Movies you're glad got cancelled


Sleepy man of the Internet
Level 4
Feb 17, 2025
Reaction score
my house, dude come over, I have soda and a PS2.
Usually people aren't happy when a movie gets cancelled but some movies they just needed to be cancelled and were. And the best example of this that I know of is... Rapsittie Street Kids: A Bunny's Tale. Because the first movie was horrendous enough that we didn't need a sequel. (Though it would have been funny to see the man waste another million dollars.)
Slender: the second arrival was a fan movie set to hit cinema at around 2016, but I personally knew that if it would've been,there would be more cult activities in my area (some of my ex friends decided it would be funny to k!ll my hamster as a 'sacrifice' to slenderman, and apparently a few days after it released, it was cancelled worldwide for inciting cult activities.. thankfully it was also pulled from video stores and burnt as the movies themselves were and still are illegal, that's my story
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Slender: the second arrival was a fan movie set to hit cinema at around 2016, but I personally knew that if it would've been,there would be more cult activities in my area (some of my ex friends decided it would be funny to k!ll my hamster as a 'sacrifice' to slenderman, and apparently a few days after it released, it was cancelled worldwide for inciting cult activities.. thankfully it was also pulled from video stores and burnt as the movies themselves were and still are illegal, that's my story
If anyone has any questions about my story just reply and I'll explain more thoroughly
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Here is a boxart (edited due to DMCA)
download (3).jpeg

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Post taken out of context by gamefaqs if you all must know
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You physically can't get the real one as it's only found on the dark web, and I ain't going down there bcs I'm sh!t scared of that place
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I'm generally not happy about any movie getting cancelled. Unless I was going to, somehow, forced to watch it.
And you never know who might be happily expecting it.

I don't like it when people are glad some show or something I like gets cancelled, so, you know... golden rule.
I'm happy the Nicholas Cage Superman movie never got made. From what I heard about it, it would have been a real stinker.
Usually people aren't happy when a movie gets cancelled but some movies they just needed to be cancelled and were. And the best example of this that I know of is... Rapsittie Street Kids: A Bunny's Tale. Because the first movie was horrendous enough that we didn't need a sequel. (Though it would have been funny to see the man waste another million dollars.)
Sonic Armageddon. It's bad enough it only exists from the cancellation of SatAM but the pitch and gruesome concept art (not the one below) of a Mobian being tortured by Snivelly was NOT helping its case.
The remaining Snyderverse films. That series was dead on arrival. No comic book adaptation deserves to continue if the director doesn't even like the series they are working on. Even worse if they purposely kill off fan favorite characters as a mere "macho" show of how much they aren't a fan of the series. Still even worse if they alter the remaining characters into something totally opposite of what they are because they can't stand that the characters people actually like are nothing like themselves.
Batman the Brave and the Bold, most of the DC cinecomics is garbage, and I'm sick of seeing Batman mistreated that way like they did with The Batman.
At least it's not Police Academy. I can enjoy older comedies like Blazing Saddles and A New Leaf, but for the life of me I couldn't understand its popularity.
That's a big problem with comedy. Comedy evolves over time, and things that were considered funny at one point in history are no longer funny at others. So a lot of old comedies that had some level of success just seem weird and out of place today.

And the same even goes for some comedians. You see all sorts of older, formerly successful comedians whining about how [insert topical issue here] is "destroying" comedy, even if that issue doesn't have any direct effect on them. In reality, tastes have changed and these old-timers haven't updated their material in decades, so they are freaking out instead of trying to do some actual work to earn their pay. Jerry Seinfeld is a good example: his work is totally inoffensive by today's standards, to the point that "Seinfeld is boring" is a common refrain about changing standards. But he complains on and on about how people need stop being so easily offended not because he's being too offensive (which he seemingly can't do), but because he's basically the same guy who says "what's the deal with..." even after he cut that line from his routine. If he took a cue from George Carlin and actually updated his style to make jokes that people would find funny now, he'd have nothing to complain about. (And he still makes insane amounts of money off TV reruns, so nobody needs to shed a tear for his financial situation.)
That's a big problem with comedy. Comedy evolves over time, and things that were considered funny at one point in history are no longer funny at others. So a lot of old comedies that had some level of success just seem weird and out of place today.

And the same even goes for some comedians. You see all sorts of older, formerly successful comedians whining about how [insert topical issue here] is "destroying" comedy, even if that issue doesn't have any direct effect on them. In reality, tastes have changed and these old-timers haven't updated their material in decades, so they are freaking out instead of trying to do some actual work to earn their pay. Jerry Seinfeld is a good example: his work is totally inoffensive by today's standards, to the point that "Seinfeld is boring" is a common refrain about changing standards. But he complains on and on about how people need stop being so easily offended not because he's being too offensive (which he seemingly can't do), but because he's basically the same guy who says "what's the deal with..." even after he cut that line from his routine. If he took a cue from George Carlin and actually updated his style to make jokes that people would find funny now, he'd have nothing to complain about. (And he still makes insane amounts of money off TV reruns, so nobody needs to shed a tear for his financial situation.)
It’s funny too because they always cite Carlin as if he wasn't one of the most “woke” comedians ever.
Hmm, I spent some time looking at canceled films and holy shit, DC has canceled more than they've ever made. x) Too bad they didn't cancel more of the recent ones. Specifically, anything made by Zack Snyder. Anyway, after writing that first sentence, I've spent a lot longer looking at canceled films. I'm not surprised there is a ton of them, but goddamn. Don Quixote must be cursed because holy shit, many attempts have been made and stopped. They really shouldn't bother, Wishbone did it best. ::biggrin Otherwise, lots of shitty animated sequels, lots of unnecessary remakes and reboots, lots of inane adaptations and so on.

The standouts would have to be Spore and The Sims for video game movie adaptations. Like, what the hell? Those games do not lend themselves to be movies very well. The remakes of Akira and the Yellow Submarine should stay in the grave. Akira was hard enough to adapt as is, I don't have any faith in a live action adaptation meant for Hollywood. Chronicle was inspired by Akira and was good enough as an Akira film, just leave it at that. The Yellow Submarine was a 3D film and sounds like a total disaster. Robert Zemeckis was the director and while he has made some fantastic films, I feel like he hasn't made a good one in 25+ years, especially not his 3D movies.

Finally, the entirety of the Universal Dark Universe. They banked on it being a thing so fucking hard and it's immediate death after The Mummy will always bring me joy. It's just a bad idea to begin with, but the involvement of Alex Kurtzman and Chris Morgan as the leads behind the shared universe is the most terrifying part. I will also never bemoan the icky cultist creep Tom Cruise getting denied another cash cow franchise. Like he really needs more money to inject into Scientology. Ugh.
Overall, I usually go by a mentality of if something isn't good or appealing to me then I'll just avoid it.

That said... I will always be happy when a notably bad series of adaptations gets cancelled because it opens other people up to getting the license. Like Amazing Spider-Man 3 getting cancelled opened us up for Tom Holland's Spider-Man films.
I'm glad they cancelled the Emoji movie so we could have a funny Popeye one.

Wait, it was the other way around? Damn.

Overall, I usually go by a mentality of if something isn't good or appealing to me then I'll just avoid it.
This is a good mentality individually speaking but when you see how even mediocre movies get popular it's encouraging the producers to create more mediocrity.
Brazzaville. It was to be a sequel to Casablanca following the book As Time Goes By. There's a shortage of perfect movies in this world, it would be a pity to damage this one.
Usually people aren't happy when a movie gets cancelled but some movies they just needed to be cancelled and were. And the best example of this that I know of is... Rapsittie Street Kids: A Bunny's Tale. Because the first movie was horrendous enough that we didn't need a sequel. (Though it would have been funny to see the man waste another million dollars.)
harry potter movies

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