at all."
Basically sabotaging the requests
I am a novice translator but I think it means
"Imagine if someone just decided to draw all the requests of specific people (assumedly badly) so that for the people drawing the others, it becomes lower priority or never gets done at all."
Basically sabotaging the requests
This is why Madvillainy sucked, fuck you. /j
I am a novice translator but I think it means
"Imagine if someone just decided to draw all the requests of specific people (assumedly badly) so that for the people drawing the others, it becomes lower priority or never gets done at all."
Basically sabotaging the requests
I would be happy if anyone drew what i requested. Even if it's a scribble on some napkin. The fact that someone went out of their way to draw me something is already better than not having anything drawn at all.
Obligatory Miku
I don't think about the art quality that much. I have just a day to come out with something so if it comes out looking good or not its up to luck. If anyone doesn't like the final result they can just ask me again and it goes back up to the queue.

And I'm with Nebu on this one, someone spending their time on drawing something for me for whatever reason is a huge honor and it really brightens my day. I'm still forever grateful for @destinyduelist Misaki art for example, eternal fan of him, ride or die.
View attachment 48389
Poor old Frey Crescent here is a perfect example of a cool character done dirty.

Hailing from Final Fantasy IX, she’s a Burmecian dragoon who’s an old acquaintance of the main character Zidane. She’s cool, collected, but not so overly serious that she comes across as tryhard!

The game then proceeds to destroy her home, make her boyfriend have amnesia, and then ditch her story halfway through because the writers… got bored?

smacks lips

I think she would be a great fit for your artstyle! It would be nice to have an art piece made of her, so she is never forgotten. After all:

“To be forgotten is worse than death.”
there were 5 games in development when work on ff9 was starting. ff7, 8, 9, tactics and 10.
all 5 games were released in a short time frame. 1997 to 2001 and the ps2 came out in 2000. ff9 got the longest amount of time to develop, but would have a smaller staff for most of that time and was being overshadowed by the upcoming ps2. the writers didn't get bored, they didn't have enough time to finish everything.
I posted a similar response in the "Sega Waifu" thread a little while back, but...

Phantasy Star II's Nei is one of the few - and, possibly, the only - video game characters I have ever felt a true emotional attachment to. Lots of that probably has to do with pre-teen me seeing a gal with big hair, elf ears, and go-go boots running around in a purple leotard, as this sort of thing was NOT as common in 1990 as it is now >_>

But the real attachment came from her in-game death. Not so much from how it was presented in a story perspective (though it was still a gutpunch, especially given the era) but mostly for the fact that she was the strongest member of the party - and now she was gone! I legitimately had to stop playing the game for a few days and question whether or not I could even continue. Besides the emotional hook, my in-game party was simply getting trashed without her.


The game was a metaphor for real life, back when I was too young to have experienced much in the way of death, breakups, loss, or permanent displacement. And because of that, I'll always hold on to that purple-haired pixel lady for helping me come to grips with those emotions early, in a relatively safe setting 🙌

Also, OP, the style of your MediEvil artwork reminds me GREATLY of Michael Koelsch, who's most well-known for his various Earthworm Jim paintings from back in the day. Not that I'm a huge EWJ fan, but I wanted to share some artwork for comparison's sake ;->

(Maybe it's the one "crazy eye" that's larger / more open than the other...)

Of course I spent hours on that .level Infinite did it dirty fr .I mained Qi and Murad good times
I remember trying so hard to make Nakroth work lol.

I Really had a blast with AOV one back in the day. I was a diehard Lu Bu, Zanis, Raz main if I remember right.

I personally enjoyed AOV way more than I ever did with LOLMobile, I felt it ironically more unique and fun, specially for a copy.
I love that type of stuff. There was this background character on a KOF game and there was literally zero pictures or information about them online. Well, pretty obvious why now that I think about it.
Ill try get a pic of the dude later, its a hidden support character from Zeno Clash 2. to be honest i could put few characters from Zeno Clash but ill save that till i got some pics of the special guy

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