Beat'em ups.


New Challenger
Dec 2, 2024
Reaction score
Mushroom Kingdom
There were a ton a beat'em ups from the 80s and especially the 90s. What beat'em up games were your favorite growing up whether be from the arcades or on home consoles.
Unfortunately neither Amiga nor PC were really hotbeds for beat'em ups but I did play ungodly amounts of Golden Axe in my formative years. Another title would be Moonstone. As for Arcade, there weren't any in my local area. One time my parents took me with them on holiday to the other side of the country to see the beach for two weeks. The hotel we stayed in had one of the very few arcades I've ever seen in the flesh so to speak. They had two games: Street Fighter II and Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. Mom and Dad weren't receptive to the idea of spending money on Arcades (understandable in hindsight but I was not a happy camper about it at the time) so I was mostly stuck staring at the attract modes but C&D became the first game I ever played in MAME as soon as that became a possibility. These days my hunger for beating the snot out of baddies is more than satiated with the likes of Final Fight LNS, Streets of Rage Remake or Fight'N Rage.

Honorable mention goes out to Road Rash. I mean, you beat people up so it counts, right?
-Streets of Rage 2 is what comes to mind when I think of the best example of the genre. Not too short, not too long, a good variety of moves and you can play with a buddy.
-River City Ransom is pretty great as well and I know people seem split when it comes to that Scott Pilgrim game, but I thought it was pretty solid as well.
-The Batman game Konami did on SNES where you can grab a guy by the face and slam him down, that's pretty good too.
-There's another SNES game like this that I forget the name of, but you fight a lot of like... goop aliens? Anyway, one guy in that game has a sit-down powerbomb and that is super satisfying, just not enough to remember which game.
-The Sailor Moon game on Mega Drive has an elevator stage pretty early on, and every time you toss a guy out of it, the glass breaks. I like that too, though the rest of the game is just ok.

Would Sunsetriders count? I guess it's more of a run n gun. But that would be my pick for a Konami game from that era in arcades. It felt more fair that the licensed stuff they put out.
You already posted the GOAT. Streets of (fucking) Rage 2.
I played this so often that I wore off the label from my cartridge.

Honourable mentions go to:
Dungeon & Dragons, both Tower of Doom and Shadow over Mystara.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Hyperstone Heist.
Altered Beast.
X-Men 2: Clone Wars.
And the always-favoured Battletoads.
Plenty of childhood memories played above especially on arcade, here are my personal favorites:

-Die Hard Arcade
-King of Monsters 2
-The Combatribes
-Captain Commando
Beat 'em ups may well be my favorite genre of video game. My favorites are:
Streets of Rage Remake and 4
The Punisher
Cadillacs & Dinosaurs
Golden Axe series
Golden Axe Returns fan game (Open BOR)
Pocket Fighter Adventures (fOpen BOR)
Batman Returns SNES
Turtles in Time and Hyperstone Heist
Final Fight 1 and 3 are the best from the franchise, the latter specially with the FPS Improvement hack
Night Slashers
Knights of the Round
And the best of all time, specially from the retro era:
Violent Storm (play it)
Sengoku 2
Tekken 3 had a solid beat em up mini-game
Undercover Cop
Maximum Carnage
Mutation Nation
The Simpsons
Spider Man
TMNT Turtles in Time
Astro Boy Omega Factor
Streets of Rage 1
Final Fight
Ah, Beat 'em up's. Fun, accessible, extremely multiplayer friendly, and what a great name for a genre.

Beat 'Em Up, roll that around on your tongue, feels good, don't it?

The NES couldn't give an arcade experience, but I loved weirdos like Battletoads and Batman Returns.


It's the 90's bay-bee, the kids wanna see attitude, gruff, Bart Simpson dammit!

Later (at the hall of justice), the SNES and Genesis were flush with beat 'em ups, the peak of their popularity on home consoles. Probably, I don't have any numbers to prove it.


Childhood games had me ready for more goon punching than adult life really offers.

It's the big bad boys of the arcade that really got your fingers twitching, speakers blasting over each other while the sloppiest guy you've ever seen takes a nap behind a case of cheap ski-ball prizes.


You could stretch your parents loose change a lot further than light gun games, at least.

The late 90's onwards saw a decline, with consoles exploding in sales and people wanting longer experiences like RPG's to get more for their money. (A contentious statement, but that's a different topic.) Still, some gems stood out, bold and lustrous as the sea on the horizon.


Guardian Heroes made me a daily problem for the kid that lived on the corner.

From here I start getting a bit bogged down with genre semantics. For example, the 3D hack 'n slashers like Gut's Rage on the Dreamcast or the Musou games; I enjoy them for about the same reason as everything I placed here, do we still call them beat 'em ups? I don't really know. Same for the action titles that followed in the wake of Devil May Cry; action games with endless opponents, all of them gangster until you flash that AAAB combo they're never ready for.

There's been a resurgence lately, with the amazing Shredder's Revenge and Streets of Rage 4, the latter of which might be the greatest game in the genre's history. These neo-beat 'em ups are definitely part of the genre (I know it when I see it, like a supreme court justice giggling witha nudie mag), and I'm hoping they're just the forerunners for a new wave of games. Seriously, somebody get Capcom to make Final Fight: The New Blood.


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I'm so glad the Beat 'em Up genre seems to be coming back. Big part of my childhood.
For a long time, Scott Pilgrim seemed to be the genre's swan song and there werent any notable games (at least that I was aware of) for several years after that.

Now you have Streets of Rage 4, TMNT Shredder's Revenge, River City Girls, etc to carry the torch.
Streets of Rage 2 …. I used to reset the console and let the intro music play after we, my little brother and I were done playing
at the same time, it ruined any other beat em up for me for a LONG time man. Cause I just kept comparing everything to this game and nothing of course could match it. Nothing! It changed when I got to play Scott Pilgrim on PS3! I was like “finally a worthy beat em up”
Growing up, it was all about the original TMNT arcade game, Streets of Rage 2, golden axe 2 and Alien Vs Predator for me. Later down the line, guardian heroes was prob the last "retro" beat em up to really grab me. Thanks to emulation though, I have discovered one of my all time favourite beat em ups now in the form of Guardians! Or denjin Makai 2!

Then the Modern ones came along and most of the new ones really didn't grab me at all. Everyone gushed over castle crashers and Scott Pilgrim but they really didn't do anything for me.
The first modern one that did was Fight'n Rage. Streets of Rage 4 was wonderful as well.
Loved playing the Simpsons game whenever I went to the arcade. It still boggles my mind that it was never ported to any system, that show was a behemoth in the 90s.
Shredder's Revenge is my favorite!

I'm still waiting for Double Dragon Neon 2. That River City Girls 2 DLC didn't cut it ::unhappy

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