Favorite Bands that wear makeup/face paint or masks


Late Night Party Dude
Level 5
Sep 24, 2024
Reaction score
Yui Hirasawa's House
Bands that I like that wear face paint would be:


As of bands with masks that I like:


The entirety of black metal pretty much I suppose? I can't say I'm as much into the genre as I used to be but I still like to fire up a track or two when the mood strikes me.
@VampireLord1024 Eh Manson was fun when you where a "I HATE YOU" stage of your life. he's not really that great of a song writer tbh. i like some of his music. but meh
He should.
Marilyn Manson Point GIF
Used to be a big fan since Dope Show and his work helped me immensely through a tough couple of years but ever since the countless incredibly horrid abuse allegations have come to light I put his music and his person in the bin where they belong. I don’t know when he fully became the character he invented but after more than twenty years finding out an artist you love probably didn’t ever intend to speak for people like you but actually only wanted to groom people like you, is making me want to puke and I regret every penny I gave him. Before anyone gets at me "oh nothing‘s been proven in court": would you date him? Would you let your daughter date him? Yeah, didn’t think so.

Favorite mask wearing weirdos?
Well, the Residents of course

Mr Bungle also had a mask phase in the late 80s and early 90s that inspired bands like Slipknot

The Locust were also a freaking stupendous band.
Rip Gabe Serbian

Used to be a big fan since Dope Show and his work helped me immensely through a tough couple of years but ever since the countless incredibly horrid abuse allegations have come to light I put his music and his person in the bin where they belong. I don’t know when he fully became the character he invented but after more than twenty years finding out an artist you love probably didn’t ever intend to speak for people like you but actually only wanted to groom people like you, is making me want to puke and I regret every penny I gave him. Before anyone gets at me "oh nothing‘s been proven in court": would you date him? Would you let your daughter date him? Yeah, didn’t think so.
I haven't really seen what all what said about him but based on what you said it seems pretty bad.

I've never owned any of his albums just to clarify, I only listened to his music on YouTube.

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