I was browsing for PSP games I have yet to try, and lots of people are recommending Phantasy Star Portable 2, which I've never heard of before but it looks pretty cool and seems to have a gorillion tons of content. I saw that the repo has an english patch for Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity, which everyone seems to agree is even better than Portable 2, or at least the "definitive" version to play.
My main question though is this; is it absolutely necessary to play Phantasy Star Portable 1 beforehand? If it comes down to "the story is a continuation but the mechanics of 2 are vastly superior" then I think I'll stick to playing 2 Infinity first since I'm not invested in the story of this series but I'll happily take a superior gameplay experience over not knowing a few terms/story beats, since it seems to be more focused on the gameplay regardless, but I figured I should ask beforehand in case there's anyone here who has more experience than I :)
I suppose this thread can exist as a sort of discussion for the whole series too, if there are enough people who want to discuss it, so I left the thread title a bit ambiguous.
My main question though is this; is it absolutely necessary to play Phantasy Star Portable 1 beforehand? If it comes down to "the story is a continuation but the mechanics of 2 are vastly superior" then I think I'll stick to playing 2 Infinity first since I'm not invested in the story of this series but I'll happily take a superior gameplay experience over not knowing a few terms/story beats, since it seems to be more focused on the gameplay regardless, but I figured I should ask beforehand in case there's anyone here who has more experience than I :)
I suppose this thread can exist as a sort of discussion for the whole series too, if there are enough people who want to discuss it, so I left the thread title a bit ambiguous.