How to be THE MAN

Who, this guy?


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-Good hygiene and grooming
-Confidence and being comfortable with yourself, but not to the point of arrogance or egotism
-Kindness and approachability
-A sense of humor, and willingness to laugh at yourself, though not *overly* self-depreciating
-Putting in effort to take care of and improve yourself, whether that be exercise and health habits or learning new things.
-Don't try *too* hard to be liked that you come off as phony, be genuine.

These things have worked for me. Be kind, confidant, and take care of yourself and you're 90% of the way there already.
-Good hygiene and grooming
-Confidence and being comfortable with yourself, but not to the point of arrogance or egotism
-Kindness and approachability
-A sense of humor, and willingness to laugh at yourself, though not *overly* self-depreciating
-Putting in effort to take care of and improve yourself, whether that be exercise and health habits or learning new things.
-Don't try *too* hard to be liked that you come off as phony, be genuine.

These things have worked for me. Be kind, confidant, and take care of yourself and you're 90% of the way there already.
a man wearing a hat and a suit looks to the side
Hey. This is very serious, guys. That's why I'm posting this here in a forum filled with video game fanatics b.c it's so very serious and I need help from people
who are just like me.

Look, nevermind that. The bottom line is I'm getting older and flabbier. Getting ear hair over here ffs. Hip hurts and so does everything else, especially when it's about to rain. Midlife crisis is about to become 4/4 life crisis if I can't be cool, I've decided. because if you're not cool, then you fail at life.

Then I had an idea! I just need to regain my mojo! That will fix all my problems.

So here's my question... how do I be cool?

Especially... in front of the LADDDDIEESSSSSS?

I am a white dude with no game except when there's a controller in my hand. (not a helpful skill)

How do I be smooth? And remember...this is SERIOUS.
That's the neat part - Imgur

The definition of "cool" is very vague. Don't even try it, you're more likely to alienate the ladies by trying that. Parents try it too and alienate the youngsters hence the "how do you do, fellow kids." And honestly, the idea of "being cool in front of the ladies" is a power fantasy from TV that's an incredibly unrealistic standard without being a celebrity or pop culture icon or smth. There's a reason the popular kid archetype dies after high school and that's because it only works when the people know you. As more and more people from different areas previously who don't know/care about you start becoming more and more of a norm, the clout exclusive to your community naturally gives out. And of course this peaks at college, because it's very unlikely anyone from your past will follow you there.

At the same time "being yourself" won't cut it either unlike what the kids programming will tell you. You gotta be yourself AND own it. If you're an arrogant prick, be an arrogant prick. People can smell desperation and fakeness anyway. And DEFINITELY don't be one of those guys who whines about attracting no women all the time, that just makes it worse. You're not gonna have women flocking over you like the shows where the jock attracts everyone, just won't happen.

-a terminally online dude in his 20s

P.S.: It's also worth mentioning the people who try the hardest to be cool often become bums after high school whereas the average person or nerds tend to be the ones landing high paying jobs.
-Good hygiene and grooming
-Confidence and being comfortable with yourself, but not to the point of arrogance or egotism
-Kindness and approachability
-A sense of humor, and willingness to laugh at yourself, though not *overly* self-depreciating
-Putting in effort to take care of and improve yourself, whether that be exercise and health habits or learning new things.
-Don't try *too* hard to be liked that you come off as phony, be genuine.

These things have worked for me. Be kind, confidant, and take care of yourself and you're 90% of the way there already.​
I came here literally just to say this. There's not anything in this thread that's bad advice, but this is the best advice. Do this.​
I don't mean to break the mood but let's be realistic for a bit, open up your character sheet and check your luck stat.
If it's under 15, well, just do what everyone said and hope for the best.
The best way to "get in the door" is to confidently (no shaking, no sweating, no hesitating - GO ALL IN GO GO GO GO GO!!!) approach a woman and ask, "Sooo... where are you taking me tonight?"

It doesn't work all the time, but women WILL remember you for your confidence - a major turn-on. And when it works, it works! Just remember the following:
Mojo is irrelevant if your body can’t keep up with the things you wanna do.
Don’t worry you have to go to the gym to have that.
Just do these warm ups every morning you’ll feel the results in a week or so.
Do some push ups, some sit up crunches and squats. About 10 -20 repetitions should do the trick.
Hey. This is very serious, guys. That's why I'm posting this here in a forum filled with video game fanatics b.c it's so very serious and I need help from people
who are just like me.

Look, nevermind that. The bottom line is I'm getting older and flabbier. Getting ear hair over here ffs. Hip hurts and so does everything else, especially when it's about to rain. Midlife crisis is about to become 4/4 life crisis if I can't be cool, I've decided. because if you're not cool, then you fail at life.

Then I had an idea! I just need to regain my mojo! That will fix all my problems.

So here's my question... how do I be cool?

Especially... in front of the LADDDDIEESSSSSS?

I am a white dude with no game except when there's a controller in my hand. (not a helpful skill)

How do I be smooth? And remember...this is SERIOUS.

First off, stop talking yourself down. Don't talk yourself down. No one respects that. Not even people who legitimately hate you. It's gross, actually.

Charisma (for any any reason) isn't just something you can conjure up at a whim, it takes practice and self confidence through personal growth. Before you even begin to think about anything else you need to attain self discipline. The best way of achieving that is by actually getting physically fit. Dieting, exercising, going to bed at a respectable time and just generally looking after yourself. Once you do that you can start working on bigger goals. And if it isn't obvious hygiene doesn't just mean cleaniness but being well groomed.

You need to learn to crawl, walk, then run because dating is a Marathon. That means you need to love and respect yourself before you can give your love to someone else. That actually takes practice, self discipline and a mindset that is dedicated to achieving personal growth. And your first hurdle is attaining a respectable level of physical fitness and self care.

And, no, even if you're joking around far too many people actually post what you do unironically across social media. So I'm going to post seriously.
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Appreciate the guidance. Hopefully someone will post a guide on how to be THE WOMAN.
First off, stop talking yourself down. Don't talk yourself down. No one respects that.

Hi Yuri. Thank you. I am glad you posted seriously. You don't mess around lol and a little tough love and honesty is sometimes just what the doctor ordered.

Like I said before I don't think I'm fooling anyone here, despite my efforts. Tbh I found myself a little aggravated at first with some of your points b/c it lacks the nuance to know where and when I am joking and what I was intending to gain from posting this thread but I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth either. You put some serious thought and sincerity into your response and you didn't have to. Respect.

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