CRT shaders are an attempt to make things look they way they were supposed to look when played in a CRT screen but using a modern LCD.
CRT filters are the Achilles’ Heel of my argument, and you’ve made several good points, so let me be a bit clearer about my own position:
When playing a retro video game, I want
the ideal version of the original experience. I want to be playing a game like a rich man in the 90s would — on the best possible TV, with the best possible controls, seeing the best possible version of the original game. Scanlines and CRT filters, to me, look
cheap — they look like you’re playing on an authentic old TV, yes, but a crappy one that’s been running continuously for years and that needs you to fiddle with the antenna to watch a grainy version of
ALF. High-quality, clear-picture screens existed back then, too, but they were more expensive, so most people didn’t own one. Today, they’re not expensive at all, so I want to enjoy their benefits.
I think of it like watching a Blu-Ray of a movie — a 1080p, clear-as-day picture of
Project ALF wasn’t at all what it would look like to most people at the time, but it
is what the highest-quality, most expensive version of the movie looked like, and that’s what I want. Filters, to me, are like when they “upscale” the animation of old cartoons to make them “smoother” — they change the actual image, and, in my opinion,
always make them look uglier. We live in the future — I don’t have to accept a poor-quality video signal anymore, so I don’t want to. I want the highest-quality version of the original, unaltered game possible.
I don’t have any direct nostalgia for CRTs, because they were on their way out when I was young, and nobody I knew really used them. I
do remember the era of atrociously-upscaled, cropped, incorrectly-coloured video on pre-HD flatscreens, though, and I hated them. That’s what filters are to me: a cheap, erroneous version of the original video. I don’t judge people who use them — even CRT filters — but they’re not something I would ever even consider. If that makes me an elitist, then I guess I am one!