Ha-ha! Hajikeru BOM-BER!
Bomberman Jetters is an easy top five anime series for me — it’s got fucking hilarious comedy (it’s one of the only anime series I’ve literally rolled on the floor laughing at), awesome sci-fi storylines and concepts (the way they create enemies for the Jetters is so cool), and some seriously well-done drama — I’m not proud to say it, but it’s also the only anime I’ve ever legitimately cried at, and I
never do that.
What starts as a very entertaining shounen-style action show quickly becomes a space epic about family, technology’s role in metaphysical post-mortality, and, of course, lots and lots of bombs. All of the characters are entertaining, and the show’s final arc brings everything together perfectly. Highly recommended for kids and adults alike. The game SUCKS.
Waffles mentioned SatAM above, so allow me to bring up the other one.
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog is just good, plain, cartoon fun. Putting the hilarious YTPs aside, the show has some truly expert voice work and character designs, and, for my money, the only Western-developed Sonic characters that are any good at all. (Scratch and Grounder should have been added to the main game continuity — they’re the perfect bungling henchmen.)
This show doesn’t take anything seriously, and revels in audacious nonsense, making it light and easy to watch anytime. Some episodes were even animated by TMS, and they look truly gorgeous. It’s not a perfect cartoon, and it’s pretty dumb, but it’s very fun to laugh at… or with. I find cartoons like these to be really cute.
And, to end on a crowd-pleaser,
Popotan is a very special anime series for your friend Gorse. I’ve never played the game — I understand it was actually quite innovative for the time — but I watched this show at age 10 and it left a huge impression on me (or fucked me up permanently, whatever). Rather than adapt the game’s storyline, this show made the smart decision to remove the original hero and heroine entirely and focus instead on the three most interesting side girls, telling an original story that’s very sweet and touching.
Popotan has been forgotten by time, now, but it was very popular when I first got into anime, and will live forever through the Caramelldansen meme, which the game created. It’s not expertly-written or animated, but the three main girls are extremely likeable and endearing, and the world they live in is blissfully quaint. I don’t know if anyone who wasn’t there will get anything out of it, but if you were, you know what I mean. The
ending theme reminds me of a better world.