Think the title explains itself, which game did you like better on the N64, Diddy Kong Racing or Mario Kart 64? I do feel like the answer will come down to which one you had as a kid, like I had Diddy Kong Racing and generally don't like Mario Kart 64 with it being probably at the bottom of my personal Mario Kart ratings with Double Dash being on top. So I do love the Mario Kart series as a whole, but 64 was a real low point in my opinion especially since I keep putting it up against Diddy Kong. Especially as a kid with Diddy Kong having a hub world, multiple missions, several vehicle types, and a story on top of your standard Kart features really gave kid me a lot to do besides wrecking my little brother in multiplayer. But boy did I wreck him, especially in the Ice Pyramid battle stage. So which of the 2 Kart racers would you choose if you could only have 1 of them? Think it's evident by now my pick is Diddy Kong.