Is this game known for having a poor original translation? What kinds of things were changed?
From wikipedia:
In accordance with Nintendo of America's censorship policies at the time of publication, several changes were made to the game to mitigate certain darker story elements. Most notably, the native tribe encountered near Angkor Wat was originally depicted as cannibals, with skeletal remains scattered around the village representing the remnants of their own tribesmen whom they had consumed to survive.
Religious references were modified or removed entirely. Will's school was initially overseen by a priest and held within a Christian church. The American release merely identifies the building as a school and replaces the cross with a statue. In the Japanese version, speaking with the priest prompts Will to recite a prayer. In contrast, the American version has the teacher leading Will in reciting a poem. A translation error in a sequence near the middle of the game suggests that Seth's consciousness has been absorbed into a sea monster named "Riverson". The Japanese version states that he has been transformed into a "
Leviathan". Additionally, a line from the game's climax, where Will and Kara remark, upon seeing Earth from outer space, that this must be what it feels like to be God, was also removed.
A significant gameplay alteration is that the Japanese and American releases feature different bosses in the Sky Garden. In the Japanese version, the boss is depicted as a giant bird, while in the American release, it is a winged Babylonian statue with talons. It is suggested that the American boss aligns more closely with the creators' initial vision and relates to the idea that the Sky Garden was once the
Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The developers took the opportunity presented by the port to "tidy up" the boss, as they were dissatisfied with the bird-snake hybrid used in the original release.
In Europe, the game was released as
Illusion of Time in English, German, French, and Spanish. Of these, only the French version underwent significant changes, incorporating references to existing people or myths, such as
Edgar Degas,
Franz Kafka,
Chrysaor, and
I never understood nor agreed on religious and name changes (always going to be Tina and Mash to me).
When I was a child playing all these games, those with religious themes being more outright put forth, with death and church etc (Breath of Fire 2) got me much more keen on the game.
And if anyone wonders, I am from Singapore.