Favorite AI fails?


Staff member
Writers Guild
Oct 20, 2024
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We all know that AI can be... interesting.

From enemies not realizing you are right in their lines of sight to friendly NPCs becoming a nuisance.

What are some of your favorite moments of AI stupidity that you have encountered?

I was personally really amused when I learned that all enemy planes would eventually crash after you had landed on Microprose's Dogfight: 80 Years Of Aerial Warfare.

For some reason the AI would keep circling the airfield, trying to take shots at you and taking a lot of damage by touching the surrounding structures until the damage was too much for it to handle or its aggressive maneuvering had made it kiss the ground. I have actually won tons of 5-on-1 "What If?" matches by simply heading to the airport as soon as the battle began.

(But enemy planes equipped with missiles occasionally get lucky and kill you even on the runway).

What about you?
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I remember playing Bioshock 1 remastered on very hard at 4 am and I was at the first fight against a Big Daddy. Obviously he was kicking my butt. Until he got stuck clashing against a wall and the only thing I did at the end was shooting him while he was attacking the wall.
early gen of Monster hunter can have some funny/annoying moments, like the monsters just standing, not even resting or exhausted... just kinda there

I guess melee had some interesting decision-making when put in lv9, like jumping out of the stage just to fail to come back (i kinda still happens, but on melee it is just really funny the failed distance).

Dino Crisis can also have the spinning raptors, but I think that it's more of a personal experience.
Call me crazy... but those raptors were spinning
The first one that always comes to mind is in Halo CE how if an Elite was next to a cliff you could throw a grenade on the other side of the Elite to have their AI tell them to dodge roll in the opposite direction, thus forcing them to fling themselves off said cliff.
In Skyrim a forsworn kept cautiously backing up for like 30 meters for some reason, taunting me the whole time, kept backing up right off a cliff side and fell, then a few seconds after I could still hear his voice from the bottom of the cliff. I watched him taunting me and backing up surprisingly he made it out of draw distance... great respect for this man I thought to myself.
Any fighting game where the cheating ass boss reacts perfectly ten games straight, and then walks into twenty-four jump kicks in a row for no reason.

-You've been listening to Yeet Fighter: How I Beat Literally Every Fighting Game Growing Up, a terrible podcast-
In any given Forza game, the AI tends to have some truly bizarre moments when having to negotiate complicated corners. They either brake early and hard and ruin everyone else's racing line or they take the corner too fast and veer off track like a ballistic missile. Always funny to see.
One of my favorites is when I'm playing Vice City Stories (PS2) and, sometimes, the cops just wouldn't care if I murder someone right in front of them.

Even greater is when they fall off their bikes and just... walk away. I have had that happen dozens of times and it never ceases to amuse.
In Ridge Racer PSP, you can hear tracks of the game in a menu but once you choose which song you want to hear, the game will show you a replay of a race with two cars. The car the the game focuses on will always crash in the first corner and will never get out of it: it will go in reverse, crash against the other wall, accelerate, crash against the first wall and repeat ad infinitum.
In Ridge Racer PSP, you can hear tracks of the game in a menu but once you choose which song you want to hear, the game will show you a replay of a race with two cars. The car the the game focuses on will always crash in the first corner and will never get out of it: it will go in reverse, crash against the other wall, accelerate, crash against the first wall and repeat ad infinitum.
Sounds like the replay system is borked there somehow.

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