I recently began to have this feeling of animosity towards some games I used to play about 5 years ago. I used to love the Souls series to death, but after picking up Bloodborne again for a casual playthrough, I just couldn't get into it, the game was fine but it was just something intrinsically about its core mechanics that just stopped clicking with me, mind you after trying to fuck around with Bloodborne I wanted to try Lies of P, and the game blew me away! They share the same genre, but different executions of their core gameplay, and may I dare, their dificulty. I never felt like Lies of P gave me the short end of the stick, while Bloodborne had many non-sensical desing choices that left me questioning the game's quality.
This might be just me getting old and a little cynical, so I wanted to open this to discussion, is there any game that you were crazy for, but lost its magick once you got older?
This might be just me getting old and a little cynical, so I wanted to open this to discussion, is there any game that you were crazy for, but lost its magick once you got older?