JRPGs that never left Japan

Summon Night 1-4 we only got the fifth and that one has no voiced dialogues only texts. The remakes of Super Robot Wars Masoukishin 1& 2 either on psp or nds would have been great.
The first growlanser, every gundam you can think of, San goku shi and nobunaga no yaibou, days of memories, Xenosaga 1 2 (nds) , Houkago shounen, Sigma harmonics, etc.
Hey, thanks! ❤️ And btw, I was looking for same books with videogame maps from retrogamebooks, nes, snes, megadrive, maybe you have any of them? 👀
Sorry, I don't. I only have the JRPG one because I pre-ordered the physical book and the pdf was an added bonus.

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