Do you prefer to play games alone or with others?

Do you prefer to play games alone or with other people?

  • Alone, single-player games

    Votes: 33 71.7%
  • Alone, multi-player-games

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • With people, single-player games

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • With people, multi-player games

    Votes: 7 15.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 6.5%

  • Total voters
I love both, but when playing FPS or fighting games with friends, I end up focusing too much on talking, which seriously weakens my performance.
I always felt DS multiplayer was more of a drop in/drop out option than something it was really designed for (given you can only summon players at specific places and need items to do so), but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
That’s mostly in DS1 though. In DS3 it’s a bit more free-for-all.
I used to play online games, brainwashed into thinking "Singleplayer games are dead." propaganda, thanks to live service trends, spreading since gen 7 consoles.

But now, almost exclusively singleplayer indie and retro. With only a few mainstream titles, which interested me, in the past decade.
Alone, always alone. Otherwise, with some friends in the same room like in the good old times.
I don't like playing with people I don't know, and I'm not that kidn of person who makes friends.
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I personally prefer to play alone with single-player games. I like immersing myself in the game for a nice little break from reality
Same. I do like multiplayer, buy if I am going to do multiplayer I prefer to do it with people who are in the same room as me. I don't like online games.
It just depends on the game and my mood. There are times when I want to play with people specifically, and times when I specifically want to play solo. Overall I definitely play more single-player video games, but that's also convenience. Some of my best memories with gaming are with people, though.

That said, literally ALL of my favorite games are either single-player only or very, very heavily lean towards single-player, so I'm sure that says something.
Mainly a single player guy myself. I tend to stress about my performance if I play online with randoms in a team game. Only way you get me to play ranked in a game is if it´s one on one.

Co-op and 1vs1 games are quite fun with friends though! Nothing beats the feeling of couple of dudes trying their best on Monster Hunter Rise or having the match of the century on the same couch playing Tekken with a good friend!
Single player here too. But in my defense, I have many many friends, but none of them is into gaming at all. My cousin sometimes comes to play Gran Turismo, but I would say that's once a year.

Basically everybody works, has a wife or children, that leaves me alone with my girlfriend (we don't have kids). Rarely I play with her, she doesn't like it so much, and if we play, also once or twice a year, it's probably a retro Mario, or something similar on the Switch. She's obviously also not really good, can manage 2 buttons but more is not really possible.

I used to go for years, like since PSX times until PS4 to my best friend regularly quite often during weekends to play FIFA or PES, but he's quite sick since some years and we don't unfortunately see each other anymore, he completely blocks any kind of contact and just stays home, even got sacked at work and is not working anymore.

I'm also single kid, so I'm used to be alone, plus I like it.

I'm still playing one multiplayer game, my guilty pleasure Rocket League, almost 2700 hours on the counter. In the beginning it was playing competitive, playing together with 2 friends, but now I only play rarely, mostly weekends in the late evening when I'm drunk and girlfriend is sitting in the garden and complains why I play that stupid game :LOL:
I chose ’Other’ because while I prefer single-player games, I got Bard as my Quantic Gamer Type, which makes 100% sense, because when it comes to multiplayer, I always play to have fun and interact with people, usually my real-life friends, but still. That’s why I like multiplayer games with a lot of chill-potential and ”beer games” like MMOs, party games, Sea of Thieves and Monster Hunter.

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my go to is singleplayer games, alone. but i play a lot of World of Warcraft classic and i love helping other people. Im making a guild so if anyone is intertested please DM me. The most important thing you need to know is that i most likely i should not be the guild master. Because ia mjust a Death knight player who doesnt know how to play any other class. So that makes my wish not to be guild master pretty self explanatory.
I chose ’Other’ because while I prefer single-player games, I got Bard as my Quantic Gamer Type, which makes 100% sense, because when it comes to multiplayer, I always play to have fun and interact with people, usually my real-life friends, but still. That’s why I like multiplayer games with a lot of chill-potential and ”beer games” like MMOs, party games, Sea of Thieves and Monster Hunter.

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Just took that test and I'm Architect/Slayer :->

Your primary (dominant) player type is the Architect, but you also lean towards a secondary player type, the Slayer.

Architects are solo gamers that enjoy planning, decision-making, and progression. They prefer slow-paced, relaxing gameplay where they can plan and build something grand and enduring.

Slayers want to be the heroic protagonists in a cinematic story. They are solo gamers who enjoy highly curated narratives and slower-paced gameplay. They see games as highly interactive action movies to be experienced.
I don't have the fastest internet right now so I've moreso focused on playing single player games. Given the amount of games I have on my shelves I should be set for years hehe
I like to do both.
But I am an extrovert, so I guess tend to lean more to multiplayer games.
Single player games are really nice though since I don't have to worry about people. They're kind of therapeutic that way.
Playing couch multiplayer and with strangers at barcades are fun. Playing online with cheaters, racists, nutty ideologues who think games are a platform to argue for their already disproven "utopia", and some 14-year old who shouldn't be legally allowed to own a microphone is not.

So outside of those two preferred situations, I prefer single player.
So I usually enjoy my cozy singleplayer stuff like VNs, horror games and RPGs. Tho lately I've been playing all kinds of multiplayer stuff since I enjoy idle chatting with people and hear random stuff from them! Maybe the solitude I dunnnoooo but I'm really social irl and online
Alone, single-player games. I used to play a lot of multi-player games, especially competetive ones. But these days I prefer to just unwind and enjoy a game at my own pace.
i prefer solo experiences as i use gaming as an escapist medium. if i am communicating with others i am not fully able to suspend my disbelief.

although not analagous, for me i feel like playing games is like reading books to a degree. extrapolate this to reading a book with other people. it is almost the exact opposite of what i want out of the medium.

its not a hard and fast rule, obviously not all games are like books to fully engage in.
but primarily, i do not play games to follow waypoints or incrementally level up for skins.
i play games as a total sensory means of escapism.

edit: this has made me think of a section from Zizek's Perverts Guide to Ideology (or cinema, icr).

He paints the picture of one being in a desert, or some other such natural landscape devoid of human touch. There is some kind of existential, 'ownership', you feel alone, but at the same time, a kind of nirvana like state. There is some intangible thing about being in and one with nature and outside of civilized society.

Then far off in the distance, you see an approaching figure. In this instant, the aforementioned feeling is completely dispelled. One's propensity for language, socializing, culture, all comes back shockingly within an instant.

This is what it feels like for me to play games with others. Obviously exaggerated for poetic/philosophical affect, but its kinda like that.
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I prefer Single Player more often than not in most games, as it often feels less chaotic. The exception are games explicitly designed with Multiplayer in mind, like Fighting Games and such.
I used to want nothing more than to play alone.

Nowadays, though? Not so much. For even if we aren't actively talking, there's an unspoken fulfillment out of sharing something like that.
I usually play games alone but if I play something multiplayer I prefer playing with them in person.
Mostly single player games but if it's online. I choose the people I play with to get better results.
I like PVE co-op games a lot. I still play Halo CE and Reach co-op with a few online buddies. Helldivers 2 too. Oh and Monster Hunter, can't forget that.

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