Apologies if there's a similar topic already.
What's something that you recently discovered and is cool/useful/mind-blowing/etc. to you, but has been around for a while? Could be food you saw at the grocery store, an old album a friend just told you about, a retro game, a household appliance, etc. I suppose the stuff that comes to mind for me are minor everyday things, so they're not really that cool, but still kind of neat.
My recent revelation is the waffle weave towel. There may be another name for it but I just know it as a waffle towel. I was staying at a friend's place last year and saw these in the cupboard. I usually bring my own towel when I travel so I don't think I used it for a while, maybe just the hand towel in the bathroom. Anyway, for some reason it was on my mind recently, so I decided to buy a couple basic ones off of Amazon. When it arrived, I thought I had ordered the wrong thing by mistake, it didn't seem like the waffle grooves were deep and the texture was kind of odd. Nope. It's great. It is super weird drying yourself with it at first, because it just feels different, but you get used to it and it seems more efficient when it comes to drying things and then also how fast it dries when hung up. Not sure how long these things have been around, but I somehow made it through many years of life without hearing of them.
The other thing that comes to mind are USB-rechargeable batteries. I still use AA batteries regularly for Xbox controllers and other things, and I dislike the usual charging docks that you put them into. They awkwardly hang on the wall and the ones I've had don't have a separate light for each battery, so it's hard to tell what is charged and what isn't. I worked at a previous job where we had flashlights powered by these USB batteries, but I somehow forgot about the concept until recently, at which point I bought some. Maybe I just had crappy batteries before, but these things last a lot longer before needing a recharge and they came with a weird octo cable thing where you can plug in each battery to a different end of the cord and charge them all at once. They are more expensive than the typical rechargeables, but worth it in my opinion.
What's something that's existed for a while that you only recently learned about or started interacting with?
What's something that you recently discovered and is cool/useful/mind-blowing/etc. to you, but has been around for a while? Could be food you saw at the grocery store, an old album a friend just told you about, a retro game, a household appliance, etc. I suppose the stuff that comes to mind for me are minor everyday things, so they're not really that cool, but still kind of neat.
My recent revelation is the waffle weave towel. There may be another name for it but I just know it as a waffle towel. I was staying at a friend's place last year and saw these in the cupboard. I usually bring my own towel when I travel so I don't think I used it for a while, maybe just the hand towel in the bathroom. Anyway, for some reason it was on my mind recently, so I decided to buy a couple basic ones off of Amazon. When it arrived, I thought I had ordered the wrong thing by mistake, it didn't seem like the waffle grooves were deep and the texture was kind of odd. Nope. It's great. It is super weird drying yourself with it at first, because it just feels different, but you get used to it and it seems more efficient when it comes to drying things and then also how fast it dries when hung up. Not sure how long these things have been around, but I somehow made it through many years of life without hearing of them.
The other thing that comes to mind are USB-rechargeable batteries. I still use AA batteries regularly for Xbox controllers and other things, and I dislike the usual charging docks that you put them into. They awkwardly hang on the wall and the ones I've had don't have a separate light for each battery, so it's hard to tell what is charged and what isn't. I worked at a previous job where we had flashlights powered by these USB batteries, but I somehow forgot about the concept until recently, at which point I bought some. Maybe I just had crappy batteries before, but these things last a lot longer before needing a recharge and they came with a weird octo cable thing where you can plug in each battery to a different end of the cord and charge them all at once. They are more expensive than the typical rechargeables, but worth it in my opinion.
What's something that's existed for a while that you only recently learned about or started interacting with?