Favourite use of rain in a videogame?

There's a PS3 game called Rain where the whole gimmick is that you are only visible when you are standing under the rain. Like the name suggests the whole concept is centered around rain. It's a pretty good game (and short too).

Don't worry I got both movies. Snake owes his name to him.

I really like LA.
Hell yeah man. I legit only rewatched "Escape from New York" last night.
My third viewing and it never gets old. I hate how people I know see it as this joke lower tier 80s movie, I really consider the whole movie, message, theme an absolute masterpiece
I've been playing Shenmue on PS4 this week - I love it when I wake up to a rainy day in that game
I love the time loop from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The guy in the windmill teaches adult Link the Song of Storms (the rain song, of course), which some kid played years ago to mess up his windmill. Link then goes back in time and plays the song, messing up the windmill.

But in terms of music, here's a fun fact: the guitar sounds in Rainy Turtloid's theme are meant to mimic heavy rainfall. You'll notice it even more if you listen to the prototype beforehand, where it sounds like the rain slowed

Very different take on rain, but there's this segment of The Last of Us 2 where you're in the middle of a giant storm, with intense rain and giant waves battering the place you're sneaking into at the time - incredibly immersive and atmospheric.
Given the story context and what happens during that bit, I thought the way they used the weather in that segment was just *chef's kiss*. Horrifying, but *chef's kiss*.
Things spiral out of control at that point, with the storm reflecting everything falling apart.

Thinking about it, I'm kind of shocked that neither Thief nor Dishonored ever had a really good, spooky rainswept infiltration mission - or at least not one I can remember - seems like a perfect fit for an immersive sim to me. Atmosphere-wise, I mean.
Great pick, that moment in Last of us 2 actually stuck out to me too. As soon as you mentioned it my memory flooded back, very atmospheric vibes, felt like a special moment. Especially 'cuz I played it on the highest difficulty, so it was a welcome pace breaker after all that endless sneaking/fighting.
In Minish Cap when you get small the rain droplets are becoming like boulders striking you hard

In Phantasy Star Online I've always loved the rain effect and the soft fog that the Dreamcast versions had (I find Blue Burst a bit too "dry" compared to it):
PSO Forest 2 DC.png
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I, too, have always liked rain in video games. I always remember with pleasure the Washington Park mission of the first Syphon Filter not because it was my first experience of it, but more in terms of the feeling of it.
In this case the Eidetic team had done an incredible job, game play aside

I, too, have always liked rain in video games. I always remember with pleasure the Washington Park mission of the first Syphon Filter not because it was my first experience of it, but more in terms of the feeling of it.
In this case the Eidetic team had done an incredible job, game play aside

I like the style of the game but... why is the name so stupid?

I like the rain in gran turismo 7, it's simulated quite well and can make long races much more tactical and interesting. It also looks incredible in VR, it's nice to drive around on your own with the raindrops hitting your windscreen

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