For some reason having a Dynasty Warriors game that ran like a champ just bugged the hell out of me.
I absolutely understand and relate to this one. In my case, my boyfriend and I were just talking about & playing games from our childhood and we got to Need for Speed: High Stakes. He started playing the PC version and I started playing the PS1 version. He made some comment about how I should be playing the PC version because of performance and graphics being improved and I just looked over to his screen and it was like ewwwww. Technically, yeah it was better. But it looked unnaturally better. Something about how smooth the models were while having old textures just gave me psychic damage. They just look better looking shitty.
Pre-rendered graphics (I hate those with very few exceptions).
This has never stopped me, but I can understand the lack of appeal, especially when you upscale a game and the character doesn't even come close to matching the worse quality of the backgrounds. Though I would take that over people using AI upscaled backgrounds that look all smeared and terrible.
I quit Fallout New Vegas Because I leveled up too quickly...
Haha. This has never stopped me playing the game overall, but it has killed a few runs. Thankfully there's mods to slow down leveling.
Ugh, this. I tried playing Genshin Impact and Paimon ruined everything. Well, that and the gacha bullshit, but that's another issue entirely. But yeah, I don't like that kind of super duper annoying and cutsey character, especially when they refer to themselves in the third person. Why do people find that cute?
I dropped Far Cry 2 because I hated having the guns explode all the time.
This combined with the ever respawning enemies at the guard posts make me hesitant to give it another try.
Equip load. I like to carry all the items I find with me, without necessarily having to deposit them and, inevitably, forget about their existence.
This has also never stopped me, but I totally get it. It stops games dead in their tracks because you have to search for either a place to sell or deposit your stuff and for someone as obsessive at grabbing things as me, this is a nightmare.
For me, a series never changing it's character art design will get me to drop it. The example I always use is the classes and monsters in the Disgaea series. I've been playing since the first game and the fucking Warrior class has looked the same in each game. That's currently 22 years of seeing that fucker. That applies to a bunch of other classes and monsters too. I haven't finished a Disgaea game since 4 largely because of that. Yes they do add and remove classes and monsters, but that's not enough. x) It's also not helping the series by having the same secret and/or DLC characters. No more Laharl and Etna, please.
Diablo 2 style graphics is the best way I can describe my next one. That look of 3D models transformed into 2D sprites. Many games used that style around that time and they all look like shit. Even really good games like Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and Donkey Kong Country will remain unloved by me because of it.
A lot of people have said games that are too hard and I agree with that, but I'll also do a 180 and say games that are too easy. It's so mindless and fucking boring to just be stomping everyone's shit in. Not much more to say.
Relating to the above, harder difficulties being nothing but enemies having pumped up stats to the point where they are just a slog to fight. Sadly this is the easiest way to increase the difficulty, so it's the most common.
Finally, a lack of interesting dungeons. The Tales series is the best example of this. Remember how Tales of Symphonia had things like puzzles to make dungeons more than just a hallway with infinite fights? Well the newer games are nothing but that and it's made me drop every single one. I love the combat in the Tales games but that isn't enough to keep me going if there's nothing to do between fights. Some games can get away with this, like Suikoden, but it's usually a big dealbreaker for me.