Childhood games that you forgot, but you remembered it a long time after


New Challenger
Level 0
Feb 18, 2025
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Brazil :D
So recently i played Halo 3 for the first time ever (AWESOME GAME btw), but in the first level, one that takes place in a forest i remembered "Man, this reminds me of that Halo from the PSP" then i was like "HALO FROM THE PSP??", i did some diggind on the internet and found the "Halo from the PSP" was a Halo clone called N.O.V.A, and if i remember it correctly it was actually a good game (nostalgia can be kicking tho)

Do you have a story like this? Would love to hear it!

(screenshot of N.O.V.A in case you're curious)
Hmm...... Yeah! Intellivision's PONG!
For connoisseurs only.



Halo from the PSP" was a Halo clone called N.O.V.A,
Speaking of this title, I used to play it about ten years ago on my Nokia 301 keypad phone. And with only one hand, at that.

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There are still many games I still can't remember the title of but the one I recently did was this.
Battle Circuit - Used to play this a lot as a kid.

And while I'm at it, if anyone here knows about this game on the NES/Famicom please tell me what it was.
taken from my post on this thread
Can't recall the title but there was a side-view shmup we used to play on the Famicom where you're a plane collecting parts to be a robot and the boss was a robot dragon.
There are still many games I still can't remember the title of but the one I recently did was this.
Battle Circuit - Used to play this a lot as a kid.

And while I'm at it, if anyone here knows about this game on the NES/Famicom please tell me what it was.
taken from my post on this thread
I asked ChatGPT, and it said it's MagMax. I checked and watched a gameplay of it, and it fits your description.
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So recently i played Halo 3 for the first time ever (AWESOME GAME btw), but in the first level, one that takes place in a forest i remembered "Man, this reminds me of that Halo from the PSP" then i was like "HALO FROM THE PSP??", i did some diggind on the internet and found the "Halo from the PSP" was a Halo clone called N.O.V.A, and if i remember it correctly it was actually a good game (nostalgia can be kicking tho)

Do you have a story like this? Would love to hear it!

(screenshot of N.O.V.A in case you're curious)
View attachment 40946
I played this one! I wanted a shooter on psp since I didn't own home consoles, found this and it wasn't bad.
Right now I don't recall any game to answer your exact question, though :)

GripShift on the PSP. I couldn't remember it for a long time since my dad sold the PSP soon after he bought it, but I do remember playing the snow course in like 2008 or something. Man I was so little haha. (My older brother said we had that God of War game on the PSP but I honestly don't remember it that much though)
Captain Claw. I used to play it when I was a kid but eventually completely forgot about it. Then around 2 years ago suddenly I remembered it out of nowhere. I will never understand how our brain works lol

Astro Warrior was one I completely forgot existed.
I only remembered it when I was scanning though a video of all Master System games.
Lots of unlocked memories unlocked after hearing the intro jingle.

Polystation carts aside, i grew with a VCR that had NES games on it, most of them ranged from Mid to good when they weren't the usual you see on muticarts, but one i spent most of my time was a game aboout a little car that crashed on others to win, i could never figure what it was named, since the VCR makers removed the copyright and it was called "monster" on the menu, being japanese made identifying it harder, it wasn't until i saw it in a video abut all NES games that memories flooded, the game's name was Gekitotsu Yonku Battle, and it still holds today
Captain Silver for the Sega Master System. The Master System was my first game console growing up. Besides Wonder Boy III and Alex Kidd in Miracle World I don't really remember much of them at all. Every now and then I'll remember just one random game on the console I had and this was the most recent one. Not very good but one of my first games.

I played Time Killers once in a movie theater when I was a kid. Forgot about it for years until my aunt brought it up when I was well into my 20s.

Time Killers.png

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