But wait did you actually play it? That has to be really the deep end of fps experiences though, wow.
SHOW HER GERMAN HALF LIFE LMAO. The freaking robots lol...though they did become a real enemy in some half life mods, like sven co-op comes to mind, these days that is a separate free game lol. I still used to play the mod version all the way to version 4.0 which was like a major overhaul.
SHOW HER GERMAN HALF LIFE LMAO. The freaking robots lol...though they did become a real enemy in some half life mods, like sven co-op comes to mind, these days that is a separate free game lol. I still used to play the mod version all the way to version 4.0 which was like a major overhaul.
lol well, it can get very bloody at parts so I suppose that's not the best...but if you tell her that the german version has robots instead of soldiers
A majority of the censorship edits dealt with removing the violence and gore in the games. Characters no longer bleed when injured, and they fade away when blown up rather than gib. The scientists and security guards do not collapse upon death. Instead, they calmly sit down on the floor and shake their head in disappointment when killed. The Marines were replaced with Robot Grunts and have their own unique lines delivered with robotic modulation. The death animation of the female assassin was altered so that her eyes remain covered by her night vision goggles rather than become visible after the goggles slide off. The assassin's breasts also do not bounce while walking. Barnacles vomit mechanical parts such as springs and cogs when killed due to the original human body part gibs being replaced. In the multiplayer portion of the game, the only available player model is Helmet. Despite all of these changes, corpses and blood decals already placed in the levels can be still be found throughout the campaign.
An alternate violence mode with different settings is also present. In this mode, human characters produce yellow blood splats and leave red blood decals behind. Gibbing is present, but human characters generate mechanical pieces due to the gibs replacement.
lol well, it can get very bloody at parts so I suppose that's not the best...but if you tell her that the german version has robots instead of soldiers
I do agree that he got harsh against Tom but his vision for Doom was too different from what the team wanted it to be.
And honestly if it wasn't for Carmack to decide to put less emphasis on story it may not have been one of the genre defining game that travelled the ages.
I think you missed out something as important as Quake for FPS. Sure, the original N64 build showed its age but on the XBLA or on emulator you could find something.
I do agree that he got harsh against Tom but his vision for Doom was too different from what the team wanted it to be.
And honestly if it wasn't for Carmack to decide to put less emphasis on story it may not have been one of the genre defining game that travelled the ages.
I think you missed out something as important as Quake for FPS. Sure, the original N64 build showed its age but on the XBLA or on emulator you could find something.
I doubt it, I mean they could have still polished the gameplay have it be a kickass game and still have more story elements in it. But as with everything, you might gain and lose some audience. Just like UT was geared more towards masses rather than Unreal.
I doubt it, I mean they could have still polished the gameplay have it be a kickass game and still have more story elements in it. But as with everything, you might gain and lose some audience. Just like UT was geared more towards masses rather than Unreal.
Yea that's still the beginning of the game before the office complex. But it features corpses/scientists getting killed/mutilated. If she saw that it might have scared her.
Currently spending countless hours on The Finals. I think it is my favorite multiplayer FPS since Titanfall 2, I am amazed at how polished and unique the game is! Favorite of all time is a tough ask. Probably Halo CE as its campaign is one of the more endlessly replayable ones for me and the multiplayer is still a blast despite how unforgiving it is.
It is a genre I will always love be it arena shooters, modern military games and everything in between.
I have always been primarily a console gamer, so my first steps into fps games were the psx ghost recon games though they were more like stealthy sniper games.
Over the years I have really enjoyed and been a fan of
Medal of Honor it just kind of fizzled out in the ps3/360 era.
The star wars battlefront games. The new ones are okay, but the old ones were just perfect.
Halo combat evolved and some of its sequels. I have played 5 and I just cannot bring myself to play anything bad they release anymore Microsoft found a golden egg laying goose when they found Halo Online and they shot themselves in the foot instead.
I have enjoyed some Call of Duty games, but its not worth the cost of losing Medal of Honor to me.
I really would like to see a return to realistic historical war fps games, but thats apparently never going to happen.
Oh, call me weird or anything! but i have only played 2 fps games! Return To Castle Wolfenstein and Mob Enforcer (aka Chicago Enforcer)
And i like the former better!
I love almost all of the classics and the so called Boomer Shooters. Doom, Quake, their peers and their modern throwback style games like Ultrakill, Dusk or Amid Evil. Just really love all of those. But what I really really want a new modern alternative for, is Unreal Tournament. I'll never forgive Epic Games for what they did to that series, trying to erase it as if it didn't build their company. Only now after the success of the Secret Level UT episode, that they publicly showed that they still remember, and officially admitted that the OldUnreal team has the rights to distribute the games as freeware.
@Nachzehrer Okay. I recommend you vkQuake because it is the most up-to-date QuakeSpasm fork. vkQuake has a mod browser, meaning you can load the mods below without using the console. No individual map browser though.
Big mods with many maps:
Other things I recommend are all the maps from Simon O' Callaghan. There are plenty in the Arcane Dimensions mod. The 3 big mods I listed above have hubs that lead to standalone maps, so you can play them at your own pace too.
Great list of recommendations! The Doom community gets a lot of attention for all the custom wads they made and still make, but the Quake community is just as active and creative and productive, making extremely cool and good new campaigns to play on the old game! It just has less people overall with their eyes on it. Also, again, shoutout to Dusk, who made their game open to modding and also have people working on custom levels for their engine! Which also accepts vanilla Quake and Half-Life maps too.
While the Build Engine is much more complex than id Tech 1 I think my biggest issue with Duke Nukem 3D and Build in general is that these games have too many hitscanners and you can easily get squished by the environment...
Oh, call me weird or anything! but i have only played 2 fps games! Return To Castle Wolfenstein and Mob Enforcer (aka Chicago Enforcer)
And i like the former better!
I never had RTCW but I played it often at a friend's place. Well..."often" might be a strong word. But umm...parts of it were really good, other parts not so much. It isn't like the original and is a bit of a mishmash of styles. One level designer that worked on Unreal (briefly before leaving the original team and working later on wheel of time instead) and the only released official expansion pack also worked on this.
While the Build Engine is much more complex than id Tech 1 I think my biggest issue with Duke Nukem 3D and Build in general is that these games have too many hitscanners and you can easily get squished by the environment...
The Build engine is a bit of a throw-together experimental thing, and sometimes the games reflect that more than should be seen, but there were so many bad build engine games too. I do have a soft spot for Shadow Warrior (and I was so happy when they released most of the developement versions) though despite it being seen often as racist or whatever, that wasn't really the intention though.
Actually Ken first published stuff via Epic and then went on his own and Apogee/3d realms. Both Ken and Tim were kind of 3d engine pioneers, in the more experimental/go your own way sense. For good or worse. Both the Build and Unreal engines aren't truly clean engines like some of Carmack's but they pulled a lot of unseen tricks before...
Build even more so with its portal approach.
Sorry I missed this reply in the amount of other replies. There were story focused games in 93 and shortly after that, including FPS that didn't get much shine. The story itself shouldn't take over gameplay though, but it also shouldn't have been left out. You can often tell the story by its environments. Several Doom mods that reuse alpha material show that it can in fact work just fine. Even that latest official addon legacy of rust, reuses some stuff like the chairs from doom developement versions...
And honestly it just makes it feel more like a real place, a real hangar with offices etc.
That is important to me. That same level ended up being a hellified version of itself in episode 3 (but it lacked atmosphere and purpose) and Romero had to make a new hangar map as e1m1 instead.
How can you say that "Unreal Tournament" was much more complete than Unreal?
In what sense? That it has more textures and material to go from? Well, to begin with UT contains all the files from Unreal minus music and maps. But all the sounds, game code and everything is there, that's why most Unreal maps will run and there are even singleplayer mods for UT. At one point they wanted a clean split but it was a smart decision to do it this way because that means more content...
Its still built on top of Unreal base, despite the BotPack weapons now all having new models and altered behavior.
Or if you mean that the multiplayer is more complete? UT by default lacks real singleplayer. The tournament ladder doesn't count and it was an afterthought originally to make it more like Mortal Kombat kind of thing. Yes it was already present in some form even in the "220" version that we don't have full, however it was still different.
I can only agree in a sense that it has more game types to choose from. But when it comes to gameplay, UT simplified a lot by removing the inventory system (technically still there but you don't see it on hud and all items auto-activate), not using many of the items (yet they needed to keep the scubagear for assault's oceanfloor as the map story required it and didn't make tournament version of that item, except it now annoyingly auto-activates upon pickup, while under unreal gametypes you can switch it on and off anytime and it auto activates when you submerge under water ANYWAYS so this just becomes annoying that it activates even when you are not underwater and it makes no sense). Assault in the first place was created to have a team-based singleplayer like objective experience. Some maps like Rook (missing in the 221 leak unfortunately) has on old screenshots skaarj statues and the 222 version has you start in a dungeon so it even had more story and was basically like a singleplayer map turned into multiplayer, some of the maps even explicitly started as singleplayer (both kaos galleon and frigate started from a map called triton that was postponed for expansion pack stuff and never released as such, frigate having the harbor part and galleon having something resembling the original pirate ship, this is where the pirates of nali land easter egg originates from).
So all in all, by removing the original inventory system and having it be more like Quake in its item use they didn't make it more complete in my eyes.
CONTINUED IN PART 2 later, my post has too many characters apparently...
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Part 2 continuation....jesus this took more characters than expected
Besides when UT shipped it seriously lacked player models. The Unreal ones were not avaiable suddenly (they are only via mods which put them under tournamentplayer, the original Unreal used a different player system that wasn't so client-oriented *), so you could only choose from four player models (plus xan as unlockable) and NOTHING ELSE until the bonuspacks or the console versions. Yes there were countless of skins but still, only four to five models to choose from. Two female characters (commando and soldier) and two male (also commando and soldier) and the Xan cyborg. He was later retconned into full robot while originally it was basically just a suit. Too bad. And originally he was even less robotic, his voice is used in the 221 intro of the game even though you don't see him.
Unreal had in contrast five human models to choose from and it would have been six if they didn't cut the oldest woman model in 1997, then also a multiplayer exclusive skaarj trooper model (and unlike the ut classes, he had a higher amount of health/different stats but also couldn't fit through some tight corridors/secret areas) and an extra player class in form of the nali player which was added to unreal since the 222 patch, ironically from the early UT (226 is the last official Unreal version). So that makes the amount of player models in the base game into SEVEN as opposed to FIVE in Unreal Tournament. Had it remained a standalone expansion pack, UT could have had SEVEN plus FIVE models when it shipped, now THAT'S more like it and that would have made it better in contrast to Quake 3. So if they didn't do that UT could have had 12 character models to choose from or even 13. The possibilities....
Bonuspack 1 brought back the nali skaarj and cows(lol), though in slightly different forms as the Nali were scaled back, skaarj were the new hybrid type and cows from the cut kill the cow gametype became the war cows.
Bonuspack 4 brought some mixture/taste of the playstation 2 characters though with some difference in skins. These days the full ps2 characters are avaiable in form of a mod, now updated thanks to the model sources having been leaked for the ps2 version so its even more accurate and not just ripped.
But if you count the base game plus the official packs (not counting the ps2 pack or the oldskool restored unreal models) then UT has ten player models. Eight if you count only the GOTY version as it doesn't have bonuspack 4 and those are the skeletal model format internally. (the internal game skeletal model support was actually first added for Unreal 2's developement, but later the PS2 version took full use of it and it was backported into the UT patches despite the Unreal 2 fork of the UT engine having it from the start in late 1999)
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Now, the gametypes. Unreal had in 1998
DeathMatch, Team Deathmatch, King of The Hill and DarkMatch plus CoopGame using singleplayer maps
Kill the Cow was also a thing that got fully cut only like a week or two before release
while UT shipped with
DeathMatchPlus (internally the plus thing signifies the tournament variant), TeamGamePlus, Capture the Flag, Domination, Assault, Last Man Standing
It also had a Command Control game that was never finished and cut early on (it didn't even get as far as kill the cow, but the point was that it was like domination but with a commander/spectator in the team issuing orders and there being warpzone gates that would switch to a new linked location and automated turrets and what not playing a large part in that). And it has an unused tournament darkmatch aka darkmatch plus....
And again domination assault capture the flag and last man standing would have been part of Unreal if it was released as an addon/tournament edition.
Return To Na Pali had four additional gametypes but they aren't worth talking about as they are mostly useless variants of deathmatch.
So Half-Life is too insane for her? Weird, it usually appeals to wider audiences, but whatever. Did she understand what its roughly about? An experiment gone wrong/aliens running over things?
I posted this still but the character limit didn't let me, this was part of the original post/explanation.
When you lay it out like this...how is UT really "more complete" then? yes the base gametypes are more varied but UT also lacks king of the hill and some of the other stuff, let alone it lacks coop game by default which was a big thing for Unreal and still is popular, arguably coop became more popular post-release.
(added asterisk part)
The client orientation I speak of is that UT in its release form featured a revamped tournamentplayer and tournamentweapon system that put the burden into the clients as opposed to servers for online play. While seen as a good optimization at the time, it can also have unintended results and players who get disconnected might on their end appear to be firing while on the server they are actually not, while on original Unreal you just couldn't shoot at all if you lagged out lol...
Oh goddamnit I can't even properly finish my post, it won't let me auto merge this either, kept complaining about the character limit and now I can't work around it...
Even though you are 15+ so shouldn't she respect that then? I mean the point of those ratings is/was that you can decide for yourself after you reach that age, before that, your parents should have a say in that or family and its part of their responsibility if they think you can handle that. But trying to limit you when you clearly are past that stage of life...that is stupid.
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