Ever used the link cable?


Staff member
Writers Guild
Oct 20, 2024
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I gotta admit... I never knew anyone who had a Gameboy, but the idea of trading Pokemon (or even multiplaying on a portable devise) seemed incredibly cool to me.

Ever got to use the little cable?
I was planning on getting one for the GBA just to transfer my Chao from SADX to SA2B, since I play on PC now I'll likely never end up doing this.
I was there when the magic of the link cable was written into reality. Pokemon was a treat even when trading with yourself.
Oh for sure, I had an off brand purple one, would use it to play pokemon silver/gold with friends in school. One I always wanted to try out was the one for the PS1, being able to play C&C against each other would have blown our tiny minds.
I sure did, it was a great thing to use but I used it only really for Pokémon. I even had the transfer pack so I could play them on the N64

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