Glitches that I found on Medal of Honor: European Assault


New Challenger
Jan 11, 2025
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I gonna make a thread dedicated to showcase the glitches that I found in this game. Pay attention that this is the ps2 version, so I dont know if you can replicated this glitches in the other console versions.

Anyway, I will start with this glitch that happens in the second stage (Raid on St.Nazaire
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Video of the glitch in action:
I will try to explain how to recreate this glitch, In the second stage, you need to set up a bomb in a fuel thank, but before that one of the soldier calls you waving his hand. If you approach him, you will trigger his script where he talks with you about what you have to do and then he leaves, but if instead of approach him, you backtrack where he is, he will stay in this amination like he wants to high five you
This glitch tends to happens on "Operation: V2 Silence".
Maybe it could happens in other stages, but I not sure
The npc clip on the train and then he got inside the floor. Glitches where the npcs clip to wall are pretty common, like on the "Operation: V2 Silence", since there are a lot of narrow corridors. A lot of times when you kill a enemy and the body hit on a wall, his body enter in the wall and keep bounced there until it despawn.
Here is a small glitch. In the "Climbing Mamayev Hill", the stage started by this guy giving you a speech before the War. When he finnish you are supposed to follow your allies, but if you decided to stay still. You will see that the guy that gave the speech dont go to War. Instead the little pussy keep walk around the place until he decided to vanish
While I didnt find this glitch, I will post this video on here since its on topic
This one is not really a glitch, but in the end of the "Mission to Rocherath", you can see that the developers got a bit lazy
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This is a glitch that appear on "farmhouse libration" stage. When the final objective, "Defend farm and destroy approaching tanks" started, I decided to had back to the start area. After the bridge, I noticed that what appeared to be an enemy NPC was standing still and not reacting when I shoot him. When I approach it, I noticed that it was a picture of a enemy that spawned.
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I think game glitches in general are an interesting topic that deserves its own megathread. You know, a place to share and discuss weird bugs, regardless of whether people found them online or on their own.

And as for you OP, those are some curious glitches. I remember playing MoH a ton as a kid but never really paid attention to this kind of stuff.
I think game glitches in general are an interesting topic that deserves its own megathread. You know, a place to share and discuss weird bugs, regardless of whether people found them online or on their own.
Agreed. If I may be so bold, it would probably be a good topic for the suggestions thread. I'm sure it would be voted in quickly.

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