Octopus Rants: BioWare; They Were Pretty Good, Eh?

BioWare used to be my favourite game company of all time, even above Capcom and Team Ninja. Their games have a record of combining fantastic lore and worldbuilding with memorable characters, settings and more than enough fanservice and meme potential. They were games with unparalleled player agency at the time, letting you do some truly depraved and/or awesome things. Unfortunately, I think most of you will know where I’m going with this if you noticed the ‘used to be’ part of that opening line; they’ve hit some dark times for the last…decade arguably. Every game release has been met with the usual internet ‘doomposting’, people tearing it down (even if the game does deserve it) and wallowing in self-fulfilling misery. I regret to say that I am a BioWare doomposter, and I have a problem.

I try not to doompost, because I greatly dislike it. What's the point, you know? Why bother wasting time just complaining about something without being willing to engage in discussion about any positive aspects of it. It's a self-defeating argument and behaviour, basically. The first to doompost are the ones who used to be fans, and that's exactly the case with me; I’ve doomposted about BioWare IRL so many times it’s become a recurring joke among my friends, “how long until Octopus starts talking about Dragon Age then gets sad?” Usually it takes me about half an hour, maybe an hour before I’m talking about how lame Solas turned out to be, or how the cowards at BioWare Montreal never gave us the female Turian sex scene we were promised in Andromeda.

What do they look like under their armour? You promised us we’d see. I’m not even into this for some weird sex stuff, I just actually want to know what they look like from an anatomical standpoint. Show me, you cowards!


Show me her legs, cowards! I want to see what their weird knees look like!

What was I talking about?

But now, I’m just tired of it all. What prompted this apathy? A headline of the EA CEO, on record, saying in a financial meeting that they believe Dragon Age: The Veilguard failed to hit projections because there weren’t enough “shared-world” features in it, aka some form of live-service features. That is so profoundly ridiculous of a statement to say that you couldn’t make it up; you could gather the best and greatest comedy writers of past, present and future and they could not collectively write the sheer absurdity of that statement. It’s buffoonery of such density and weight that you could mistake it for a neutron star if you squint at it, and this guy has a yearly salary of reportedly $25 mil.

That statement was said about a game that was first cancelled by EA because it didn’t have any live-service monetization, then was restarted a year later as a live-service game, and then was cancelled again by EA because they didn’t want it to be a live-service game anymore, then was restarted again as a single player game that they felt so confident in that they started showing off publicly with a reveal video and some concept art; then, after this, they ended up scrapping almost everything they had of that build and then we got Veilguard. Chasing the ‘live-service’ trend has famously never worked for so many companies that it’s transcended being a meme at this point, and become a fundamental law of the universe; “hark, for every one successful live service game, there will be twenty failures. If thou aren’t Destiny 2, or maybe a Warframe or I guess WoW as MMO’s are live service games by definition, you will most likely fail and it may even be a historic level failure like Concord. So it will forever be.” And yet, they keep chasing it.

Normally, I’d tear into that headline (that little spiel wasn’t even surface level of BioWare doomposter Octopus), because again it is so flabbergasting and confounding; but I’m just tired, man. All I said was “meh” when I first read it. I just can’t care anymore. But I want to care about BioWare, so I’m not going to keep doomposting, or keep being apathetic to some completely unfathomably out-of-touch CEO; instead, I want to talk about the good stuff. I want to look back at the BioWare I loved, not its current shambling corpse being kept alive out of corporate greed and ritual necromancy. I’m going to break the cycle of the whole ‘BioWare is FINISHED!” talking point that’s been repeated over and over again by doomposters for every game release since Mass Effect 3 (I only started around Andromeda, so give me some credit). I don’t want to doompost anymore, so let’s actually talk about what made BioWare so great. So behold; my rants about some of my favourite BioWare games. I’m not going to get into specific game mechanics or history or anything like that, so don’t expect these to be mini-reviews or something of that nature. They are just the musings of a sad, jaded BioWare fanboy trying to reignite the spark within by talking about 4 iconic games.

Dragon Age: Origins; The Warden Was A Baller, Man

I love Dragon Age, if you haven’t gathered that yet. Origins so deeply absorbed me when I first played it back in 2009 that I’m still talking about it. It took what could have been a simple retread of familiar fantasy tropes the company themselves had already done and made it into something fantastic. The worldbuilding was on point from the very first game, and was made memorable through some clever dark fantasy subversions and fairly unique elements sprinkled in. Elves? They’re not these otherworldly perfect beings, they’re shadows of their former selves and either living a nomadic lifestyle desperately clinging to old history they can’t even remember, or are slaves and servants living in slums. Dwarves? They’ve kept the usual underground dwelling craftsmen trope, but they’re marred by a strict societal caste system and a desperate and continuous battle against ‘darkspawn’ constantly knocking on their door.

The mythology of the series is well crafted and dense enough that people are still pouring over it and discussing it. What I liked the most about it, at least in the first game, is that it kept a lot of that mythology ‘mystical’ in a sense by not giving it a definitive answer in-universe. What happened to the elven gods? Is the Black City of the Fade real, and did the ancient Tevinter magisters corrupt it with their presence or was it already corrupted before they got there? Was Andraste really influenced by the spirit of Mythal, and really speaking to the Maker? Why do the dwarves not have a connection to the Fade? Even in the lore, these concepts are presented as being largely unknown, and I always liked how you’d hear conflicting stories from the Chantry or the Tevinters about how the darkspawn came to be; it made it feel that much more real, like actual mythology diluted over time and retellings.

The game absolutely nails that sense of scale and ‘lived in’ quality to it’s world, which is very good because the game unfortunately looks like this;


There’s a grand total of I think 5 different armour models you’ll see time and time again. Even for its time, the game looked rough.

I read a lot of people grouping Dragon Age: Origins into BioWare’s overuse of the ‘chosen one’ trope, which doesn’t make perfect sense to me (also, I don't think they've overused the trope to begin with). The Bhaalspawn of Baldur’s Gate was 100% a chosen one, and you could maybe argue Sheppard from Mass Effect 1 is since they are the only character other than the main villain who ‘received’ the vision from the Prothean beacon which starts the whole plot, but to me the Warden of Origins isn’t a ‘chosen one’. They’re of course the most important person in the room given that they’re the player character, but outside of that there’s no real significance to them; they’re not a child of a god, or the last of the spirit monks, and theoretically anyone else could do their job assuming they drank some gross darkspawn blood and suvived. They are just one of the last Ferelden Grey Wardens, and they’ve got an Archdemon to kill and a traitorous general to deal with (who also did nothing wrong, by the way).

Speaking of the player character, one of the things I still routinely bring up in my Dragon Age discussions is just how insane you could make them act. I think Origins has the most amount of possible decisions of a BioWare game that can affect pretty major outcomes, and it’s also the most unhinged and straight up sociopathic in its ‘evil’ choices. You can play the Warden as a complete lunatic. Here’s an example; you find your way to a Dalish (elves who wander around and live as hippies, essentially) camp as part of the story, and meet a guy who’s trying to woo his elf crush. He of course asks you for help with this, as you’re of course the player character. You can go talk to her, and do one of three things; talk him up, say that he thinks she’s cruel and ugly, or just seduce her yourself by badmouthing him. You can then go back to the guy and tell him that you ‘seduced’ her, including a potential dialogue option saying you were just ‘sampling the goods’ which causes him to yell that you ruined his life and run away. It’s unhinged, and I actually struggle to think of other games that let you be that cruel for no reason. There’s way more hilarious evil choices (and most are arguably more morally worse of course), but that’s the perfect example to me; it conveys just how pointlessly callous you can be without any cause.


Player agency at its finest.

This is mainly about the first game, but I will say a single comment each about the other games in the series as a Dragon Age bonus round;

Dragon Age 2; I both love and hate this game in equal measure. It feels like for every really good idea that it steps forward with, it later stumbles back an equal step with something bad. I like the system where you can get rivalry or friendship points with your companions based on what you do, which affects how they react to you. This creates different experiences with them and makes the role-playing feel more genuine, but then again one of your companions is Fenris. I will defend this game any day of the week, and I will die on the hill for it. It’s complicated, like a strained cyclical relationship where both people aren’t sure why they’re still going but then they do something nice for you and you’re dragged back in.

Inquisition; I used to dislike this game back when it first came out, but I have I think softened a little bit on it after coming back to it after playing Veilguard. The combat is still terrible, it’s obvious they were chasing a bunch of trends with the silly resource gathering and empty crafting. I hate the war table, but the companions make the game and there are some solid new story elements introduced with it mixed with some equally disappointing ones.

Veilguard; no.

Origins was BioWare going at it with all cylinders firing, and a big inspiration for the game came from them wanting to make a spiritual successor to their old Infinity Engine D&D games. My favourite D&D class? The monk. What’s this have to do with anything, like I’m trying to force a transition into the next game? Well, my answer is;

Jade Empire; Spirit Monks and Lotus Assassins, Oh My


The art design for this game is so ****ing good.

Jade Empire never quite gets the credit I think it deserves, and it’s a shame because I think it’s pretty damn neat. This was the first non-Baldur’s Gate BioWare game I played, and I bought it without any knowledge of what it even was, or that BioWare even made it, just because I heard it had cool martial art stuff in it.

The game has a great sense of style to it, and they pulled off the aesthetic very well. It’s mostly based on Eastern style martial arts and stylings mixed with some unique visual design elements. It has some really good monster and supernatural designs, and I’ve always found the design of the ghosts with their weird glowing veins particularly cool. It has some fantastic worldbuilding of course, being a BioWare game, but focuses towards being a more action heavy game befitting the martial art adventure inspiration.

As for the gameplay, it’s perfectly fine. It has some unique elements such as the combo system where you could instantly kill some enemies in an explosion of blood by hitting them with certain styles then ‘detonating’ them with the strong attack of another, and the use of your character’s Focus stat to either slow down time or use powerful weapon styles. It has just enough to stand out, but it isn’t an exceptional combat system; this was almost BioWare’s slogan until the second Mass Effect, or arguably Dragon Age: Origins.


Where Jade Empire really shines is the storyline, and this is what I think never gets its due. The storyline is tight, never dipping into many side tangents or overly long side quests, and its pacing of reveals is perfect. You play as the kung fu prodigy student of the great Master Li, and discover that you are the last of the ‘spirit monks’, defenders of the thin veil between the afterlife and the living world which has weakened since their destruction. Without giving anything away, the game has a really good series of twists near the end with the biggest being relatively similar to the famous BioWare twist in another earlier game, and I'm sure some of you know what I'm referring to. Twists are hard to do effectively and cleanly, but BioWare clearly understood the way. The twist is right in front of you the whole time, but you don't have the necessary context or information until it's sprung to see it; then, everything makes complete sense. The story's vibe is also spectacular, and really feels like the kung fu fantasy adventure that I pretended I was in when I was a small child.

The companions are mostly good in this, being an important part of the BioWare experience. One of my favourites is Wild Flower, a little girl possessed by two different spirits; the benevolent guardian of an amulet, Chai Ka, or the evil toad demon Ya Zhen. You can select either spirit for her to turn into for combat, and her conversations are a good mix of whimsical, precocious and tragic. There’s also the female ninja-adjacent rogue Silk Fox, and the browbeaten ‘master bun baker’ Henpecked Hou who is profoundly hilarious.


It just wouldn't be an early 3D BioWare game without some 'kinda bad even for their time' graphics.

Jade Empire also has a pretty good amount of important BioWare decision points that have a pretty major impact on other parts of the game. You can convert a companion to the ‘evil’ path (here called the Way of the Closed Fist, contrasted by the merciful Way of the Open Palm) and she fully commits and becomes very much Closed Fist, you can force a major villain to your side through soul crushing magic, and side with or destroy more than a few animal themed demons and even participate in some classic cannibalism.

There is one major issue I have with Jade Empire, however, which I have to bring up despite this article being about the good stuff; you cannot customize your character's appearance at all. You select one of the pre-made characters, and that’s it as there’s no character creator to play around with or an armour/clothing system to swap outfits. Some may see this as a minor detail, but it’s an important part of the BioWare experience to me.

What's next? Well, my beloved of course, and I think the truly greatest example of BioWare quality and the game that put them on the gaming map. I'm talking about;

Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood; A True Masterpiece


When I think about BioWare, this is the game that comes to mind immediately. It's a perfect mix of whatever its gameplay is with whatever the story is, I don't know, I've never played it as this is obviously a joke entry. Wouldn't that have been wild if this was serious though? Way past cool, dude.

Let's talk about Mass Effect.

Mass Effect; From Star Trek To Action Schlock


The original trilogy of Mass Effect is easily one of my most beloved video game experiences, and one that I think fundamentally altered how I look at games. It's also I think the best example of BioWare as a company, combining all their strengths (and weaknesses) into one distilled epic. Was there a lack of memorable villains, something the company didn't have a lot of? Outside of I guess the Illusive Man, yes; Saren was cool and all, but he's hardly in the game and I'm not counting the Reapers as a singular villain. They are also famously kind of ‘meh’ once you actually see them. Was the worldbuilding and verisimilitude absolutely on point? Hell yeah.

The series drastically changed in theme and direction after each game, but especially from the first one to the second one. The first game is a quant episode of Star Trek almost, or a sci fi serial of old; it focused on building the world and lore, with much of the action being fairly grounded and lowkey. It still had some epic moments of course, but you weren't pulling out a rapid fire grenade launcher, blasting gigantic flame spewing mechs and pushing people out of high rise windows while dropping thematic one liners. That was Mass Effect 2. Maybe Shepard has always been a little weird, though.


The second game definitely changed, even going so far as to literally blow up the old plot so to speak in the opening section before bringing you into the new gritty, action schlock direction almost entirely removed from the first. It's even down to the gameplay and shooting itself. A cool thing about the first game is that in-universe every gun is essentially a ‘rail gun’, shooting off chunks of metal from an interior block; this means that there's no ammo to reload or keep track of, and instead every gun can overheat if you shoot it enough times before giving it time to cool down. It's a neat world building detail that actually had some gameplay impact and helped the game feel unique. In 2, Shepard wakes up to a world where somehow, in the course of 2 years of game time, every gun has been retrofitted and now uses ammo (called thermal clips, but it’s essentially the same thing) again with a rather flimsy and silly explanation. Allegedly this was changed as the EA playtesters of 2 couldn't wrap their head around the planned new weapon system they had cooked up for early builds, involving hybrid usage of both 1’s cooldown system and temporary thermal clip popping to quickly cool you down if you needed it. That sounds pretty cool, but so it goes.


Oh that silly Shepard. Once again, player agency at its finest. **** that krogan, dude.

Keep in mind that I'm not criticising Mass Effect 2 at all; I use the term schlock out of love, as the game is still an amazing action-shooter RPG. 2 and 3 to me are still nearly unequaled in the gameplay department for the genre.

The greatest strength of the series is in its world and its characters, and it delivers. Dragon Age had some great companions of course, but I find that they struck out more times in that department than Mass Effect does. If someone asks me who my favourite Dragon Age companion is, it really doesn't take me that long to answer and there is a specific list of options. When someone asks me who my favourite Mass Effect character is, I'll be there for probably 3 hours trying to narrow one down; it's much easier to ask who my least favourite is as that list starts and ends with Jacob.


You see, he's a former Alliance marine who really cares about his friends. I guess he has father issues? He’s clearly a very exciting character with a lot of memorable personality. He makes Kaiden look cool, which is an amazing feat.

There's more amazing moments in the series than I can count, and I could be here for hours writing about the game series; maybe in the future I’ll do a normal 'way-too-long Octopus article' entirely on the Mass Effect series, or maybe Dragon Age; we’ll see.

You may be asking “what about Mass Effect: Andromeda, Octopus?” Well to that I say-

In Conclusion

BioWare used to be great, man. I’ve been replaying the Mass Effect games over the last couple of weeks, and they’re just fantastic. It’s that BioWare energy that carries them, the synthesis of okay enough gameplay with astounding settings that feel lived in. But I’m going to stop thinking of them as the malnourished victim chained up in EA’s basement churning out low quality shadows of their former games, and instead remember what they were. It’s what they would have wanted, I think. Maybe their complete corporate refocusing on Mass Effect 5 will pay off? Who knows.

You may now be noticing that there's a rather large KOTOR-shaped hole in this rant, or a lack of Baldur's Gate that everyone already knows I absolutely love (it should be kind of obvious, really); I haven't forgotten about those games, but I was trying to keep this article shorter than normal and concise. Perhaps in the future their will be an 'Octopus Rants About BioWare; Deux'.

A thought occurred to me while writing this article; wouldn’t it have been great if BioWare made a really cool mech themed game? It's a shame that never happened, but maybe it could now. Like picture flying around in a sick suit of power armour, with really cool and dynamic feeling weapons like the stuff from the last two Mass Effect games. Oh, it can be a unique sci fi world too of course, and you can explore cool alien environments as you battle enemies and uncover new things about the cultures and worlds around you. You know the setup; you have an awesome world of lore that's built up naturally through conversations with the varied characters you encounter as you answer the classic ‘hero’s journey’ trope that BioWare had mastered, off on an adventure. You become involved in important events and can shape the world around you through your decisions. Man, that would have been great. No way they could possibly utterly **** that up, right? Yup, could have been great.

It’s a shame that never happened. Real missed opportunity there. That would likely have been spectacular, too bad they never made it.

They never made it.

For my fellow BioWare fans out there, let's break the cycle of doomposting; share your thoughts and opinions on the games, and finally accept that all good things must come to an end eventually.

Until next time.
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"Don't cry because it is over. Smile because it happened", Dr. Seuss.

Bioware was a company that gave RPG fans so much joy and amazing experiences over the years, but it is the nature of the gaming industry for companies such as these to not be built to last. The tales of mind-numbing crunch in many of their projects is well known. On top of that, they sold out to EA as soon as they made it big and since that moment, their days as a plucky, fan favorite hit making company were numbered. EA destroys everything that it touches: Origin Systems, Westwood, Maxis. Many upstart gaming studios lie buried in EA's backyard.

As far as their recent drama, is it really that shocking? EA has been doing a Weekend at Bernie's act with the corpse of Bioware since Andromeda (and its not like Inquisiton was all that great IMO, despite the awards). The real writing talent from Bioware (James Ohlen and others) had already peaced out to their own projects (something with Wizards of the Coast apparently?) and the CEOs of Bioware cashed out long ago and are retired living in a private island somewhere. Bioware is a ruddlerless ship without a captain and the owners are trying to sell its spare parts for quick gains.
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Good Lord, but you turned that out *fast*. I'll forgo random notes this go-round, since we were talking about all this a fair bit before.

That Andrew Wilson quote was *wild* though, what a crazy way to insist "It's not my fault!". They've been in a bind since Anthem, with AAA executive meddling really tearing Bioware up. They were really flying for some years though, and I think the shift from Mass Effect 1 to 2 was maybe as perfect as it could have been for the changes they had to make. The intro was pretty crazy at the time, and while I would have really enjoyed another adventure with grand galactic politics, the Cosmic Dirty Dozen is a premise I won't kick out of bed. (They got that stubble I like.) It's also worth pointing out that they ditched some of the *pretty terrible* gameplay of the first game, like...well, most of the gunplay really, and the spectacularly bad inventory system.

Wait, small random note: Man, but Mass Effect struggled to make Human Male interesting. That being said, I think they show how persistence in writing can pay off. The basic idea of Kaidan was reworked into Jack, a.k.a "Cooler Kaidan" in their yearbook at Earth's Secret Terrible Psychic Lab. They took a do-over with Jacob, a straight-laced soldier with little personality, and turned out James in ME3, a fairly similar guy that's nonetheless a lot more charming.

I don't know why I haven't played Dragon Age? This might seem weird, but it's also probably why I didn't try harder to be a D&D-head: I don't really like Tolkien all that much, like that specific shade of fantasy. Something about elves bothers me, I just don't trust them. You're right, they aren't the usual kind in Bioware's game, and there's a new Noah Caldwell-Gervais video, a six hour retrospective on the whole series, that I just *know* is going to make me start playing them.

I'll *probably* comment with more Mass Effect later? Sorry not sorry.
Good Lord, but you turned that out *fast*. I'll forgo random notes this go-round, since we were talking about all this a fair bit before.

That Andrew Wilson quote was *wild* though, what a crazy way to insist "It's not my fault!". They've been in a bind since Anthem, with AAA executive meddling really tearing Bioware up. They were really flying for some years though, and I think the shift from Mass Effect 1 to 2 was maybe as perfect as it could have been for the changes they had to make. The intro was pretty crazy at the time, and while I would have really enjoyed another adventure with grand galactic politics, the Cosmic Dirty Dozen is a premise I won't kick out of bed. (They got that stubble I like.) It's also worth pointing out that they ditched some of the *pretty terrible* gameplay of the first game, like...well, most of the gunplay really, and the spectacularly bad inventory system.

Wait, small random note: Man, but Mass Effect struggled to make Human Male interesting. That being said, I think they show how persistence in writing can pay off. The basic idea of Kaidan was reworked into Jack, a.k.a "Cooler Kaidan" in their yearbook at Earth's Secret Terrible Psychic Lab. They took a do-over with Jacob, a straight-laced soldier with little personality, and turned out James in ME3, a fairly similar guy that's nonetheless a lot more charming.

I don't know why I haven't played Dragon Age? This might seem weird, but it's also probably why I didn't try harder to be a D&D-head: I don't really like Tolkien all that much, like that specific shade of fantasy. Something about elves bothers me, I just don't trust them. You're right, they aren't the usual kind in Bioware's game, and there's a new Noah Caldwell-Gervais video, a six hour retrospective on the whole series, that I just *know* is going to make me start playing them.

I'll *probably* comment with more Mass Effect later? Sorry not sorry.

Dragon age is basically Tolkien, but if Tolkien was more into Marilyn Manson and Slipnot than Celtic poetry and folk music.

P.S. I don't know why Kaidan gets so much hate. I found his story interesting and he fleshes out the lore for being a Human Telekinetic. He doesn't have to have a big personality, he's a straight-laced career soldier. The big personalities should be saved for the alien races not for the quiet genius types.
EA destroys everything that it touches: Origin Systems, Westwood, Maxis. Many upstart gaming studios lie buried in EA's backyard.
It's actually insane how many companies they've taken over then destroyed and/or chained up in their basement like Vicious in the Netflix Bebop. Visceral, Motive, Respawn, DICE.

and its not like Inquisiton was all that great IMO, despite the awards
I used to think the same, but then I played Veilguard. Suddenly Inquisition doesn't look so bad in comparison. It's wild.

Good Lord, but you turned that out *fast*.
Once I opened up the floodgates, it came pouring out of me; you cannot stop me from talking about BioWare.

P.S. I don't know why Kaidan gets so much hate.
I think he just gets piled on due to him sharing the same initial game as characters like Garrus and Wrex, who are more standout personalities. I don't mind Kaidan that much to be honest, but I feel he's lacking maybe one additional little personality thing to him. Even Ashley, who has a similar core with being a largely a straight laced soldier type had the poetry thing and even the little layer of her sort of space racism to engage with.

The basic idea of Kaidan was reworked into Jack, a.k.a "Cooler Kaidan" in their yearbook at Earth's Secret Terrible Psychic Lab. They took a do-over with Jacob, a straight-laced soldier with little personality, and turned out James in ME3, a fairly similar guy that's nonetheless a lot more charming.
They definitely were trying to nail that character trope after a few misfires, starting really with Carth from KOTOR (him and Kaiden even have the same voice actor). I wouldn't say Jack is a Kaidan redo, she's more of a wildcard punk that fits ME2's grittier energy. James absolutely is though, and is somehow more charming despite having less potential screen time to work with than Kaidan had.
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I don't really like Tolkien all that much, like that specific shade of fantasy
To be fair, neither do I believe it or not. I've seen the first movie, fell asleep in the second and have never read the books; have no real desire to at this point considering I know so much just from pop culture.

I'll *probably* comment with more Mass Effect later? Sorry not sorry.
I eagerly await the time.
the synthesis of okay enough gameplay with astounding settings that feel lived in.
This is a great way to sum up the old BioWare experience and I LOVE it. Great write up. I, for one, would love a part 2 as you suggested. Let’s chop it up with some KOTOR! That might be the high point of BioWare for me
To be honest, i always had a gripe with their morality systems.

I don't want to be locked out of abilities or having to go all in on Paragon/Renegade, i like being pragmatic, but the games never rewarded that.

I still love Jade Empire, and the Mass Effect Trilogy to be fair.
To be honest, i always had a gripe with their morality systems.

I don't want to be locked out of abilities or having to go all in on Paragon/Renegade, i like being pragmatic, but the games never rewarded that.

I still love Jade Empire, and the Mass Effect Trilogy to be fair.

Paragon/Renegade duality was kind of silly. Either behave like a respectful person or go all psycho, punching politicians and bullying mild mannered reporter ladies. Aside from the KOTOR games (where it sort of made sense as Jedi/Sith duality is a lore thing) I don't think it was used again in a Bioware game.
To be honest, i always had a gripe with their morality systems.

I don't want to be locked out of abilities or having to go all in on Paragon/Renegade, i like being pragmatic, but the games never rewarded that.

I still love Jade Empire, and the Mass Effect Trilogy to be fair.
It's a fair criticism. It wasn't so bad in Mass Effect 1 since you could simply max out your Charm/Intimidate skills and still be able to hit all the checks, but the system in 2 and 3 where it actually gated you by morality points was silly. It discourages organic roleplaying to me, since you more or less get locked into either going full Renegade or full Paragon if you want to actually be able to use a good number of the conversation options and they are very important in the last two (I'm looking at you, Miranda/Jack fight).

That's something I left out of my Dragon Age section now that I think about it actually; there's no morality system, other than your companion approvals. It was great.
Dragon age is basically Tolkien, but if Tolkien was more into Marilyn Manson and Slipnot than Celtic poetry and folk music.

P.S. I don't know why Kaidan gets so much hate. I found his story interesting and he fleshes out the lore for being a Human Telekinetic. He doesn't have to have a big personality, he's a straight-laced career soldier. The big personalities should be saved for the alien races not for the quiet genius types.
Well, I love that entire sentence so I'm gonna have to check them out.

I don't hate Kaidan, but I think he fades into the background thematically and mechanically. He's also built so much to be a counterpart to Ashley, in my opinion, but she's a bit more fleshed out (and, in my opinion, has a more organic sounding voice actor), with Kaiden being the "Paragon Human".

@Octopus I'm probably generalizing Kaidan and Jack a bit, it's just their backgrounds that overlap a little. I *do* think her and Miranda are better realized attempts at humans in this particular sci-fi setting, with Miranda's genetic tampering and Jack's psi-ence lab upbringing.
To be honest, i always had a gripe with their morality systems.

I don't want to be locked out of abilities or having to go all in on Paragon/Renegade, i like being pragmatic, but the games never rewarded that.

I still love Jade Empire, and the Mass Effect Trilogy to be fair.
Paragon/Renegade, as simple as it is, wouldn't even be that bad if they represented actual differences and not just "What kind of attitude am I bringing to this cutscene?"
Well, I love that entire sentence so I'm gonna have to check them out.

It has that late 2000's ultraviolent slasher movie/nu metal edge to it. Like gratuitous blood splatters and edgy story choices. And the random stripper clothing for certain female characters. I don't think the edginess is that prominent in the sequels. Veilguard almost removed all of the edginess.

I don't hate Kaidan, but I think he fades into the background thematically and mechanically. He's also built so much to be a counterpart to Ashley, in my opinion, but she's a bit more fleshed out (and, in my opinion, has a more organic sounding voice actor), with Kaiden being the "Paragon Human".

Yeah, his voice actor wasn't the best but I appreciated how well developed his backstory was. They put a lot of thought into how human societies would handle children with biotic powers.
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I don't think it was used again in a Bioware game.
Jade Empire had it, i don't remember how it was called there, it also gated which fighting styles you could use. In that one, you are cartoony evil if you choose to be evil.
It discourages organic roleplaying to me
Same, i always approached as: I have a mission and i will do it. Which the game would consider paragon, but, i won't go out of my way to be a hero because mission comes first, which the game sometimes considers renegade. And i don't see a point on antagonizing people just cause, which the game considers paragon.
Paragon/Renegade, as simple as it is, wouldn't even be that bad if they represented actual differences and not just "What kind of attitude am I bringing to this cutscene?"
It always surprised me that the teammates put up with the nonsense and dickishness they get on a Renegade playthrough, if it was me i know i wouldn't want to have a renegade Shephard as my boss.
edginess is that prominent in the sequels
*Laughs in Dragon Age 2's Fenris*

Jade Empire had it, i don't remember how it was called there, it also gated which fighting styles you could use. In that one, you are cartoony evil if you choose to be evil.
They were called the Way Of The Closed Fist and Open Palm and were presented as a philosophical lifestyle kinda enlightenment thing, but were essentially the same as Paragon/Renegade really. And oh yeah, you could be cartoonishly evil. It's up there with Origins for the most lunatic evil choices I think. Something I wanted to talk about in the article that always entertained me, but couldn't get an image from the internet of, is your characters face changing when you hover over an Open Palm or Closed Fist choice in a dialogue. Open Palm you'll get this big goofy grin and Closed Fist you'll show this grumpy little smile, always made me laugh.
Unfortunately I was never much of a BioWare fan so a lot of this is hard to relate to. Jade Empire is genuinely fun though & was pleasantly surprised by it, mostly because I picked it up at a thrift store. I expected nothing, but got a lot of everything from it upon playing it!

Also never got into Bioware stuff because other games. Back then, when I used to go to Walmart with my parents & you had those cheap game bins, when I was picking up Dragon Age Origins along MGS4, RE5 & DMC collection for 5/10$ a piece... yeah.

And Sonic Chronicles scares me because it's home to some of the worst video game songs of all time!
Also never got into Bioware stuff because other games. Back then, when I used to go to Walmart with my parents & you had those cheap game bins, when I was picking up Dragon Age Origins along MGS4, RE5 & DMC collection for 5/10$ a piece... yeah.
You're missing out man, but at least you were still getting some quality other titles there.
Dragon Age Origins was what got me into gaming, going through each origin and finding a new way to the ending was so ridiculously engrossing. I honestly feel like the achievements in that games branching narrative have only been matched by very few other RPGs.
My embarrassing DA I thing is I could never figure out how to get the damn horse, though thankfully the open world was basically built around not needing it. Definitely made the slog parts of the map worse.
With hope maybe the devs who have gone on to make new studios will pay off, my fingers are crossed for Exodus.

It always surprised me that the teammates put up with the nonsense and dickishness they get on a Renegade playthrough, if it was me i know i wouldn't want to have a renegade Shephard as my boss.
Hard to quit your job when the only way out is an airlock I guess.
Dragon Age Origins was what got me into gaming, going through each origin and finding a new way to the ending was so ridiculously engrossing
The different origins are really well done, I wish more games used the idea honestly. They all tied into the game and story somehow, and they were all amazing little prologues.

The city elf is easily my personal favourite; it goes hard, man. I love the interaction with Cailan when you first get to Ostagar and he asks where you're from, and his reaction after you tell him the whole "massacred like 67 humans after they kidnapped my bride-to-be and (implied) did terrible things to her wedding party" is hilarious.

It always surprised me that the teammates put up with the nonsense and dickishness they get on a Renegade playthrough, if it was me i know i wouldn't want to have a renegade Shephard as my boss.
Some of them probably wouldn't really mind, or would even cheer you on probably in the case of Wrex/Grunt/Jack. It is weird how there's hardly any reactions from most of them in 2/3 now that I think about it, but 1 has decent amount of them commenting on things.
As with other Companies, we should start tracking if the Minds behind the beloved Games are remaining or leaving.
If they are leaving, the Chance is very big that the Quality and what made these Games is gone.

Very seldom they construct a Philosophy in a Company that will remain and deliver a Product with the same Touch.

You can see that even in technical Points Games nowadays often look worse than Games from ten Years ago, besides other Issues (FPS, Space, Features).
The Storytelling goes down and Character Developement is a Joke.
Than, they love butchering the Gameplay, to make it easier to get in for a broader Audience.
But this makes many modern Games so generic, and forgettable, at least to me.

It was clear that IPs will get damages over Time and in the long run, Companies will crumble.

Bioware is dead, Anthem showed it clearly and what is nowadays left is just a Zombie that now falls to finally finds its End, a End so harsh that we could find it on Rotten dot com.

If even Star Wars is slowly dying (Toy Sales are the Indicator, its bad), others shouldn't feel to save and think that they can do whatever they want, at some Point People will leave even a beloved IP.
I'm the same as @Anim8rDude, I've never tried any or most of the games especially Dragon Age, I've seen that that thing on sale many times though. Mass Effect on the other hand, I did at least try Andromeda and running around, that's all really

I've seen the others play the trilogy though like 1, 2 and 3, but 2 got mentioned quite a lot especially when there's voice actors like Steve Blum as the grunt, DC Douglas as Legion and Martin Sheen as the Illusive Man (there's so much more). So many great and iconic voice actors in this one game and that's just the voice actors, I didn't even talk about the game yet

Anyway, this is a really great rant (even though I couldn't understand some of it). Even though there has been disaster upon disaster, Bioware have reached a new level of peak with these games before. Unfortunately, they couldn't make that kind of impact again (maybe), but they will still be remembered for their games on the 7th gen (or older) era of gaming consoles
Oh, this is a little silly, but sometimes when someone goes to the library, I'll ask "Grab me something random and terrible, romance or fantasy preferably". A few months back, I was treated to this:


Book 2 in a series, Rogues of the Republic. I have *not* read the first book, but I think that's more fun sometimes. It's like how I used to read comics, diving in to some hi-jinks with a lot of characters named Constable Bludd and grand events with names like The Weirding, just the more proper nouns the better.

Anyhow, after the third set piece action sequence in a new location with a colorful cast of characters with unique items and skills, I started to think "This was written by someone who likes video games." Close, it's written by someone who *writes* video games, Patrick Weekes was apparently a writer at Bioware. Among other things, he handled Mordin and Jack from Mass Effect.
Patrick Weekes was apparently a writer at Bioware. Among other things, he handled Mordin and Jack from Mass Effect.
Damn, guess he got into fantasy novel writing after BioWare. The guys got some talent coming off of Mordin and Jack at least; they both are two of my favourites.
Damn, actually I was looking him up, apparently he was the lead writer for Dragon Age, including the new one, and just got laid off.

I feel bad, I'm sure it wasn't his fault that the character writing in Veilguard was complete garbage. Granted, I hear it wasn't as bad as the discourse would have you believe but it definitively feels like a sensitivity consultant got involved and touched up the script with nonsense.
Damn, actually I was looking him up, apparently he was the lead writer for Dragon Age, including the new one, and just got laid off.
I feel bad, I'm sure it wasn't his fault that the character writing in Veilguard was complete garbage.
Basically, I don't think the significant issues with that games writing came from any one specific person. That being said;
Granted, I hear it wasn't as bad as the discourse would have you believe
Its that bad, honestly. I've played a good amount myself and have been in the room with someone playing the entirety of the game almost, and it's that bad.

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