Finally a digital version of Digimon TCG announced!

Excited Friday GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
Please Bandai take all the notes you can from Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel. There doesn't exist a single other more F2P friendly client, nor is there a card game client as smooth, as good looking, as fast and as responsive and well done as MD. For all the shit I could give to YGO right now, Komoney did a good job with it. Please, whatever you do, do NOT use MTG Arena or Pokemon TCG Live as a basis for this... Or even worse... Heartstone and Runterra clients...
I can't be fucked with the mobile Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon TCGs, but this is straight up Gorse's alley and pulling right into the driveway. I've been in the mood for a new mobile game to play, too, and I think this is gonna be just what the doctor ordered.

In addition to agreeing with everything destinyduelist just said 100%, I would really hope that they include focus on the entirety of the Digimon series and its various sub-franchises, not just the recent stuff. I want to battle original-generation Agumon and 02 Flamedramon against those new Deviwomon cards drawn by hentai artists. I'd also quite appreciate a tablet or PC version that can cross-play with mobile devices (this is standard now, right?) so I can play the game on a nice big screen. Aside from that, just put all the polish you possibly can into the game, Bamco, and we'll get along just fine. Looking forward to this one!
Will definitely be reading up on the Gematsu article of Digimon Con on my break. Have to see what details were revealed and more info on the new Digimon anime and Digimon Stories game
Nice to see other Digimon fans around here.

I've never played the Digimon card game but I know it's quite popular right now. I really like Yugioh Master Duel, and I've been wanting to give Digimon a shot but there was no digital version available. I'm glad this is finally coming. I just hope it won't be disappointing like the Pokemon TCG app was. The actual website is up now. If you want to game in advance, there's a simulator that is up and functional and has been for a while.
No pre-reg campaign yet, but it looks like the plan is to follow Master Duel's lead, for better or worse. I'm more fond of games like Dear Days where you pay a single up front cost and maybe an extra one for later sets in a lump sum, rather than having to microtransaction your way to a deck, but the latter can be a lot more affordable for people with good luck or small amounts of disposable income. I'm hopeful they won't be insanely predatory like MD is, but as far as I know the power creep in Digimon TCG isn't at a YGO level yet (is anything?), so it shouldn't be too impossible to get a deck together.
Damn I know a friend who’ll go crazy over this

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