DunkeyKong, now I want to make game scripts and dialogues, between the characters and their pixel arts...
And I must keep cleaning my room, lol...
I am downloading the video, this is sooooooo cooooooooool...
Wow that's good to know! I hope you can keep cleaning your room! I'm really glad to know that you like the video, so much so that you even download it!
Thank you so much man

Hell yeah man, that was great; loved the Spike bit. Looking forward to part 2 ?.
Thank you, I'm glad you like it! Btw there's an audio in that bit, but the music is quite loud lol
Here's the audio
I'm happy to know that you're looking forward to it!
Goddamn, everyone got friendly titles like “supportive friend” or “great member” while simply the bullyer. Incredible. I bullied so hard I absorbed the concept of bullying.
I was pretty sexy in that video. Nice representation of me. It’s quite nice seeing this after not logging into the site for a week. Glad I didn’t miss it.
Yoooo wazzupppppp! It's a special title just for you lmao. Again, sexy?! I don't know what else isn't sexy to you LOL! I'm glad that you like it, it was quite unintentional for me to welcome you with this

And I'm sure you'll find this video in some way, even if you miss it
Pretty outstanding to make a video based on members of this community. Now this is pure dedication. Part 2? I'll definitely be looking forward to that.
Thank you! I wanted to make it special for everyone here. And thank you for your praises! I'll try my best for the next one
Omg this is adorable! Your donkey avi at the end taking up the whole screen made me laugh so much xD
Thank you lol, I almost covered the entire Smash ball
I read Cu-Neo's title as "A Genuine Psychopath" and horse laughed, and the Donkey ending with the music was a delight.
Lmao that's CRAZY! Who knows though?

Anyway, joking of course. I'm glad that you find it delightful!
I approve of your usage of that Konata video. It's one of my favorite things on the internet.
It's one of my favorite videos too! It's really nice to stuff like that on the internet, and thank you for the approval!
What a fantastic idea! Great for making members of the community feel welcome and a positive way to express your creativity. Good job!
Thank you so much! I'm really glad that I made them feel welcome! Thank you for your praises
Things I noticed upon rewatching:
View attachment 22456
It's Ikagura. My brain defaults to Ikaruga too whenever I see him so I can't blame you there.
View attachment 22457
Stingy Perry, most likely autocorrect.
View attachment 22458
This one's just a typo I think.
Lmao so many errors and mistakes, I'm so sorry! I'm really impressed that you even notice that though, how many times did you replay that video lmao
Anyway, thank you so much for pointing out
I wonder what kind of bird, looks funny and beautiful
(I know for Alien Soldier... Since I played first Mischief Makers, first name for the character is not Epsilon, just Merco).
Maybe a typo, but looks great for an alternative nick/surname.
Atenderland. Now I can think more of Groudon...
Actually, we are two. I missed the typo.
I got it from a website called a Bird Spot, it was a topic about "20 Beautiful Orange Birds" so…I guess it was a great compliment!
Also, cool ideas as always lol, even with names
I completely missed that, I love it.
I'm glad that you still love it!
Great job Dude can’t wait for part 2!
Thank you! My bad for the typo btw
Thank you so much everyone! I'm glad that you guys enjoy it! I don't know what else can I say here but…until next time, see you in the next part!