Games you liked the second time around

I think the gameplay really is a major part of it - it definitely shares a lot of similiarities with Xenoblade, but it plays much more drily and has an even greater focus on automation than that series, which doesn't exactly have the greatest mass market appeal, I assume.

Another part would be the story - it doesn't really feature much inter-personal drama or character development for the cast (aside from Ashe and a couple scenes for the rest here and there) and is more concerned with the grand picture and political scheming between side characters.
(Again, my favourite part during the my second go-around. Especially since the game trusts the player to understand what's going on in the plot without spelling every little detail out over and over again.)

There's a reason Fran takes up most of the few callbacks to that game that tend to pop up online - she's the only thing approaching the kind of waifu character that people usually latch on to in the game.
Hell, even the ancient magical artifacts are framed more like WMDs in that game than the usual creeping influence of malign gods bent on world destruction. It doesn't present the way JRPGs usually present.

With all that said, the game is also just plain flawed - the pacing is godawful for example.

(Whoa, sorry about the wall of text - I need to teach myself how to be concise again...)

Nono, that was very infornative and fun to read
For me is Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.
HEAR ME OUT FIRST! The first time i bought the game i was a dumb league of legends enjoyer teenager, soo my 3ds was mainly used for Pokemon and Smash Bros. Fire emblem was the niche series i was into, i heard about MH but really struggle to comprehend it the first time.
Several years later, a friend of mine invited me to try Monster Hunter Rise
Then i fell in love with all the games, and when i revisited Monster Hunter 4U as a more experienced player (and with a more mature mentallity). I absolutely loved, easily my second favorite Monster Hunter.
Bravely Default. First time around the absolute slog that is the mid-way point of the game caused me to drop. Second time, powered through it and found that the game has one of the most unique endings of all time, really glad I gave it the time.
I didn't enjoy Super Metroid and Dark Souls the first time around. It only made sense i wouldn't have liked them though since i wasn't in the right state of mind, if that makes sense.

I first played Super Metroid when I was like 10 or 11 I think? It was on emulator and keyboard and the games was just too complex for my 10 year old mind and playing on keyboard didn't help. Then, Other M came out, and I liked it, and I thought it was easy enough for my 12 year-old brain, then I got Metroid Fusion on my 3DS form those 10 free GBA games they offered, and I loved it. Then I went back to Super Metroid with a controller (a usb adapter for my wii classic controller) and I LOVED it.

The same thing kinda happened with Dark Souls. I got a cracked copy on my crappy pc with a GT 730 and I played it with that same Wii classic controller adapter. The difficulty made me wanna pull my hair out and I somehow got to Anor Londo without know how to upgrade my Estus or kindle bonfires, and my stats all over the place and then I just gave up completely. A friend gave me tips on how to actually play the game and I later bought a copy on Steam with a new controller and fuckin' loved it again.

Both of these games are some my absolute favourites I've ever played, but I wouldn't have known that if I never game them a second chance.
If I have to think of one game from the top of my head it would be tactics ogre, I'm not really a big fan of tactical rpg and considering that tactics ogre is an actual proper tactical RPG it made it even harder for me to enjoy it so i gave up, until recently i decided to pick it up again and honestly I'm getting the hang of it.
the only tactical RPG that I really enjoyed is Disgaea since it's not that complicated and the whole mechanic of combo's made it fun.
wild arms 1 and 2
breatrh of fire 3 and 4
its hard the first time all the bosses and to find all optional bosses in wild arms game

breath of fire has hard bosses and you need to know which master to have to learn new skills
ýou need

but in the second playthrough you know what spells and skills you need
and what character to use agains bosses

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