Gaming = waste of time/life?

I think The key is moderation, like play as a reward after doing work/chores, some people prefer gaming instead Of going on a trip, it also depends of the person and life style, but You can develop skills playing games, learning stuff and all that, so I Say it it NOT a waste of time.
Hey, that's a cup full mentality no?
"Games my age don't provide value, or insight or change my world views." You never know!
I used to think the same, I tought I learned all I had to know about people and the nature of the world, but color me surprised when a simple saturday morning japanse kid's show taught me about the hopes and dreams that different people have and the lenghts each are willing to go through to acomplish them. Don't write something off just because you think it's a waste of time, you'll never know until you find out.
yeah ,you are right I'm just terribly depressed as of late lol
yeah ,you are right I'm just terribly depressed as of late lol
Drastic life changes might just be what you need, though. I'm working on that myself. It may not be necessary to eliminate video games completely, but playing them far less could be for the best if you invest your time in bettering your circumstances and your own self, and experience more interesting things. You may even find that you like games more when you play them less and are more selective about what you play (because you value your time), and more curious about genres you never tried, etc. (because new experiences are more rewarding).
Often times video games itch that craving for something beyond the ordinary experience. Honestly sometimes it's all I want to do time to time. Sometimes it feels like a waste of time, but that's really only anxiety speaking.

Bideo Gaems keep me goin man.
My end life is play to death and not to work till death.
Season 11 Friends GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm
If done healthily and mixed with other hobbies? Not at all
If done after attending responsabilities? Нет
If done to the point of an addiction? Now that is the point where too much of the good is bad

Also if you feel like a backlog is too long, declutter of those you actually don't want to play, and even if they feel as too much, never view a backlog as a list to do mandatorily, but as a "All you can eat" buffett, you are expected to play/eat what you can the most, but not to play/eat ALL of it, just play games you actually play or that may caugh your attention
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I hope I can one day say I've tired every game in at least one console library, and completed all of the ones I've really enjoyed. I wish that earned trophies/achievements could be exchanged for legal tender
Enjoying video games is no more or less a waste of time then enjoying any other form of media. Personally, I don't think it's ever a waste to engage with something you enjoy or are passionate about (within reason, of course), after all, what's the point of life if we don't live a little?
That's a weird way of looking at games.
So essentially, you "play" games for the memories? I play them because they're fun! I enjoy interacting with this digital world since many games are fantastical in nature and you can't do that irl. Of course if you look at games like memories to be remembered, all of your interactions with it will be sour, you are not playing the game, you are passing throught it, clinging on to glimpses of emotions felt. If you value the story above all else, then yeah you'll get a very small return for investing your time in it, don't get me wrong a good story can enhance an otherwise good game to great, but I mainly play them for the mechanics, so our priorities are a little different.
Maybe you should switch your gaming time with reading time, you'll get more out of it by the looks of it.
Sorry, I wasn't specific enough, let me rephrase: I have fun while playing games, as well reading a book. I'm considering fun as intrinsic in something I do for entertainment, otherwise I probably wouldn't do it if I don't need to.

So that part about the memories is more like a goal, something I would feel rewarded for, which has it's peak when I beat a game, end of campaign or something like this.

I liked the way you point that I'm "passing throught it, clinging on to glimpses of emotions felt" that's exactly it. To me is more like a movie that I and only I can make the story goes on, doing the decisions.

One example that someone mentioned, the use of tiktok can bring fun while using it'd infinite scroll, but so what? Fun just for fun is not that meaninful, is more about coping, sometimes we do those things like tiktok because we need to escape, we need to think about anything at all, just lay somewhere and scroll up to hours because we had a difficult day or something else.

Personally, I do think gaming has a better quality of entertainment than tiktok, but I also think that there are other things that have even better quality, and all of that are situational.

When I was playing games that I enjoyed simply by the mechanics, I did like playing it, but then from times to times I formulated questions like "so what?" and I felt empty, I'm heavily objective oriented.

I like to play jrpgs, some puzzles (which I also like to do in logic/puzzle books) and games that have wonderful or/and deep story overall. But as you said, I'm reading more and more and playing less and less, so I'm already doing this transition, which could be temporary or not.
Most things are a waste of time. I play video games to waste some time. That said, the older I get, the less time I have to waste. Trying to complete a 100+ RPG nowadays is nigh impossible. While I have more responsibilies now, days, weeks and months just fly by.
Everything in moderation. We aren't machines that can be useful 24/7. Pursue other things that are good for you and take care of important shit, then reward yourself with games so you feel less guilty. You can also expand your love of gaming into other pursuits to feel more productive. I've made gaming more enjoyable and less guilty feeling by turning it into a creative pursuit with content creation and article writing.
Really Depends on How you View Games in conjunction to your life I guess. For me, it makes me somewhat happy plus It's an interest I could bond over with family or strangers on the net so it has merit, to me at least.
Nope. Compared to real life where you need a licensee to do this activity, or being a certain age to do the other activity, video games had to do all sorts of those activities.

Even locations that I wish to go, but are too expensive. Video games show me what the actual locations look like and I get to experience them. Video games even help me make friends, solve puzzles, write reviews, and join adventures that the real world can't let me do.
No infact there's far bigger wastes of time that we do regularly like looking at social media constantly

With proper moderation gaming is perfectly fine, you need time to relax so you can handle life's day to day hardships alot better
i mean ANY MEDIA, IS a waste of time, watching movies is a waste of time, playing games is a waste of time, watching series/animes/tv shows/sitcoms, etc IT'S ALL A WASTE OF TIME, but i don't think that's bad is just what it is.

if that waste of time becomes a neccessity then it's bad, being unable to live the real world is what the real problem lies, but who knows, i live by creating wastes of time music, drawing, image editing, etc, i could be learning a new language, practical skills for my daily life, whatever, but i am here perpetuating this, KINDA FUNNY IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT, but nah i just think it's just a fact we are wasting time.
I don't often spend my time gaming, it's more the time I spend on the internet or watching TV.
Whether I play games or not, I always waste my days by doing nothing. I don't have a job, friends, a social life, nor I go outside. I'm baically a hikkikomori, although I leave my apartment once or twice a week.
I don't want to sound indiscreet, but what is it that leads you to spend your days this way?
For me, playing mostly relieved an absence of affection and attention from my parents, whom I nevertheless have always loved deeply. Somehow my family situation also affected me in my relationships with others, especially in the school environment.
Then things changed, new interests arose, new people who helped me reevaluate myself, recognize my limitations and some of my qualities. And it will be the same for you, I'm sure?

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