LEGO Island

Netherwitch the VTuber

New Challenger
Level 0
Sep 28, 2024
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Apparently MattKC has just uploaded a video about the first true LEGO PC game (before Traveller's Tales made licensed cash grabs based on LEGO themes), called LEGO Island.
What are you memories of this game?
Yeah, I played that one as a kid. My dad had brought the disc home from his job, we installed it on his PC and I got to run around in this janky mess. And man, it was janky. Nowadays it almost feels like a fever dream.
I remember this game having an option where you could print out a full-colour map of the Lego island. This printed over about 8 pages, and my dad was pretty mad when he found out how much ink I'd wasted on that thing.

But yeah, I played enough of Lego Island at a young age that the game is deeply imprinted on my brain. Looking back it's interesting how it presented itself as a sandbox but it did have a story mode of sorts, it was just hidden. If you delivered a pizza to the prison when playing as the pizza delivery boy then the prisoner would escape and you'd chase him down over a series of missions. The fact that he used a pizza to escape from prison still confuses and haunts me to this day.
OMG I loved this game as a kid! I would play it for hours just wandering around the island playing the mini games over and over again, recoloring the vehicles and people, giving them different hats and whatnot.

Good times
this game needs a proper port so i can actually beat it !
i never got to catch the brickster because my classmate in grade 6 wanted his game back haha :(

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