Ok, what are you want to talk about? Plot? Characters? OST? Influence of this franchise on life whoever played it?
For me third game was the first RPG I've ever played. The impact was huge on me. I didn't even have the battery to make saves for some time. So every day I grinded as hard as I could. But only managing to go as far as getting Miuy and Wren. I managed to go through the first dungeon and into the second area, but that's where my parents would say I'm sitting for too long and they want to watch telle. I was so fascinated by the story and OST I've played it every day. And when I bought battery to save I've played through every possible offspring crying every time I had to delete a save since it only had two slots.
I prefer the phantasy star 1-4 over the others too. (Although i finished 2 of the new ones on PC/PS2). For those who dont know the classic games have interesting patches for them.
Phantasy Star Online was like the holy grail to me when I was 11 or 12, when it came out. I didn’t own a Dreamcast, so I would play at my friends’ house on his, and he didn’t have an online account, so I never got to try that side of it out. That was the first game I ever played where you could customize your own character, and I must have spent most of my time doing that, lol.
Everything from the music, to the environments, the story and the quests, it all made a huge impact on me and I still play it today from time to time. It’s such a precursor to other modern games, but in my opinion it is better in a lot of ways. I so wish they would release it again for a modem console like the switch! I don’t need any new content, just the GameCube version, or Blue Burst.
As for the 8/16 but versions, I’ve played through 1,2, and 4, about an hour each. I couldn’t get into them at the time, but they are still on my list to complete in the future!
Phantasy Star II was the first game I played where I really "got" RPGs. Played it with a buddy over the course of a summer, one of us playing and the other navigating with the included hintbook. Discovering stuff like
leveling up Nei enough that she stays alive for the Neifirst fight, even though she's still dead afterwards
was really cool too.
He got PSIII not long after that and I think it''s pretty good too, but I desperately wish for a patch that changes the battle music. I think it's the only case of a game's music giving me a headache. Aside from that, I like the generations idea, and plan to play through each branch just to say I did it.
I played Phantasy Star I when emulation became a thing, and currently I'd say that best way to play it is on the Switch with the auto-mapping feature, but I still probably like the original best. I'm not too precious about the translation differences and it's what I would've played in 1988 if I'd had a Master System, so.
Never played more than a brief bit of PSIV, been saving it until I finish a series playthrough that I'm slowly working on. But Phantasy Star Online, specifically Episode I & II Plus on the Gamecube, that's the sweet spot for me. I don't need the fourth episode that Blue Burst has, just give me that small handful of levels and the most relaxing gameplay around. I play it solo and it's my go-to when I just want to peel the rest of a day off and forget about it for awhile.
Other than that, I've played through the two Game Gear PS games and they're okay but nothing exceptional. Haven't played the text adventures yet either, though they're on the list. But I think Gamecube era is my cutoff. Tried PSO 2, even bought a Vita to play it on import, and it just never clicked. Phantasy Star Universe was an absolute slog of a game, and I've only dabbled in the handheld stuff. So maybe I'm missing something there, but no one's ever pulled me aside and said, "I know you like PS so you should check out this PSP game" or whatever.
PSIV was great. Mega Drive's best JRPG, although that isn't saying much. However, even if I compared it to the SNES JRPG library, PSIV would still be in my top 10.
PSO changed my gaming life as a kid, and blew my mind as I was able to play with other people all around the world.
PSO Ver 2 was good, but didn't have the same effect on me as the first.
Enjoyed PSU2 on the PSP, never got to play online, regardless, it was still great.
Played Blue Burst on the PC, it was fun.
PSO2 was great, and I was extremely happy it finally came overseas to the West. Until...
PSO New Genesis, this have killed the series not only for me, but seems for alot of other fans as well. Sega will need to do a complete reboot if they're planning on 3, and not make it another lifeless, boring, cosplaying gatcha game.
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