Got any MMORPG stories to share?


Breakfast Mod
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Oct 20, 2024
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Because I was always tied to a 56K modem (and also due to the fact that my PC couldn't run most of them), I largely steered clear of MMORPGs, but I distinctly recall reading epic posts about people's adventures (and misadventures) in the worlds of their favorite games, which all had a very unique feeling and an almost underlined passion -- you could tell those people were living the games they were playing.

Got any cool story or anecdote to share?
my first few months of RuneScape when I was very young, a guy with the username NiceGuy took me under his wing. He gave me items and helped me train. After a while he took me to the wilderness and killed me and took everything.

My first internet betrayal. Fuck you NiceGuy
FFXI , I've always wanted to defeat absolute virtue , so I joined a group. We prepared for quite some time because some members were a "bit" new. Long story short, the group broke down due to issues between some members. What pisses me off the most is that it wasn't even an in-game problem. What a shame... (I'll probably try again on horizonXI once I finish some stuff)
Not many epic stories, to be honest. I really love the game, but in the end, I found myself jumping from group to group, never really staying in one for too long (I mean, if you like playing RMs, then that's not really that surprising). dunno, probably a me thing.
(still wanna Yap about Toram Online again)
In my first year of toram I gotten myself into the laziest player who doesn't ever wanna do shits and begged for Spina(Currency) to waste smth out of and at that time I was naive and bold so why not i joined him, we were afk at plaza for begging, chatting, loosely unfit with the show-off, it lasted for hours to slog around with the guy who absolutely knows that he can't do without money cus the abomination of inflation are overpriced. As I was lil childish attitude (14) wanting to make friend he would disregard that won't even bother to explain it.

After some months passed I got somehow invited on a guild then I wanted to chat with guild admin, he helped to shares lot of things in my progression also talks about what they'd on latest activities. is was my initial experience,they're one of active guild I seen aside with japanese guilds.

Furthermore, I gained a little experience about my class then thought about how should i build gears and manage my weird skill tree.( There's was no copy-paste meta build so people actually copied via YouTube, forum etc or DIY build)
Also a bit Side Note, the 2010 was really the player friendly years and i happily to be chit chatting along with complimenting a lot on their gears. It was the friendliest place after all even the guild has their own little games at late night.

This was a Fashion contest and i had to left out cus they didn't thought I was attending the contest. The outfit I was wearing was a Santa Grab I, is one of the easily achievable gear that players used to owns. So I might as well watch the whole thing then get along them at about late night games section.
here is an interesting but not my proudest story:

the year is between 2006 and 2009 , the game is SEAL online
im male but i created a female healer character and a fake facebook profile using one of my female friend's picture

so to put it simply, i role played as female and got a bunch of stuff for free , for example i got a super shiny wings for free. shiny equipments mean higher upgrade level, e.g. +3 is just a sliver of shines while +9 is super shiny

luckily video call is not a thing that time , i can get away with just a bit of texting

There's so much to talk about when it comes to the early MMORPG days, the early days were really something special. People forget just how niche the scene was and how small the player base was for the very first MMORPGs, FFXI has already been mentioned but the tl;dr is that before WoW blew the scene up it was incredibly small even by the standards of the time. It sounds silly but back in the day there were plenty of people that thought the internet was more of a fad. Something for hobbyists that had too much time on their hands and not enough time spent in the sunlight.


I think really what captures the spirit of the time is not just the novelty of being able to interact with other people but the atittudes and the demeanour of the people playing MMORPGs. You're right when you say people used to live them, for a lot of nerds back in the day it was basically an alter ego and while it might be true today the people that played back then were so, so, so, different. These days it's not quite the same, the basement dwelling D&D nerd that's also a programmer has been replaced with a fairly normal, average person. It's hard to describe but the old players were incredibly eccentric and passionate.

People often don't understand that just having access to the internet let alone a home computer back then was a real luxury that the majority of normal people simply didn't have. It hadn't quite become adopted by the 'mainstream'. I'm not saying video games (and interactive media) weren't well on their way but there was a magnitude of difference. Normal people don't really interact with the medium the same way these people ever did and still don't. The closest you might find to that atmosphere nowadays is a Neverwinter Nights RP server or some kind of niche RP scene that's running a grognard game.


My first experience really was just how incredibly kind but also how incredibly high the community standards were. Back then, MMORPGs were quite limited and frankly games like Everquest, Ultima Online, FFXI expected you to suffer. They didn't have quest markers, or any real guidance. Information came from word of mouth. There was no data mining. Online help was limited to sites like gamefaqs and guides only came out much later on. There wasn't a thousand different articles written on day one by hack journalists regurgitating the meta. You had to learn from someone else and that was always other players!

I made a character called Momoro. A taru taru White Mage. And I had no idea what to do, the intro sequence which roughly points you in the direction you're meant to explore didn't play properly for me because my PC was a potato. I spent well over an hour shouting out in broken english trying to find someone to help before a hume Paladin called Maxwell and his Elvaan wife Aliashara found me outside the auction house. These were some of the few max level French speaking players. And frankly Western. Back then you couldn't pick a server, you were assigned one. And I got placed on one with a very heavy Japanese population with a very light but active English speaking one.


We spent about two hours just going over how to play the game. How to use abilities, how to target mobs, how to attack things, what this thing called auto-translate was that I wasn't using, a very good system that lets you speak phrases to anyone and they babied me. They gave me (in game currency) gil. They explained to me there was no handholding from the NPCs, that I needed to be nice and ask players for help if I wanted to get anywhere. And work together as a team! I couldn't afford to be rude because my reputation meant everything. When they eventually left, I got my 'quest', my signet and went to grinding.

Periodically, I remember Aliashara and Maxwell checking in on me in tells to see how my progress was going. Encouraging me, and promising that once I got to level 10 I could join their Linkshell (guild) as a social player. I did join, and even today, we're still talking. They're genuinely, sincerely, some of the closest friends I have despite a near twenty year age gap. We're family. The entire linkshell is eccentric, friendly, characters that wouldn't feel out of place from a manga. And it makes me sad that style of community no longer exists.


I know it's a trivial, boring rant, I guess my point is that you simply don't get interaction like that any more in MMORPGs. It's not just because MMORPGs are made differently - FFXI definitely demanded a strong community by the very design of the game, people were generally friendlier back then and MMORPGs (as well as the internet) were obviously more niche - but modern MMORPG players are so incredibly jaded, bratty and spoilt. So indifferent. So selfish. So entitled. They excel at apathy. Me, me, me, that's all they care about and I wouldn't mind but this meant to be a community orientated style of game, or at least it was.

They treat other players like a nuisance at best. Like they're ghosts from Dark Souls. An inconvenience they try to avoid because not only do they no longer have to rely on other players to accomplish their goals (and the novelty of socializing online is completely dead) but everything is trivial. It's an atomized community where the individual has no value. It's all so dehumanizing, and all for the sake of convenience for an audience that doesn't even seem to really want to play an MMORPG or even treat them like a chat room. And if they do, it's not in game chat it's on discord. In secluded bubbles, away from other players, in an echo chamber.


.. I'm not sure what I was really trying to convey. Just frustratrion I suppose, in persuit of money MMORPGs have forgotten what they were meant to be about. The end result is that all those unique player interactions and experiences have been streamlined out of them, so players can rush to the end game. Just so they can log in to auto queue in to a raid, with people they'll never see again or even speak too, or log in for 30 mins to complete a daily goal. And I don't begrudge people for valuing their time, I just wish the modern MMORPG formula didn't cater to people that have no interest in playing one.
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