Fuck the Zodiac


Oniric Yokai
Level 4
Dec 4, 2024
Reaction score
Wich Famiclone model you grew with?







7) Other

8) Actually i got the luck of having an actual NES
My first had some black rectangle that came with a gun, but I eventually bought one that was shaped like a megadrive (also came with a gyn) and a Number 5, it was red and came with a terrible port of angry birds, you could output it to a tv though)
I had the real deal and a PS1 shaped one as well
Aqoon is pretty I tell you

I have seen super arabian many times..

I really wish I saw this as a kid, my reaction wouldve been wild
I would have been scarred for life if I had seen this as a kid, hahaha.
Gotta love bootleg titles.
Hmmm... I played SMB2 on a friends ps1 once, it's possible that it was on that emulator. It probably was that moment that opened my mind to emulators inside consoles, because before I was like "Whaaaa? Mario on the Playstation? That doesn't make any se-"

Now in case of Imbnes, one of the reasons I have so fond memories of it is because I burned the CD myself ::biggrin you know what, I might do it again...
Hmmm... I played SMB2 on a friends ps1 once, it's possible that it was on that emulator. It probably was that moment that opened my mind to emulators inside consoles, because before I was like "Whaaaa? Mario on the Playstation? That doesn't make any se-"

Now in case of Imbnes, one of the reasons I have so fond memories of it is because I burned the CD myself ::biggrin you know what, I might do it again...
I kind of want to burn some CDs for my PS1 like the old days but wearing out the lens scares me.
I kind of want to burn some CDs for my PS1 like the old days but wearing out the lens scares me.

Thats how my play the ps1! They still sell replacement lenses on aliexpress and other sites its super easy to swap. Also if you never cleaned the lens a q-tip and rubbing alcohol has revived two of mine
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Polystation was a treasure.
I Had a Legit NES, and have never actually, to my Knowledge seen a Famiclone in person.

Tho as of late, i am looking for the PSX type one <for a project with it> yes i know i can Ebay/Ali one. but I'll find one in the Wild sometime or another.

Adverage IT.gif
Thats how my play the ps1! They still sell replacement lenses on aliexpress and other sites its super eastu to swap. Also if you never cleaned the lens a q-tip and rubbing alcohol has revived two of mine
I need to get me a replacement lens for my good ol PS1 and play King's Field till I fall asleep ::coffee

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