Feedback Needed Looking for collaborators


Dragon Slayer
Writers Guild
Ko-Fi Supporter
Nov 28, 2024
Reaction score
I’d like to pitch a simple group project. This idea came to me when we had two anniversaries this year, NDS and PlayStation. The NDS article by Az was great, and there’s probably a way to celebrate PS 30 anniversary but I have no pitch for that unfortunately.

Instead I’d like to pitch something lighter, a simple “Game of the Year 2024” series of articles.

There’s nothing crazy going on here, simply two or three writers are invited to participate by submitting their own “2024 GOTY”, if they have one of course and feel they can write about it.

The group would compose of at least 3 people.

Planning would be… I suppose us having a DM group where choose which game we’ll cover (to avoid accidental duplicates) and I suppose update each other to avoid two pieces publishing simultaneously (not that would necessarily be a bad thing)

If this sounds a bit ambitious… it probably is. I’ve had this idea in my head for over a week so I thought at least sharing it wouldn’t hurt not to mention that I’m on a time limit, it’s already 11 December.

This is just brainstorming for fun. I CAN fly completely solo but I’m not really hung up on the idea itself, just thought it would be fun to have a group project and that some other sites do this.

Curios what others think.

Alternatively the PlayStation 30th anniversary group idea might be more fun but I sadly did not plan something for it. I’m currently just brainstorming.
I'd be down. I haven't played a lot that released this year, but there's a thing or two...
Oh hell yeah, glad to get a response.
That’s alright, I’d still love to hear it anyways.
I’ll wait a bit to see if there’s volunteers. If not, I’m ok having this be a two-guy band.
Then we discuss things in dms.
Can’t wait!

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