Favorite gun in gaming?


Young Hero
Jan 8, 2025
Reaction score
Straight Outta Compton
Mine's a tossup between the H&K MK23 and Springfield Armories Operator M1911A1. Solid guns IRL; solid lethal weapons in Metal Gear. Not the best, but iconic.


What about y'all? What's your favorite gun?
I've never been much of a gun guy, but ever since 2021 when I started playing Call of Duty Warzone with some friends I started liking a combo that I do to this day, even tho it isn't meta anymore (to be honest it wasn't meta even when I was playing the game).

The combo is the M4 alongside the P90, those were the very first guns I max-leveled and I used them for pretty much my whole playtime in Warzone 2.0.
The original Doom shotgun is a pretty good one.
Hits hard. Loved that one. Always a good pick.
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The Angelic from Baroque purely because you roll up to an angel, the angel says take this shotgun and that's how the game starts
I'll have to play it, sounds awesome (and hilarious.)
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Always liked the P-90, M16, & MP5 in Call of Duty/Battlefield.
Also the Bolters from Warhammer 40k & the Railgun in Quake 3
Accuracy? What's Accuracy? I have a bunch of bullets.

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the classic ak-47 from csgo
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Aging Matt Damon GIF

fuck i remember this beauty, i feel old... and i'm only 23.
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To me it's the Super Shotgun from Doom II.

You can just feeeel it as it wrecks players on deathmatch.
There's a reason the term BOOMstick exists.

"Where did my fucking health go?"
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The Red9 from Resident Evil 4 is probably my top pick. What a satisfying gun!

If it counts, ROCKET LAWN CHAIR from the Metal Slug series, too.

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You might wonder why they don't just call it a double barrel shotgun. Because it's not just a double barrel shotgun. Because it's Super.
I respect your opinion solely because you like Hatsune Miku.

And yes. It's super.
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And Hand(Schizophrenia)
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Don't know how to explain it, but if you played Devil Daggers or Hyper Demon you know what i'm talking about
What are you talking about? It IS a gun. You're crazy.

Mental Illness Schizophrenia GIF

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I like shotguns in general. Simple, reliable, destructive. For a particular shotgun, that's a tough call.
Probably the SPAS-12.
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Ravenholm won't know what hit it.
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Bonus points going akimbo in MW2 for the double one-handed flip-cock.
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those are good for hunting raptors like on Jurassic park

i like the rail gun on quake
or the BFG :cool:
Turok had a pretty good shotgun. Loved that thing.
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I've never been much of a gun guy, but ever since 2021 when I started playing Call of Duty Warzone with some friends I started liking a combo that I do to this day, even tho it isn't meta anymore (to be honest it wasn't meta even when I was playing the game).

The combo is the M4 alongside the P90, those were the very first guns I max-leveled and I used them for pretty much my whole playtime in Warzone 2.0.View attachment 20820View attachment 20821
The M4. It's just a good gun.
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I've never been much of a gun guy, but ever since 2021 when I started playing Call of Duty Warzone with some friends I started liking a combo that I do to this day, even tho it isn't meta anymore (to be honest it wasn't meta even when I was playing the game).

The combo is the M4 alongside the P90, those were the very first guns I max-leveled and I used them for pretty much my whole playtime in Warzone 2.0.View attachment 20820View attachment 20821
Loved these two back when I played COD4 a ton, but the P90 will always be the RCP90 in my heart.
(Love your avatar btw)
Doom's (2016) Super Shotgun.

I managed to find it super early with a secret, and unless I needed range, I'd just run up to them demons and blast their faces off with this. I'd marry this gun for how good it is.

Metal Slug's shotgun is pretty close too.

I also love me rocket/grenade launchers. Especially with the latter, I just seem able to do trickshots like nothing, lol.

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