Final bosses appreciation thread

@Evaccaneer Doom as much as I love Miracle Matter too, I'm gonna disagree in case of Zero Two because I love it to death.


I love the aesthetic, I love the dark tone shift and the surreal, scary, melancholic music. Really feels like you're fighting with the personification of the darkness of this universe.

Kirby 64 is very good with atmosphere in general, usually it's a uplifting cute game but it can make you go through a roller coaster of vibes when it feels like.
Dream Team is pretty good in my opinion. But Paper Jam is pretty mid, and from what I heard Brothership isn't that great either.
I've actually been playing Brothership and I've been loving it. While I don't think it'll usurp Bowser's Inside Story for my favorite game in the series (That is a high bar to clear tbh), I love what I've played so far. (I'm at least... probably 3/4ths into the game at this point)

But to be on-topic, I want to say that my favorite final boss from any game I've played is
Sin of Odio
in the Live A Live remake. It's the context of the entire fight and what happens in it that really nails it for me.

I also do want to shout out Yami from Okami, especially the final phase of that fight. The Sun Rises is such a banger final boss theme imo.

Also, Kirby-wise, it's a very basic bitch-level take, but the Magolor and Magolor Soul fight in Return to Dream Land just hits everything I want in a good final boss. I do want to specially mention Star Dream from Planet Robobot and Fecto Elfilis from Forgotten Land, too, as well. Those were also very good boss fights.
Soul of Cinder is an amazing final boss that tests a little bit of everything, uses a little of everything, and calls back to the first Dark Souls in a beautifully tragic way.

Then they one up themselves by making Gael not only the true final boss of the game but of the series, and he's the best boss fight I've ever faced. You expect some super important figure, some horrifying force alluded to over the whole game or series... but he's just another undead, trying his best to achieve his single purpose. A lowly servant, willing to do anything for his lady... even consuming the Dark Soul.

But his humanity hasn't completely left him, and he has guided you to him... because he knows he will fail, but perhaps you will not.

Then adding his fighting style being the most direct Berserk reference in the series, feeling like you're fighting demon Guts. It's just the icing on the cake.
For Dream Team, you're completely missing out, for the others yeah that's about right
Dream Team is pretty good in my opinion.
Looks like I gotta try out Dream Team soon
I've actually been playing Brothership and I've been loving it. While I don't think it'll usurp Bowser's Inside Story for my favorite game in the series (That is a high bar to clear tbh), I love what I've played so far. (I'm at least... probably 3/4ths into the game at this point)
and look into Brotherhood
There are way too many, but from my recent memory.

I was the only one left standing (Notice my HP), my friends sacrificed themselves to call in Sumo from Turn A, we won, humanity is saved, it was glorious.
I have to use a thread like this to shout out The Conqueror from The Last Remnant, who is the only JRPG final boss I've ever seen who becomes exponentially stronger the more side quests you've completed and superbosses you've defeated so that he is always the toughest thing you fight in the entire game.
Dark Falz from PSO. From the Garden, to the final form, unforgettable experience playing online on the DC for the first time. You never forget it.
I'm wondering why some japanese game love to have a pretty garden for the final boss.

I really like the last form of Tageri from Ikaruga specifically because this one uses the homing attack that your ship had while also switching polarity (like your ship) which makes it a cool deadman's volleyball as well as an epic confrontation between two strong-willed persons


The Stone-Like is more like a survival challenge than a proper boss though.

Treasure has many other great final bosses.

Larry "Solo Wing Pixy" Foulke from Ace Combat Zero.
You literally end up with a joust with jets, need I say more?
Seriously, you end up fighting your previous wingman in a superplane after your new wingman got blown to pieces by your "buddy".
Mother games. Instead of attacking the enemy to death, you sang it to sleep, prayed with you heart, or did nothing to show kindness to your opponent.

Also, escape sequences. Metroid, Parasite Eve, Resident Evil give you that "It ain't over yet".
Giegue from Mother might be my favorite final boss in a game. The Mother series always asks you to use some form other than violence to deal with the final boss. I still think the way you deal with Giegue, by appealing to the humanity that had found its way into this inhuman creature, is one of my favorites.

Orgodemir from Dragon Quest VII is also a favorite final boss of mine. While he isn’t anything special necessarily on his own, I feel the themes of VII, and the fact that you’re more or less responsible for ‘creating’ the world again makes the fight with him very personal.

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