Games that fizzled in your mind


Young Hero
Dec 4, 2024
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As a counterpart to RageBurner's Thread, wich games you loved, but eventually dropped or dropped without finishing it?
Diablo was one.

MDK was the other.

I'm still trying to play them both, but at some point they just stop being engaging to me.
Juvei Quest on Famicom, i loved it since it looked like a great alterative to Dragon Quest, i played it and...
Levelng up feels unbalanced since even if you spend a lot grinding, by the time you reach a new area you have to grind again, bosses are either too cheap o brain dead,, hazards that doesn't translate to a slow RPG (The FIRST dungeon already makes you time hole tiles without patterns) having to go thru 3 menus to open chest that are rigged to disable them (And they can SPRING REGARDLESS) oh, and to cvhoose a enemy to attack, you havve to do it BEFORE choosing the attack menu, you will be attacked by hordes that attack with AoE attacks constantly, but if you use them they fail frequently, the only reason i finished it was because my Sayian pride made me do it, but une of the final bosses require using a item to defeat, that, oh surprise, fails, and he hits like ten trucks, so good luck restarting if he kills the only cvharacter with the Macguffin required to defeat it, stick to Dragon Quest or if you are Cul Classic chaser, look for better obscure RPGs on NES, thrust me, they are more
Shadow Hearts on the PS2 is the stand out for me. Tried playing it at least twice, was enjoying it every time time, never finished it.
Ughhhhh every RTS I've ever played. I want to like them so much, and I've come close to finishing the base campaign in Starcraft before. Inevitably though, I hit my tolerance for micro-managing units not long after the intro missions. Maybe I just like building out my base and tech tree?

I do know that the first time I played the second or third mission of Starcraft, where you have a limited time to build up a base and fend off Zerg in the dead of night, was one of my favorite moments playing a game. It felt like defending the operation center in Aliens, only this time Bill Paxton Lives, Baby! Later missions or, god forbid, PvP? Like pulling teeth, I have to force myself to see it through.
Unicorn overlord was sick and I loved it but I never finished it. The amount of small scale trash fights to pad out the game was too much and it devalued the experience. Less is more for me in SPRGs. I still feel I got a great time out of it though
Unfortunately almost every game I play will get to that part where there's like a wall, an obstacle without any solutions to go through

That's why I'm grateful to have those videos that guide you, without them I couldn't even passed a few levels
I remembered a more recent One: Cathedral
When i saw it on a video called "And you thought you played hard Metrodivanias" Or something (I forgot the name) i told myself "Oh, hard Shovel Knight" (Yup, i am that good at Shovel Knight)

Downloaded it, played it... hard Shovel Knight it was... for the wrong reasons

1) Player feels stiff and unprecise in his moves, considering here enemies zoom on you this is bad
2) Drinks too much of classic games such as denying long range attacks aside your ammo
3) Way too precise platforming
4) If the levels' puzzles doesn't render you bald in frustration the bosses will
5) Moveset and arsenal feels void, no matter how much you advance, you only have four ammo for your gun and a basic swing, take it or leave it
6) it0s more of a Nitpick, but NPC's feel lackluster and flat compared to other Metroidvanias
but the worst must be the final boss, i never beat the game because he has a BS attack where even with max health and armor he kills you in 3-4 hits, it consists in a barrage of tackles, however the time between them is too short to make a dodge, as you can imagine, i called it quits and uninstalled

By the time the game came out also did Infernax, a WAY BETTER "Hard Shovel Knight" with charisma in player character and Npcs equally with more variety of gizmos and moves to toy around in the journey, but Cathedral... just... N O
Unicorn overlord was sick and I loved it but I never finished it. The amount of small scale trash fights to pad out the game was too much and it devalued the experience. Less is more for me in SPRGs. I still feel I got a great time out of it though
Ooof, I loved and finished the game but it definitely felt like they burned out creatively halfway through. Nothing after the elven campaign felt fresh, beast land units are a bit unique but don't fill any particular niche, angel island units are boring, full stop. No new mission types or interesting story twists there either, and you've had ample opportunity to level and build any team you want already, the endgame stuff is at the Colosseum, in the second kingdom. Most of the latter half I spent trying to build flavor teams, units that I figured should be the main characters taking back each land, like I was writing some war with multiple fronts in my head.
Ooof, I loved and finished the game but it definitely felt like they burned out creatively halfway through. Nothing after the elven campaign felt fresh, beast land units are a bit unique but don't fill any particular niche, angel island units are boring, full stop. No new mission types or interesting story twists there either, and you've had ample opportunity to level and build any team you want already, the endgame stuff is at the Colosseum, in the second kingdom. Most of the latter half I spent trying to build flavor teams, units that I figured should be the main characters taking back each land, like I was writing some war with multiple fronts in my head.
A totally valid way to play haha. I'll build teams in SRPGs with some kind of roleplay in mind.

But yeah I agree it ran out of steam even with all the fun endgame team building possibilities. If the game was way more consolidated, I'd probably have 3+ playthroughs already.
A totally valid way to play haha. I'll build teams in SRPGs with some kind of roleplay in mind.

But yeah I agree it ran out of steam even with all the fun endgame team building possibilities. If the game was way more consolidated, I'd probably have 3+ playthroughs already.
I do wonder if it would be better if the four later campaigns had been choices, mutually exclusive. Like, aid the elven queens or the young mountain king? Resist occupation with the beastfolk, or liberate the angels and their church?

Three areas to clear, instead of five, and different unlockable characters and classes depending which way you went. Maybe who you didn't help winds up coerced or ensorcelled to work against you in the final missions.
I do wonder if it would be better if the four later campaigns had been choices, mutually exclusive. Like, aid the elven queens or the young mountain king? Resist occupation with the beastfolk, or liberate the angels and their church?

Three areas to clear, instead of five, and different unlockable characters and classes depending which way you went. Maybe who you didn't help winds up coerced or ensorcelled to work against you in the final missions.
I think a route split is a fantastic idea and obviously lends itself to replayability. Merge some of the liberation missions too since some of them are so small it's ridiculous. I would pop Hastened Call on a few flying units and try to end it in a minute to get it over with.

I certainly respect vanillaware for what they made though and I had a good time. I would love to see their second attempt at it, but they do like to genre hop. I hope they try it again!
I think a route split is a fantastic idea and obviously lends itself to replayability. Merge some of the liberation missions too since some of them are so small it's ridiculous. I would pop Hastened Call on a few flying units and try to end it in a minute to get it over with.

I certainly respect vanillaware for what they made though and I had a good time. I would love to see their second attempt at it, but they do like to genre hop. I hope they try it again!
My kingdom for Unicorn Overlord 2: The Quickening.

(Vaguely worried about derailing the thread, brb making new post Unicorn Overlord: If I Did It)
I have to admit with some shame that most Tales games fall in this category for me. I love most of them, but very, very rarely have the drive to pull through and finish them.
Diablo was one.

MDK was the other.

I'm still trying to play them both, but at some point they just stop being engaging to me.
yeah! Diablo for me as well specifically D2, i used to play it every day! i was a notorious PvP troll XD
it was such a good game back in 2001-2021 but unfortunately that bus has been & gone
inevitably ruined by blizzard 🪦

MDK was quite fun imo, i remember that it was alot better than i expected at the time.
Haven't tried the sequel on dreamcast yet though as I've heard mixed reviews
and it looks like there is a talking dog character that will give me nightmares


There are many JRPGs I've tried that the story or gameplay was ok but didn't grab me and I didn't have the impetus to see them to the end. Any generic boy in a village start for me is usually starting on shaky ground as far as my ability to finish the game.

Side note: The vast majority of JRPGs would be improved by making them 10-15 hours shorter in my opinion.
What truly irritates me in most cases is excessive encounter rates, a problem most prevalent in older titles. Having exploration constantly interrupted every three steps isn't exactly ingratiating to any RPG, in my mind.

Over time, I began to value gameplay over story even in RPGs for the most part. Since battles will happen a lot, the system needs to either interesting or at the very least not get in the way.
Any generic boy in a village start for me is usually starting on shaky ground as far as my ability to finish the game.
I remember the first time I rolled my eyes at that, starting up Legend of Dragoon. I got so annoyed being able to tell every cliche was coming in advance, I never finished it.

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