3DS Potential modding plan :p


Young Hero
Level 1
Dec 16, 2024
Reaction score
So ive somewhat revived my 3DS XL recently (had to change out the battery and buy a new cable for charging) but ive been somewhat out of the loop yet looked into the whole system modding.
One thing thats been bothering me is my original SD Card even now :c its 4GB and idk what to upgrade it to honestly (besides ive also need to somehow backup the system files of my 3DS for a new Emulator) does someone perhaps know which SD Cards i could upgrade to?
And also perhaps know a way on how to backup the system files? (the emu in question is Azahar as they require direct 3DS System files now)
any kind should work. my sd card is sandisk and it is i think 256gb. as long as it is formatted to fat32 i think, it'll work.
Upgrade to a 128 GB SD card and then install hshop to the 3DS.
Upgrade to a 128 GB SD card and then install hshop to the 3DS.
that with hshop i know and im planning on doing that but also i kinda wanna get out of a GER or EU only 3DS system since they do have still region locks ::cirnoshrug
Any size SD card is alright as long as it's formatted to FAT32 (I think it was that). Another thing you can do is purchase one of those 3DS to USB C adapters from aliexpress, they do not require you to solder anything and could be very handy.
I got a 128GB on my filled with 3ds, DS and virtual console games. To circumvent the 300 icon limit, i use the 3DS Bank app, it backups all all your data and games into a folder and creates a new clean system where you can install 300 more icons, then you just move between system folders using the 3DS bank. I got all my 3DS and a few DS games on one folder and all the virtual console games on another.
Here: https://github.com/RocketRobz/3DSBank
I use a 128gb sd card and I have filled it with an insane amount of games and its still not filled up, do note the more storage you use for the 3DS the laggier the home menu gets (for me at least. .)
bit late but thanks for the info ^^planning on buying a 128gb SD Card so theres at least more space than before
also if the 3ds homescreen will lag or not eh i can deal with it what matters to me is just i can play games i havent touched in years or generally just have a proper handheld with me on the go :loldog

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