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What is the best visual novel for Windows that you have played/read? Please don't mention the nukige genre which is disgusting and perverse, for depraved people. Take into consideration above all the plot, the bgms, the voice acting, the general atmospheres, the drawing style. Obviously some hentai scenes may be present here and there, but they usually have ancillary and insignificant value. As for me, I will nominate Fate Stay Night, in the translation of the legendary Mirror Moon, with graphic patch and voice acting from the ps2 version. Yu-No, with the voice patch from the Saturn version applied; Animamundi - Dark Alchemist; Remember11 and Ever17; Togainu no Chi; Saya no Uta. Regarding visual novels with gameplay, I prefer certain AliceSoft's tactical-rpg games: Sengoku Rance, Kichikuou Rance, Rance VI, Daibanchou. Finally Utawarerumono, Tears to Tiara and Eternal Aselia. Others I will name later, as I remember them. And yours?