Do you go for anime or manga first?

I’m a speed reader so I prefer manga, unless the anime doesn’t originate from a manga ( I.E Lain )

I just don’t like spending a month or so watching an anime when I can finish it in a week.
Honestly, I just dislike the people saying "the book/the manga was better" each time there's an adaption, even a good one.

It's just getting annoying even if I believe that Akira, while being a great movie, had a rushed plot that felt unfinished, especially in the ending.
Usually manga. The art is a big selling point for me, and the quality of the art tends to go down in the anime and I don't want to miss out on anything, even if the scenes that are cut from the anime are just little gags or something
I start with the anime and if the story and characters are interesting enough I'll dive into the manga. Most of the time I've finished all of the episodes of the anime that have aired and jump to the manga to finish up. Only exception to that being Berserk in which I started with the manga first.
Depends on which i come across first.

I usually go to mangaread or something, and i'll read things that get my attention. I've read multiple mangas before they got an anime adaptation (and in the last few years, most of them are really faithful).

But i've also watched anime that i've never read the manga to, a lot of the isekai and dating sim related ones, 8th timeloop, love is difficult for mob background characters, etc. I also haven't read any Demon Slayer and yet there's now 5 seasons out (and only seen season 1, just before the train).

Though one that is currently coming out that i read in manga (when it was translated) was I'm a S class behemoth but my elf master thinks I'm a cat. Just too bad there's only so many chapters. Same with Skeleton who couldn't protect the dungeon, World with Cut & Paste, Arcane Sniper, Isekai harem in a dungeon, auto hunting with my clones, and a bunch of other manga.

And jumping among them gets exhausting... Especially when you're waiting for chapters to come out every few days...

Some manga.... goes in weird directions. and you just drop it. Or there's 400+ chapters and about 150 chapters it feels like it's kinda pointless to keep reading (solo leveling comes to mind) but would probably be better as an anime if they get to going past season 1.
Both. I usually watch the anime first, and then read the manga.
I'll watch the anime first, when the anime is only 1 or 2 seasons in I'll proceed to read the manga
For a very long time I was anime first as all of it is not native here and I did enjoy manga too, but in modern times with simulcasts, more easily streamable content, no shortage. Not to mention that not every manga gets an anime (vice versa as well, but not as much.) I primarily just read manga now. Also with localization drama too I really need to learn Japanese and drink from the source.
I go for an anime first. If I like it a lot, then maybe I'll read the manga too
It depends a lot on the work. There are mangas that I would love to have an anime [like Franken Fran or Nurse Hitomi Monster Infirmary] but since they don't have one, I have to settle with the manga [like in the cases mentioned] and other times, I have to read the manga if the anime is too short, like in the case of "My Wife Has No Feelings" whose anime I am enjoying a lot and with only 12 episodes I am going to have to read the manga since I am sure that many things have not been animated ::biggrin
Anime, unless it's a REALLY half-assed adaptation of great material like Uzumaki. I can't read and I probably would've waited for Part 8 to get animated if it wasn't colored, which would've been a horrible idea cuz that shit wouldn't have come out for at least eight years. Very much enjoyed my time with it, though.
Anime then Manga. I watch anime for the characters and adventures then read the Manga that have the missing chapters/ and characters having more adventures.
Manga. Although it used to be the other way around. I can read manga at my leisure and it's easier to go back to pages I read too quickly or want to review.
Typically I watch the Anime first. Not because I don't wanna read the Manga, but because I'm a dad of 3 taking care of my family and just don't have the time to read like I would like to. When I was working at gamestop it was perfect. A lot of down time. Read my manga/comic then,but not when I'm home, and now my job requires me to constantly be on the move. Yeah, just not all the easy.

Anime I usually throw on when I'm working on something in my work room. Which also means constantly watching dubbed. That's a whole debate on it's own though.
Manga. No fillers, author's original vision without the studio getting cute with it, and most often than not, the complete product, where the anime of that same series may just end after season 1, or 2, where the book isn't even completed yet.
All of this. I would add that reading manga helps with pace and usually eats up less of your time.
I prefer anime over manga, since manga are black&White and I prefer color over black&White.
I find black&white boring and I can watch anime on TV.

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