procedure to install Play Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 on PS3


New Challenger
Level 0
Feb 3, 2025
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I'm downloading Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 English patched right now and looking at the download page there is a CONFIG file to fix blurring that occurs on PS3. I've installed other PS2 games on my PS3 but never had to patch a CONFIG file to any of them. Can anyone give me some instructions or link to a tutorial video or even just point me in the right direction please? I have multiman and irisman
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I just came across this

something tells me this site has something major to do with it but I can't work it out
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I just tried to to load through manaGUNZ, it takes me to the XMB where when I try to load it it says "this model of PS3 doesn't support PS2 data" or something like that. I thought manaGUNZ was supposed to be the solution to that ....... help please how on earth can I get this to work?
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wow this is becoming complicated. I'm trying so many different methods. when I eventually work this out (hopefully... God willing) I will post the solution for everyone. right now I'm trying converting to .BIN.ENC mounting then running via PS2 Classics placeholder. Please, please, please let this work...
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this is the tool that does said conversion BIN.ENC. I have a good feeling about this I think this might work... I hope
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the PS2 Classics GUI tool for PC did not work to convert the Boku 2 ISO to BIN.ENC you have to use the one I linked above. I'm waiting for it to copy to my USB now... 7 minutes!! my God that's so slow ::unhappy (where is exasperated smilie?)
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Ok I worked it out finally YAY!!!

Here is the procedure for playing

Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 in English on PS3s that aren't backwards compatible​

1. Get translated English patched file of the ROM or get Jap ROM and patch it yourself
2. Your system should have PS3HEN obviously, multiman and Irisman. One more thing you need is to install PS2 Placeholder PKG here
3. On your Windows PC download and use it to encrypt the ROM (very intuitive you won't need instructions). The extension will become .BIN.ENC. Copy the new ROM to a FAT32 USB
4. Using IRISMAN filemanager copy the ROM from the USB drive to PS2ISO folder
5. Still in filemanager select the ROM in the PS2ISO folder and press X on the controller. It will ask if you want to copy the ROM to PS2 Placeholder, select Yes.
6. Wait patiently for it to copy, it may appear to be frozen but don't touch the PS button just wait it out it will get there.
7. Exit IRISMAN back to the XMB. Go to Games and go to PS2 then go to PS2 Placeholder and press X to load it up.
8. That's it the game should load up!

Note: One kind of important thing I haven't worked out yet... When I start the game I get a message saying there is no PS2 memory card and asks if you want to continue without saving. I created a PS2 memory card but since this is through the PS2 Classics thing I don't think it uses that virtual memory card. Could someone help with this? I worked all the rest out just need help with this last little bit please
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Note 2: it's also blurry as anything.. there is a CFG file that fixes that but I have no idea how to apply it. So yes I got the game working but these issues really affect the playability
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hey can someone make sense of this post

the answer to the memory card issue is here but the way the dude explains it..... my God so convoluted and confusing. He can't just say do this. essentially he said to rename memory card 1 and 2 to specific names but I can't decipher what to type in the name field.
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I think config.cfg files that are basically per title emulator tweaks that is fairly common in most official products utilizing emulation. On CFW/Cobra machines PS2 configs are distributed as installable package and presumably applied from the location they get stored in. I just have not searched out where they exactly are on CFW PS3's, and do they actually get loaded like I assume or just distributed like they are for the lols. For HEN the process requires what the guides say but what I understand, on EVILNAT system the config could go to different place if no already included in installable package for CFW systems.
The memory card explanation seems to be, that inside the save file of every PSN formatted Playstation 2 title, there are two virtual memory card files. Their file name follows a SCE product code for the game.
Someone posted this reply on that thread:
I finally fixed this problem: what is described above is not working when launching games via ps2classic placeholder. To get two 8mb memory cards up-and-running for games launched over ps2classic placeholder package just copy the two (standard) 8mb vme files that come with the ps2classics gui tool 0(located in ps2classics_GUI_2.2.3\PS2U10000\USRDIR\SAVEDATA) to /dev_hdd0/home/00000005/ps2emu2_savedata/PS2U10000 on your ps3 (using ftp connection over multiman)!

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