Guilt Over Not Playing Games/Consoles I Own - Not Being Able to Enjoy Gaming

I 100% get you on this, i have quite a Few Consoles, that let's be honest may as well be in a Museum. they Collect dust, along with their Respective games <i do clean them weekly>
Most of my gaming anymore is on my Batocera system, but even that Rarely gets used <Real life and work ya know> so on the weekend if i'm not tinkering with some electronic. i play a little Street Fighter x Tekken, DOA5 ect. or Castlevania SOTN.

Sad thing is, i have 2500 Games <or more> on my Batocera system, and will never play 99% of them. they where only ever booted up, to ensure they work. Seems as i have gotten Older, i lose interest in a game Rather Quickly anymore. Just part of getting old i suppose XD

I mean to play Something, but end up Sidetracked with Some electronic Doodad that i want to Fix/Mod/Repair. Or reading Some what most would find, Incredibly Boring Retro Computer History or the like

You may be comparing yourself to try hard players that internet culture push to the forefront which tricks yourself into believing you must play as impressively as them for the activity to be worth your while. I'm sure that's more or less a common feeling as gaming turned into a competitive hobby for better or worse (regarding unnecessary toxicity)

You should remember your time with gaming is for your personal enjoyment alone. You shouldn't waste it with guilt especially when there's no one keeping count of your performance anyway.

Also a a lot of older titles whether to last longer or limitations were unreasonable in what they expected players to do with even worse penalties, even old gamers will tell you that. Have no shame in save scumming to get past those parts sooner, chances are many old gamers at the time would've loved that option.
Thank you, that’s great advice.
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Oh boy, until recently i could relate to that. I already owned a few old consoles and during covid i ended up gathering some more thinking it would be awesome to play master system games on a real master system, ps1 games on a real ps1, etc. I got those consoles, modded them with rgb or optical drive emulator in case of the ps1... And after all those things were done and i started trying to play the games i found myself missing the quality of life stuff we get playing on emulators, like save state, so i dont have to lose progress if i have to stop playing after 30 minutes. So those old consoles and games just sat there and i ended up feeling guilt and even pity for them (i know it sounds silly), but it made me feel kinda sad to seem them there unused...
Recently i found a nice middle ground and started to enjoy using them again. For example, its alot of fun to play Diablo 1 on the ps1, since i can save anywhere, but for example i have been playing gta 1 on a emulator, because i can use save state to keep my progress and unlock the levels. And also i dont feel the need to use them all the time, i just play what i feel like playing in the console thats "talking" to me at that moment, beeing retro console or my PS4, doesnt matter, as long as i enjoy what im playing the way im playing it, does it make sense?
Yes, I get you. Thanks for sharing.
My god…I'm speechless
That was a rollercoaster of a note, I kinda feel bad for you man

What I could do is hoping that you're doing better than before, stay strong and stay safe::bigboss
thnx! sorry that it would be quite difficult to give a quick synopsis of where I'm coming from in any accurate encapsulation.

with me, it feels like "either ride the steamroller or get run over by it" - bein hyper can make me more bold to bury my static, crippling complacency temporarily... but life is temporary anyway. tryin to take off running in life rather than painfully draggin my feet. these health issues reinforce the eradication of abject laziness out of my life n even though it's life-altering with no room for relaxation or minimum ways to rest or sleep (on OR off the meds) - life is meant to be lived - so this is maybe, when 'all is said and done', a blessing in disguise. or divine tough love. or somebody's got a voodoo doll of me lol
this hits home like crazy. I'm an older gamer who was messin with Texas Instruments (TI99-4a) n Commodore 64 in '83/'84 as the big crash happened (which somehow, I wasn't aware of until reading about it in the 90's) - I sampled Atari 2600 at a couple friends' house... had some enjoyment but the lack of depth n robotically-charming-but-still-toilet-graphx (though also no oft-ridiculous load times was a good thing) kinda left me wantin to go home n throw on a text adventure or RPG... I did hit the arcades like a madman (with a similar fervor as hittin the comic book stores - the 60's/70's comics I developed a lot of vocabulary from)

then NES came along, n since a few friends had it I decided to go with SMS. I regret a lil bit not continuing on with Commodore to its Amiga platform but the 8-bit n 16-bit console fever hit us like a tornado... always grabbed Sega stuff (havin a Sega CD was expensive but felt great to have in this otherworldy-way) first but was lucky enough to grab the Big N's consoles as well. but I grabbed a crap PC with 1200 baud modem (lol had 14.4 soon enough but... wow that thing was lethargic n already archaic). went on multi-com n other BBS' but soon got sick of ppl I couldn't relate to. when I put the Windows 3.11 sp 2 I discovered something that blew my mind - NES emulation (in DOS, courtesy Nesticle)

my reactions to 32-bit n on and the evolution of emus as it pertains to my life n the B&E that took my console collection magic away n then hard-drive crash outta nowhere - is a long n complicated story so I'll save that for another post - n get off this overlong preface n go into the topic.

fast-fwd a bit - for years I didn't have a lot of money to play with having rent, food, utilities n self-medicating party stuff (as I didn't have health-care n had/have increasingly severe disorders) draining me financially so I stuck with emulation, M.U.G.E.N. (informally learned programming in C from it), and the very few PC games I had. I would basically stick with a similar routine everyday gaming-wise when not composing/arranging music. then hit the bottle n baggies - hung with the longtime 'real' friends but got stuck with fairweather 'drug friends' more often than the semi-stable circle of true friends that I am close buddies with to this very day. got health-care, then went to rehab n started on adderall, buproprion, risperdal, klonopin (later replaced by pregabalin). I had used ritalin from age 7 until age 12 where I just didn't want it anymore (for some reason I can't quite recall clearly)

ok, sorry bout that n if you're skimreading then you should probably skip to here. I got on legal/SSI disability n luckily I was even given the backpay dating back to 2011 when I first attempted to get it n got turned down... gfs in Vegas were draining a chunk of money then I moved to Albuquerque n had a gf right away here but soon... my MS n tardive dyskinesia started discouraging the social elements n so I now had tons of free time n extra money to amass a much more robust collection of games on Steam n had a huge inventory of ROMs n ISOs. an issue started creeping in - a powerful, virtual wall of indecision. even medicated I had a problem where I would sample games n then save & quit or just quit or wutevR. as if the games were a mere novelty - bells n whistles of catchin up with the consoles I missed or indulging nostalgia firing up games from back in the day. this began to bother me n yes a growing guilt was definitely a part of this plaguing self-imposed-but-uncontrollable nightmare. it started to depress n piss me off in tandem n tried to remind myself this shit is just leisure n to chill on the autistic perfectionism. after comin back from the hospital after a dystonia episode less than a year ago - I started experiencing a seizing anxiety - partly over the under-utilization of gaming experiences n a horrible proclivity towards cold objectivity. even backing off from games to embrace my other passions (such as obv, music) wouldn't take away this everpresent pressure to play games instead of letting them 'collect dust' I suppose in a digital sense equivalent.

sorry bout the long read, but I am the eye of this weird storm even as I type this. I often invent stuff to narrow choices n have a fun goal n limit the scope of gaming choices such as 'franchise attack!' or 'game genre binge!' n even got a new spiffy set of tabletop-RPG dice to help get past indecision. no matter how much I try to remind myself that these games are meant to create or enhance a good time, n you can only do so much blah blah etc. but gaming is a passion that won't die off so easily...

...and so I'm still fighting with my own mind (over not just gaming, to be clear) n somedays everything just flows n I play stuff on PC and/or SteamDeck n have an inspired, eclectic semi-binge. these days are far more the exception than the rule, however. some days I feel like I'm headin for a nervous breakdown over this shit. close friends are having similar issues on a much smaller scale, but enough to finally understand my ridiculous-sounding dilemma. sometimes I just pace the floor hoping to go sit down n lock into something but it can be like... tryin to put 2 magnets against each other. or facing 2 mirrors against each other as a way to explain the paradoxical brain-twisting confusion...

all I can say is hang in there n fight. doctors have provided me with 3 types of painpills to deal with my body from my neck to the bottom of my spine tryin to crush itself n the involuntary movements... such as my right hand being erroneous n unresponsive or accidentally headbutting things (one time I broke the glass of a painting on the wall from it hehe)- n it's still barely enough but I am more grateful, in some ways, than ever - giving me that extra drive to tough it out. the mental fight is arguably worse though, n too opaque to find a way through half of any given week - n that's only if it's a good week. I'm always comin up with stuff to try to lead me into gaming n accomplish fun goals that can potentially fulfill on a few lvls but somedays I just have to accept an arduous, nigh-torturous lost day n keep a dwindling reservoir of hope for the next day. you win some, you lose some - as with pretty much anything. rationalization won't stop this impenetrable obstacle n I'm hyperactive n my mother told me even as a small toddler I had to be doin something stimulating all day n night or I went nuts - lost in some mental limbo. that's who I am today - an overgrown, babyfaced child who needs to be productive with things related to inner passions n artistic ambitions - or I feel lost suddenly in this almost-unbearable cosmic loneliness of fucked n broken epinephrine activity. ok gotta stop here

the moral of this ABC Afterschool Special is changing it up, gettin some fresh air, comin up with 'fun' ways to jump into games, capitalization on any feeling of serendipity, or just pure willpower/stubbornness if all else fails. sorry for the TL;DR of this post (typical Prnzo faux pas) but even if my limited advice can't help you - I want you to understand that you are far from alone in your kind of struggle. too much of anything, even shit like love - is a double-edged sword n sometimes you need to be ready to be impaled in attempts to reach even a minor reward.
Thanks for sharing all of this, even the personal struggles.
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I 100% get you on this, i have quite a Few Consoles, that let's be honest may as well be in a Museum. they Collect dust, along with their Respective games <i do clean them weekly>
Most of my gaming anymore is on my Batocera system, but even that Rarely gets used <Real life and work ya know> so on the weekend if i'm not tinkering with some electronic. i play a little Street Fighter x Tekken, DOA5 ect. or Castlevania SOTN.

Sad thing is, i have 2500 Games <or more> on my Batocera system, and will never play 99% of them. they where only ever booted up, to ensure they work. Seems as i have gotten Older, i lose interest in a game Rather Quickly anymore. Just part of getting old i suppose XD

I mean to play Something, but end up Sidetracked with Some electronic Doodad that i want to Fix/Mod/Repair. Or reading Some what most would find, Incredibly Boring Retro Computer History or the like

View attachment 8628
Thanks for sharing.
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Thanks everyone for sharing. I think in my case a lot of the ps2 games I have, I got like over 20 years ago. So I’ve changed a lot since then. Some may still be good to keep if I have a child, etc. It would also take time to learn to be good at them again. That’s why I think it’s unfair to put pressure on myself.

I’m trying to think of the games like I think of the books I read and enjoy. I’m constantly checking out books from the library that I don’t own, because of many reasons. This has brought about a great love of reading and exploring many genres. I wouldn’t have gotten that if I stuck to the books I could own.

So playing these old games I suck at may be okay from time to time, but it’s also okay and may even be better at times to explore emulation more and go for games I might love and enjoy more.
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Variety in your hobbies is key imo. When I get sick of gaming, I change it up.

I too love reading and also am a huge film buff. I realized that I enjoy Games way more nowadays, when I take a break and come back to them.

And never feel obliged to play games. Those games you own, are going nowhere. Since I stopped caring about backlogs, my enjoyment also went up.
Variety in your hobbies is key imo. When I get sick of gaming, I change it up.

I too love reading and also am a huge film buff. I realized that I enjoy Games way more nowadays, when I take a break and come back to them.

And never feel obliged to play games. Those games you own, are going nowhere. Since I stopped caring about backlogs, my enjoyment also went up.
Thanks, that’s some good advice.
Something that helped me is that I stopped playing most of the newer games. I always ended up being disappointment or bored by newer games. Modern game design just isn't my thing.
I mostly just play the 4th through 7th generations now. The PS1 and PS2 are my favorites. I modded a PS2 and Gamecube last year and I play them on a CRT. I also setup a Raspberry Pi 3 b+ to emulate up to PS1 on a CRT through composite. I just ordered a Raspberry Pi 4 so that I can emulate Dreamcast and N64 too. I might try to find the original Xbox and mod that. I never owned one before.
Totally get it. Don't sweat using emulators. Hell, I've been going back through Tony Hawk 3, 4, THUG and THUG2 playing at 70% speed just to keep the challenge reasonable for somebody pushing 40, and there's no shame in abusing savestates either, if that's what keeps it fun. Also, PS3 softmodding seems more complicated than it is, and it's pretty forgiving in my experience. I guess functional PS3s are getting harder to come by though. At any rate, if your HDD ever crashes, maybe give it a shot.
Totally get it. Don't sweat using emulators. Hell, I've been going back through Tony Hawk 3, 4, THUG and THUG2 playing at 70% speed just to keep the challenge reasonable for somebody pushing 40, and there's no shame in abusing savestates either, if that's what keeps it fun. Also, PS3 softmodding seems more complicated than it is, and it's pretty forgiving in my experience. I guess functional PS3s are getting harder to come by though. At any rate, if your HDD ever crashes, maybe give it a shot.
Thanks!! I sometimes wish to just be able to customize the menus…like deleting all the unnecessary settings and apps it came with. And I also wish to be able to delete my trophy collection completely. I know this can’t be done without jail breaking it. It’s just annoying to be reminded that you suck at all of the games you own. 😅 And I traded in a lot of those games that have trophies for too. Trophies and achievements, in my eyes, keep me from being able to enjoy games if I focus on them. That, or it just destroys my self-confidence haha.
Think of it as practice not caring about stuff that doesn't really matter at the end of the day. I mean, in a couple billion years the sun is gonna turn red and swallow the Earth. What even is a video game? It's all good. If you believe in any kinda divine judgement, be it St Peter or the Assessors of Maat, I promise ain't nobody lookin' at PSN trophies.
we all die anyway in any era except for that Vampire guy Lou. bought him a wine bottle n he exclaimed "This Is Not BLOOD!" to which I replied "bro... they ran outta blood. next time. with coupon." so I hired the breakfast cereal monsters as my bodyguards cuz my promise was fulla shit n I needed to lay low...

would be cool if the afterlife were a cartoon. even a B&W cartoon. I'd purport the possibility of afterlife bein anime but that's gettin a lil greedy n greed on a grand scale of consequence is (arguably?) what ruined humanity

today I had a very extreme defective epinephrine jam but the anti-depressant I had layin around - Effexor/Venfaxaline took it away or flipped the switch/es almost magically. played some games with less mental over-awareness n bother than usual but the next day is always a new battle, sometimes 'from scratch' ughh but good luck n thank you for reinforcing my guess that others are tussling with similar symptoms n mentality of a mind's stressful-ass mine-field.
I relate whole heartedly. I am a collector so I have quite a few consoles and games, some consoles I have only turned on to verify their working order every once in a while.
I have been fighting with myself because I want to play games, and I continue to buy them, and enjoy buying them and trying to get the systems I am missing, and I have no excuse because I am disabled and don't drive so I sit at home and have ALL day to play if I wanted, but I also think thats the problem, that I am bored and can't enjoy the games.
Dude, it's a leisure hobby, not a job. You don't "need" to play game x or y. You don't have to feel pressure in any way. All there is to do is... to have fun. Just play what you feel like playing, be it an old game, a release, any online multiplayer slop or a comfort game. There are no wrong choices.

"But what if I don't play all the games I own?" There's nothing wrong with it;
"But what if I don't have fun?" Just pick another game;
"But-" no!

Trust me, once you go back to the mindset you had as a kid towards videogames, the guilt and regret all go away quickly

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