ive got a weird appreciation for ports of games to hardware it REALLY shouldnt be on. you know, demakes! what are some demakes and backports you folks like? they can be both official and homebrew. ill start with a few of mine.
Rayman Advance is a real marvel of engineering, while also being one of the worst ports of any game ive ever played. it is really cool to see what is basically a PS1 game running on the GBA, but at the same time, like... come on, you could have done WAY better. they do this thing where, to fit some of the larger graphics on the cartridge, they halve the sprite's resolution, then scale it up using whatever the GBA's equivalent of mode 7 is, and it just looks disgusting. this is the same portable that was able to run an insanely impressive port of Street Fighter Alpha 3, and you're telling me they can't even be bothered to make a pause screen? geez. at the very least, it's a pretty funny port.
Doom on SNES gets a lot of attention, but i've always been more of a Quake woman. as such, Quake 64 has always grabbed my attention, and it's super interesting. it's, understandably, VERY hard to control that game with an N64 controller, but if you can somehow manage to wrangle the controls (and manage without quicksaves) it feels like a completely unique experience. there's a new soundtrack, since they either couldnt license the NIN ost, or just couldn't fit it on the cartridge, and i quite like it. the game also has fancy colored lighting, which adds a TON of atmosphere to an already pretty atmospheric game. my only problem with Q64 is, unfortunately, no 4 player death match, only 2 players. damn!
Hummer Team is a game company that specializes in unlicensed games, but unlike others of their kind they actually put an amount of effort into their work. most famously, they ported Sonic to the NES, plastered Mario onto it, and released it as Somari. one of their cooler projects, however, is a backport of Super Mario World for the Famicom. it doesn't handle the best, the audio is VERY shoddy, and the graphics leave a lot to be desired, but... come on, it's super mario world running on famicom! it's mad impressive despite its issues, and a really fascinating part of bootleg history.
Rayman Advance is a real marvel of engineering, while also being one of the worst ports of any game ive ever played. it is really cool to see what is basically a PS1 game running on the GBA, but at the same time, like... come on, you could have done WAY better. they do this thing where, to fit some of the larger graphics on the cartridge, they halve the sprite's resolution, then scale it up using whatever the GBA's equivalent of mode 7 is, and it just looks disgusting. this is the same portable that was able to run an insanely impressive port of Street Fighter Alpha 3, and you're telling me they can't even be bothered to make a pause screen? geez. at the very least, it's a pretty funny port.
Doom on SNES gets a lot of attention, but i've always been more of a Quake woman. as such, Quake 64 has always grabbed my attention, and it's super interesting. it's, understandably, VERY hard to control that game with an N64 controller, but if you can somehow manage to wrangle the controls (and manage without quicksaves) it feels like a completely unique experience. there's a new soundtrack, since they either couldnt license the NIN ost, or just couldn't fit it on the cartridge, and i quite like it. the game also has fancy colored lighting, which adds a TON of atmosphere to an already pretty atmospheric game. my only problem with Q64 is, unfortunately, no 4 player death match, only 2 players. damn!
Hummer Team is a game company that specializes in unlicensed games, but unlike others of their kind they actually put an amount of effort into their work. most famously, they ported Sonic to the NES, plastered Mario onto it, and released it as Somari. one of their cooler projects, however, is a backport of Super Mario World for the Famicom. it doesn't handle the best, the audio is VERY shoddy, and the graphics leave a lot to be desired, but... come on, it's super mario world running on famicom! it's mad impressive despite its issues, and a really fascinating part of bootleg history.