How To Fix Boredom?

Oh man, marinades are so much fun to experiment around with.
Made some kickass buttermilk fried chicken with a spicy crust and some soy- and oyster-sauce marinated airfryer Karaage recently - getting the marinade just right makes such a massive difference every time. Love it.
Looking for a good way to prepare and marinade tofu that doesn't involve sesame oil atm.
Buttermilk is so good but we don’t have it here so I make my own, definitely good stuff ?
Corn flour is something i should be I know for a fact it’ll kick up my chicken hand
Oyster sauce is fantastic sadly really expensive so I use regular soy sauce we have here it’s really cheap ?
Tofu is awesome but hard to get so I use halloumi which is different but delicious and recommended. Cheers ?
Try stepping out of your comfort zone with a new hobby or pursuit, that works for me when I'm in a rut.
I second this. Doing unusual stuff can be a good mental exercise. Try finding a new hobby and invest in it and make sure you get the most out of it but don’t be like me and get too absorbed in it like I was with sumo wrestling lmao. Cheers ?
Buttermilk is so good but we don’t have it here so I make my own, definitely good stuff ?
Corn flour is something i should be I know for a fact it’ll kick up my chicken hand
Oyster sauce is fantastic sadly really expensive so I use regular soy sauce we have here it’s really cheap ?
Tofu is awesome but hard to get so I use halloumi which is different but delicious and recommended. Cheers ?
Oh man, grilled halloumi... ? Haven't had any in ages, thanks for reminding me, I gotta get me some of that again soon!
Probably switching gears will help. Think of the dopamine reward system in your brain as a series of casks with taps, and each thing you do has its own reserve. If you drink up the dopamine from a single cask, it will run dry.
Try channel your hobbies into another hobbies to add a new dimension of meaning and enjoyment. Gaming on it's own kinda feels unproductive to me on it's own, and I sometimes end up in my own head, so I started streaming and writing and it's so fun now....if a bit exhausting at times.
If you don't feel like doing anything, it's likely either that you need to try new things, or that your dopamine receptors have been downregulated from doing too much of certain dopaminergic activities. If you're not already physically active, exercise is great for restoring normal dopamine function over time. Even walking works well. Put aside the most dopaminergic things you might be doing already for a while. Ultimately, you might need to eliminate some of them if they serve no real purpose. Social media, porn, whatever it might be. Even among video games, some will spike your dopamine more than others - action more so than anything turn-based, or anything that gives you little rewards all the time. Not saying you need to drop any particular genre forever, but that can help you balance them out.

Try to get involved in some sort of productive project, too, even if you don't feel like it at first. It could be building something physically, it could be creating some sort of art, anything that involves work that you choose to do. All those things can really help.

Low testosterone, and probably other hormonal issues, can 100% cause depression, by the way. It's literally listed on mainstream medical websites. So don't discount a hormonal check up if nothing else works.
So I have found myself in a conundrum, I am extremely bored and I can't bother playing anything, all I do right now is just brainrot myself by doing the same activity, thinking it will change anything; that being I open my browser and just stare.

So here is my question: What is your best way to fix boredom?
My situation exactly, I live in a complete state of apathy in years.
To answer the question, I don't do nothing, just stay here and wait the end of this suffering existence.
Drawing or playing video games helps me a lot of the time. Even picking up a new hobby could be a fun time or going for a walk at a local park.

Being engrossed in a pursuit/hobby, being busy or as some pointed out, masturbation, is basically focusing your attention due to the effort involved, however long the duration

I used to have an old tire rubber, I take a hard stick and just 'wail' on it, hitting it for about 100 times each

Right now I use my bed cushion, prop it against the wall and use it as an impromptu punching bag; be sure not to hit too deep to reach the wall.

Once you're tired enough, boredom is not an issue
I don't watch brainrot, meant it more so as a term that describes the pointlessness of the things I did.
Yeah I know like videos you don't really want to watch to be you watch anyways ,endless shorts scrolling ,endless social media posts scrolling and all that (That's what you mean right) well my advice is to not do that anymore
Probably switching gears will help. Think of the dopamine reward system in your brain as a series of casks with taps, and each thing you do has its own reserve. If you drink up the dopamine from a single cask, it will run dry.
yes bro that’s what I do ?
Wish I had time to be bored: I have a child with special needs, so that requires much of my attention during the day. The nights are my time though, and that's when I do what I need to do/want to do. Not sure if that situation applies to you, but I just play games when I can lol.
Wish I had time to be bored: I have a child with special needs, so that requires much of my attention during the day. The nights are my time though, and that's when I do what I need to do/want to do. Not sure if that situation applies to you, but I just play games when I can lol.
My situation is more so that I have school and so my focus lies on that and since school does this funny thing called homework/studying, every time I feel like I have free time there is a thing at the back of my mind that tells me I don't and so I become stuck in this grey area where I feel boredom but I also have to study even if I did study for the day.
My situation is more so that I have school and so my focus lies on that and since school does this funny thing called homework/studying, every time I feel like I have free time there is a thing at the back of my mind that tells me I don't and so I become stuck in this grey area where I feel boredom but I also have to study even if I did study for the day.
Maybe actually adding R&R time to your formal schedule will convince your subconscious mind that it is all right to lower your gears for a while. It seems to me that guilt/worry are stopping you from having fun and relaxing even when you would be entitled to. This apparent impasse you find yourself in drains your mental energy and leads to a lethargy that could be described as boredom.

At least that's my read on the situation as a layman.
Just try a bit of all of the above. Marinating sextoys while taking pictures of things to do on a list
sounds like a lot of fun.
My situation is more so that I have school and so my focus lies on that and since school does this funny thing called homework/studying, every time I feel like I have free time there is a thing at the back of my mind that tells me I don't and so I become stuck in this grey area where I feel boredom but I also have to study even if I did study for the day.
I remember those days. Seems like even if you have no homework, your brain can't switch over to "relaxation mode". Might want to try meditation or working out after finishing your work as that can help your brain separate from what you were just totally engaged in.

Or at least that used to work for me!
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Just try a bit of all of the above. Marinating sextoys while taking pictures of things to do on a list
sounds like a lot of fun.

lmao that's definitely a way to get your brain on something else other that work!
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Maybe actually adding R&R time to your formal schedule will convince your subconscious mind that it is all right to lower your gears for a while. It seems to me that guilt/worry are stopping you from having fun and relaxing even when you would be entitled to. This apparent impasse you find yourself in drains your mental energy and leads to a lethargy that could be described as boredom.

At least that's my read on the situation as a layman.
100% agree! Good advice, for sure.
My situation is more so that I have school and so my focus lies on that and since school does this funny thing called homework/studying, every time I feel like I have free time there is a thing at the back of my mind that tells me I don't and so I become stuck in this grey area where I feel boredom but I also have to study even if I did study for the day.
Okay, this I can relate since I'm on the same situation during my school years.

I don't study nor do I do homework, every day I would always think of a way to play something, ANYTHING, just so I don't get bored at school. Be it making your own board game, sneak in handhelds and play during class, or just straight up pretend sick to leave. To me, it's not the activity that makes it fun, it's the fact I can break the rules and they can do nothing to stop it.

Y'know actually, don't follow my advice, bad idea.
Even just a brisk walk for a couple of hours works great, regardless of the weather outside. It helps clear your mind of thoughts and at the same time fulfills you.

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