3DS Best games to get for a modded 3DS?


Dragon Slayer
Level 2
Dec 20, 2024
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The Nerve Tower
Any recommendations are appreciated, i've recently been playing the devil survivor duology and I've enjoyed them fine, but I'm looking for some more games to play on this thing, so let me know if any of you have recommendations!

I'm open to older titles and emulation on this thing as well so i'd love to hear any ideas, thank you.
Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology is a must.

Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns, is more if you want a chill game to relax with.
i was actually looking at the box art of radiant historia earlier and thought it looked so rad, though the look of the combat dropped me off a bit, but half the 3ds library is rpgs tbf so i'll give them a shot, thank you!
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Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates, Fantasy Life, Pokemon XY and USUM, Ace Attorney Trilogy, Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice.
i've always wanted to get into ace attorney just never found it in me to read all that text cuz of my adhd, but i'll have to steel my resolve and take the plunge now, thank you lmao

I've actually been playing through the pokemon games randomized on real hardware, it feels a little sureal since i've been so accustomed to emulators lol
As a Megaten fan I was gonna say check out some of the other games in the series on the 3DS since you said you've been playing Devil Survivor.

Since it's Nintendo you of course should check out Mario, Zelda, Kirby, pokemon and fire emblem.

If you are alright with dungeon crawlers, you can get most of the Etrian Odyssey series on the 3DS
As a Megaten fan I was gonna say check out some of the other games in the series on the 3DS since you said you've been playing Devil Survivor.

Since it's Nintendo you of course should check out Mario, Zelda, Kirby, pokemon and fire emblem.

If you are alright with dungeon crawlers, you can get most of the Etrian Odyssey series on the 3DS
im actually downloading SMT IV rn, i just looked up what Etrian odyssey is and im surprised i've never heard of it, i was iffy on the persona Q games which seem similar but i'll give it a shot regardless since dungeon crawling is my bread and butter, thanks!
  • Dragon Quest VII & VIII (Music Hack): The former is a much-improved version of the original, fixing several issues with it and making it an overall more enjoyable experience. The latter is a big QoL improvement for an already great game (but get the music hack, as the default downgraded the music because the composer is a jerk).
  • Ultimate NES Remix: A fun little retro game challenge that NES fans will love.
  • Crimsom Shroud: I adore the fact that this game is very loyal to the tabletop RPGs it is based on, to the point of all characters being figurines.
  • Etrian Odyssey IV & Untold: This series was made for DS-style portables so you can literally draw the maps.
  • Pushmo: A nice little puzzle game.
  • Namco X Capcom: If you are a fan of the companies, you might like it; otherwise, maybe not.
  • Legend of Kusakari: Silly little Zelda spoof.
  • SMT IV & Apocalypse: If you like SMT, these are good ones.
i've always wanted to get into ace attorney just never found it in me to read all that text cuz of my adhd, but i'll have to steel my resolve and take the plunge now, thank you lmao
Yeah its hard to start a VN game, but once you're locked in, youre in for a ride trust me ::dkapproves

I've actually been playing through the pokemon games randomized on real hardware, it feels a little sureal since i've been so accustomed to emulators lol

I know right, I still sometime forgot and press the r1 button (where I usually keybind my fast forward for emulators) whenever I play the game ::lol
Yeah its hard to start a VN game, but once you're locked in, youre in for a ride trust me ::dkapproves
I know for a fact i'll love the story, murder mystery stuff is always fun, plus the characters seem funny and are infectiously goofy at times, edgeworth seems like the most fun to me since hes so serious lol
I know right, I still sometime forgot and press the r1 button (where I usually keybind my fast forward for emulators) whenever I play the game ::lol
DUDE, after playing in an emulator so long, read hardware makes you realize how slow these games are, i never realized WHY i had so many hours as a kid on USUM but now i know man, games are just so SLOWWWW, if i could speed up on read hardware i would, but i enjoy real hardware cuz of the vibes lol
im actually downloading SMT IV rn, i just looked up what Etrian odyssey is and im surprised i've never heard of it, i was iffy on the persona Q games which seem similar but i'll give it a shot regardless since dungeon crawling is my bread and butter, thanks!
Nice, SMT IV was the first SMT game I played after I discovered them from playing Persona. I played both Persona Q games and suprisingly I put in just as many hours as the main Persona games. Personally, I liked the gameplay more in Q2 more than Q especially since I hadn't played many dungeon crawlers at the time.
I know for a fact i'll love the story, murder mystery stuff is always fun, plus the characters seem funny and are infectiously goofy at times, edgeworth seems like the most fun to me since hes so serious lol

Yes, Edgeworth best character for me. ::lol

You gotta check out the Investigations series after this, I'd say its top 5 in all of the Ace Attorney game for me, the case linked well with each other. The only one that beats it out for me is The Great Ace Attorney series, such a good game that one.

DUDE, after playing in an emulator so long, read hardware makes you realize how slow these games are, i never realized WHY i had so many hours as a kid on USUM but now i know man, games are just so SLOWWWW, if i could speed up on read hardware i would, but i enjoy real hardware cuz of the vibes lol
True, its hard to play without fast forward for older game nowadays for me as I'm busy with life now but still I too love the vibe and feel on playing with original hardware.
SMT4 is the peak of the system, but i will say that LBX is pretty cool and underrated. definitely play some yokai watch too, incredibly charming.
View attachment 37062
Yes, Edgeworth best character for me. ::lol

You gotta check out the Investigations series after this, I'd say its top 5 in all of the Ace Attorney game for me, the case linked well with each other. The only one that beats it out for me is The Great Ace Attorney series, such a good game that one.

True, its hard to play without fast forward for older game nowadays for me as I'm busy with life now but still I too love the vibe and feel on playing with original hardware.
where did you find the edgeworth gif?
English patched Monster Hunter XX if you don’t have the switch version.
Dragon Quest Monsters 2 remake which also has an English patch
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 3 Professional, the English version is hard to find but it’s out there.
Yokai Watch 3
Rune Factory 4
Kirby Planet Robobot, probably the best Kirby game ever made
Yoshi’s Woolly World
Zelda Majora’s Mask remake, Ocarina of Time remake and A Link Between Worlds

Seconding the Etrian Odyssey, Fire Emblem and SMT recommendations in this thread. The 3DS is probably my favorite console, there’s just so many good games on it that haven’t been ported anywhere else. Don’t forget you can inject GBA games to run natively on the console using New Super Ultimate Injector and play DS games using Twilight Menu. If you have a New 3DS the snes library is also available to you on the Nintendo made emulator which runs most snes games quite well in my experience.
Any recommendations are appreciated, i've recently been playing the devil survivor duology and I've enjoyed them fine, but I'm looking for some more games to play on this thing, so let me know if any of you have recommendations!

I'm open to older titles and emulation on this thing as well so i'd love to hear any ideas, thank you.
Well while you have Devil Survivor, might as well get the other SMTs. These are
-Shin Megami Tensei IV
-Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse (this is NOT a re-release like Atlus standard, this is a sequel)
-Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Redux
-Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers (only localisation of this game, the "sequel" really did this one dirty)

If you plan to also install DS, then get OG Strange Journey as well, there's exclusive content omitted from Redux. You don't need DS Devil Survivor 1 or 2.

On the Atlus streak also pick up

-Etrian Odyssey 4: Legends of the Titan
-Etrian Odyssey 5: Beyond the Myth
-Etrian Odyssey Untold (don't pick this one to play first if this is your first EO, it spoils a major plot event in the first 5 minutes. Pick up the HD remaster of the first game.)
-Etrian Odyssey Untold 2 (also don't pick this one to play first if this is your first EO, lot of...interesting mechanics unique to this version of the game. Again, play the HD remake of the second game.)
-Etrian Odyssey Nexus (DEFINITELY do not play this if this is your first EO, it's a fan service game and not a mainline entry. It's recommended to play the original trilogy and/or 4 as that's where it pulls from)
-Etrian Mystery Dungeon (it's a spinoff that I hear isn't very good, but I may as well acknowledge exists)
-Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2 (same as above, but hasn't been localized)
-Persona Q
-Persona Q2 (these are both Etrian Odyssey/Persona crossovers)

Now that we're done with the EOs, here's a few other 3DS Atlus games

-7th Dragon 2020 III: Code VFD (the other games before it weren't localized, but they were fan translated)
-Stella Glow
-The Alliance Alive
-The Legend of Legacy
-Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology (remaster of Radiant Historia on DS, I've played neither so I don't know for sure one's better, so maybe try both)
-Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars
-Code of Princess

Again if you're planning on DS games too:

-The Dark Spire
-Luminous Arc 1-3 (3rd game wasn't localized but fan translated)
-Etrian Odyssey 1-3 if you don't want to shell out around $100 to get all three remasters at the same time (which, understandable). Just know DS EO1 is kinda rough compared to future entries.
-Trauma Center
-Trauma Center 2: Under the Knife
-Deep Labyrinth
-Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja
-Izuna 2: The Unemployed Ninja Returns
-Master of the Monster Lair
-Nora and the Time Studio (unlocalised, fan translated)
-Drone Tactics
-Steal Princess
-Rondo of Swords

Now for the general Sega games

-Rhythm Thief
-Outrun 3D (not to be confused with 3D Outrun on Master System, adds a lot of new music)
-Shinobi (3DS)
-3D Puyo Puyo 2 (only official localisation of this game not counting whatever's on the Mini consoles)
-all the other 3D rereleases not listed, haven't tried them, I only excluded Outrun and Puyo Puyo for the differences

Alright, enough of SEGA.

-Pokemon X/Y (least favourite mainline Pokemon games but with ZA around the corner, now's a perfect time to play one of these, games are the same)
-Pokemon Sun/Moon and Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon (doesn't matter what you're picking, same game minus a few characters in the Ultra games)
-Fantasy Life (hidden gem that got a sequel announced in Fantasy Life i)
-Every Fire Emblem game (not gonna sugar coat it, they're all different)
-Bravely Default and Bravely Second
-Ever Oasis
-Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes
-Liberation Maiden
-Kid Icarus Uprising
-Smash 3DS (if you want to play an inferior Smash game that only has Smash Run going for it)
-Zero Time Dilemma and Virtue's Last Reward (sequels to the DS game 999, so play that first)
-Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn
-all M & L games, yes that includes Paper Jam
-Sonic Generations (this game is mid as fuck on 3DS but has exclusive levels and bosses not in any other version like Mushroom Hill, Casino Night, Water Palace and Tropical Resort so it's worth playing for only that)
-Dragon Quest 7 and 8 got remakes on 3DS, if you're going for DS as well, you effectively have 6 out of 11 Dragon Quest games which is pretty damn neat. Unfortunately, not only has DQX not left Japan but it's an MMO. It'll probably die before it comes overseas and no one's gonna translate a live service game
-Rhythm Heaven Megamix
-Samus Returns (was it worth taking AM2R out back, no. Is it a decent game still worth trying? Yes.)
-Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity (don't listen to the naysayers, this game is PEAK fiction)
-Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
-Yo Kai Watch's entire run was on 3DS (F)
-all Professor Layton games, including the Ace Attorney crossover as that has not been re-released
-Mario Kart 7
-Tales of the Abyss
-Culdcept Revolt
-Codename STEAM
-Pokemon Art Academy
-Star Fox 64 3D
-Karous: The Beast of Re Eden (was only localised in Europe, I think, information on shmups is infamously scarce)
-Kirby Battle Royale
-Scribblenauts Unlimited
-Scribblenauts Unmasked
-Spirit Camera (which is a Fatal Frame entry in disguise)
-Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
-The Adventure Time games (never played them but 2 of 3 have Jake Kaufman BANGERS)
-Mega Man Legacy Collection (you're probably thinking "why, this game is on modern consoles" but Legacy Collection 3DS is the OG one with save states, and it's portable, which is always novel for the super fighting robot MEGA MAN)
-Ridge Racer 3D
-Project X Zone 1 and 2
-Dragon Quest Monsters franchise
-RPGMaker FES (the ONLY time where a formal RPG Maker was console exclusive)
-River City: Tokyo Rumble (Didn't even know this existed till now)
-Mutant Mudds (hidden gem, makes REALLY good use of the background elements exclusive to the system)
-Kirby Triple Deluxe
-Kirby Planet Robobot (best Kirby game don't @ me)
-Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone!
-Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy (don't let the title fool you, it's a remake of Ace Combat 2. If you liked the music of AC2, you will be severely disappointed as they got rid of all of it. If you like the gameplay, you might like it)
-Puyo Puyo 20th Anniversary (but it's also on hella consoles so who cares)
-Mega Man Legends 3- nah I'm just messing with you, that doesn't exist

Took a while just to name 3DS games, so I'll stop there. There's a lot of DS games too since the 3DS is backwards compatible
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Some fan translations:

  • Time Travelers
  • EX Troopers
  • Puyo Puyo Chronicle
  • Beyond the Labyrinth
  • LovePlus
  • Nora and the Time Studio
  • Chousoujuu Mecha MG
  • Chibi-Robo! Clean Sweep
  • Soma Bringer
  • Metal Max 3
  • Jump Ultimate Stars
  • Nanashi no Game 1 and 2
  • Super Robot Taisen W
  • SaGa 3
  • Digimon Story: Lost Evolution
  • Game Center CX 2
  • Shiren the Wanderer DS2
  • Naruto RPG 2
This thread’s been super helpful because I just finished getting a Katsukity/Loopy modded 3DS not too long ago & I’m going to try to get as much mileage out of it as I can.

Looks like I'm a bit late to the party.

If you're playing the DS/3DS Pokémon games, I recommend downloading PKSM to transfer between Generations 1 through Gen 7, at the very least.

In terms of games, I will echo the same sentiment from the others here:

Dragon Quest VII and VIII
Fire Emblem
Kirby: Planet Robobot
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Ocarina of Time 3D
Majora's Mask 3D (with Restoration Mod)

I should also point out that 3DS can use Pretendo Network as a replacement for Nintendo's defunct online service.
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After updating my signature, I was reminded of a few more things I neglected to mention earlier!

I haven't gotten around to playing them myself yet, but you should at least download:

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (with Charm Table Patch)
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
Zelda Four Swords Anniversary Edition

Also, New 3DS models can play PS1 games (like Final Fantasy VII) if you'd want to play them on one. I also recall playing the older arcade Marvel vs Capcom titles on mine before the latest collection had released last year.
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