ITT: Great fight scenes

Police Story 2

Tiger Cage 2

Guyver 2
That Tiger Cage 2 fight is an all-timer for sure, and the steam in an industrial setting at night is such an 80's thing, from music videos to movies. I was just watching a movie that's like Jaws but with a wild hog in the Outback, called Razorback (from the director of Highlander) that looks much the same.

There's so many good choices, but I have a few that came to mind right away.

"Yes, we got all the martial arts. Yes, even Mystery Raven. Shit, I called him *first*."

Jet Li, you will always be famous.

You too, Statham.

Such a nasty little fight in an enclosed space.

Stretching the definition to "gunfight scene", and it's a bit longer, but I love the buildup, the music especially, and Sharon Stone looks about as cool as anyone ever has drawing that smoke wagon. Russel Crowe too, him and Gene Hackman are unreal in this movie.

Okay okay I'm gonna stop there, turns out I have more than a few.
Seconding the Jackie Chan- people usually only know him for his Hollywood comedy movies, but his original action films are some of the greatest in the genre. He was also I think the first notable "Tom Cruise" where he did all his own stunts, and was insane with them.
One of my favourites is the karate black belts fight from the end of Ip Man, though really any fight scene from the whole series could be on here.
Some more recent stuff!

The Princess just popped on Hulu one day, I'd seen Le-Van Kiet's Furie before I had no idea he was making this. The choreography is a blast but Joey King really sells it, I'd watch her in another action movie happily. (She was great in Bullet Train, not nearly as physical a part though.)

Another Hulu debut, the shockingly good Prey has a lot of action to choose from, but the new savage as hell Predator getting to just annihilate a bunch of guys is probably the standout. It's extremely violent, yeah, but it has a sense of humor to the uh, slaughter!

Speaking of slaughter, The Night Comes for Us is almost too damn violent. I grabbed this clip because I remember it being one of the less gory fights, but I'd forgotten caving in a guys skull with a loaded pool table pocket. Damn.

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